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stefounet / gist:2503608
Created April 26, 2012 22:15 — forked from vvo/gist:2488897
mem leak ?
http = require('http'),
extensions = ['com', 'ac', 'ad', 'ae', '', '', '', 'am', '', '', 'as', 'at', '', 'az', 'ba', '', 'be', 'bf', 'bg', '', 'bi', 'bj', '', '', '', 'bs', '', '', '', 'ca', '', 'cc', 'cd', 'cf', 'cat', 'cg', 'ch', 'ci', '', 'cl', 'cm', 'cn', '', '', '', 'cv', 'cz', 'de', 'dj', 'dk', 'dm', '', 'dz', '', 'ee', '', 'es', '', 'fi', '', 'fm', 'fr', 'ga', 'gd', 'ge', 'gf', 'gg', '', '', 'gl', 'gm', 'gp', 'gr', '', 'gy', '', 'hn', 'hr', 'ht', 'hu', '', 'iq', 'ie', '', 'im', '', 'io', 'is', 'it', 'je', '', 'jo', '', '', '', 'ki', 'kg', '', '', 'kz', 'la', '', '', 'li', 'lk', '', 'lt', 'lu', 'lv', '', '', 'md', 'me', 'mg', 'mk', 'ml', 'mn', 'ms', '', 'mu', 'mv', 'mw', '', '', '', '', 'ne', 'com
stefounet /
Created November 17, 2023 08:48 — forked from jakub-g/
async scripts, defer scripts, module scripts: explainer, comparison, and gotchas

<script> async, defer, async defer, module, nomodule, src, inline - the cheat sheet

With the addition of ES modules, there's now no fewer than 24 ways to load your JS code: (inline|not inline) x (defer|no defer) x (async|no async) x (type=text/javascript | type=module | nomodule) -- and each of them is subtly different.

This document is a comparison of various ways the <script> tags in HTML are processed depending on the attributes set.

If you ever wondered when to use inline <script async type="module"> and when <script nomodule defer src="...">, you're in the good place!

Note that this article is about <script>s inserted in the HTML; the behavior of <script>s inserted at runtime is slightly different - see Deep dive into the murky waters of script loading by Jake Archibald (2013)