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Last active November 10, 2016 09:57
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Set-SCOMMaintenanceMode extended version - Set Computer, Group or Windows Service in maintenance mode
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$ComputerName = "",
$ServiceName = "",
$GroupName = "",
$Minutes = 5,
$Reason = "PlannedOther",
$Comment = "",
##SANITY CHECK on script parameters
if (($ComputerName -eq "") -and ($GroupName -eq "")) {
Write-Host "The parameters -ComputerName and -GroupName cannot both be empty" -ForegroundColor Red
if (($ComputerName -ne "") -and ($GroupName -ne "")){
Write-Host "The parameters -ComputerName and -GroupName cannot both be set at the same time" -ForegroundColor Red
if (($ServiceName -ne "") -and ($ComputerName -eq "")){
Write-Host "When setting -ServiceName, -ComputerName must also be defined. Groups are not supported." -ForegroundColor Red
if ($Minutes -lt 5){
Write-Host "5 minutes is the smallest possible time for Maintenance Mode" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Verbose -Message ("Starting script with parameters -ComputerName `"{0}`" -ServiceName `"{1}`" -GroupName `"{2}`" -Verbose {3} -Minutes {4}" -f $ComputerName,$ServiceName,$GroupName,$Verbose,$Minutes)
## Create and instantiate SCOM object
If ((Get-Module).Name -eq "OperationsManager") {
} else {
$importResult = Import-Module -Name OperationsManager -PassThru
Write-Verbose -Message $importResult
if ($UseCredentials) {
$userCredentials = Get-Credential
$scomMGConnectionResult = New-SCOMManagementGroupConnection -ComputerName $ManagementServer -Credential $userCredentials -PassThru
} else {
$scomMGConnectionResult = New-SCOMManagementGroupConnection -ComputerName $ManagementServer -PassThru
# Clarification: $? is used to test if the last executed command was successful. Can be true or false
if (!$?) {Exit}
$scomMGConnection = Get-SCOMManagementGroupConnection
Write-Verbose ("Connected to Management Group {0} on {1} as {2}" -f $scomMGConnection.ManagementGroupName,$scomMGConnection.ManagementServerName,$scomMGConnection.UserName)
$omApi = New-Object -ComObject 'MOM.ScriptAPI'
# Get a list of management servers so we can avoid setting them into maintenance mode
$scomManagementServers = Get-SCOMManagementServer
# Define the "checkpoint" variable.
# If this is not $true, maintenance mode will not be enabled
$setMaintenanceMode = $true
$mmLogMessage = ""
## Set default MM target type to 0
# 0 = Skip
# 1 = Computer
# 2 = Service
# 3 = Group
$mmTargetType = 0
## Calculate end date in UTC
if($Stop -eq $false){
$mmEndDate = ((Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()).AddMinutes($Minutes+1)
} else {
$mmEndDate = ((Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()).AddMinutes(1)
Write-Verbose -Message "Setting Maintenance Mode end-time (UTC) to: $mmEndDate"
## If -ComputerName is set, get the computer object from SCOM
if ($ComputerName -ne "") {
$scomComputerClass = Get-SCOMClass -Name "Microsoft.Windows.Computer"
$scomComputerObject = Get-SCOMClassInstance -Class $scomComputerClass | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -eq $ComputerName}
if($ComputerName -ne $scomComputerObject.DisplayName){
Write-Host "Could not find a computer named $ComputerName" -ForegroundColor Red
} else {
# Setting the $ComputerName to the exact result from the management group.
$ComputerName = $scomComputerObject.DisplayName
Write-Verbose -Message "Found computer(s): $scomComputerObject"
$mmTargetType = 1
## Get windows service object, -ComputerName is implied.
# In fact, if -ServiceName was set and the script has gotten this far,
# -ComputerName has passed the checks too.
if ($ServiceName -ne "") {
switch ($ServiceName) {
"omsdk" {
Write-Host "omsdk, the SCOM Data Access Service, is critical for SCOM and should not be in maintenance mode" -ForegroundColor Red
"cshost" {
Write-Host "omsdk, the SCOM Configuration Service, is critical for SCOM and should not be in maintenance mode" -ForegroundColor Red
"healthservice" {
Write-Host "healthservice, the SCOM workflow service, is critical for SCOM and should not be in maintenance mode" -ForegroundColor Red
$scomNTServiceClass = Get-SCOMClass -Name "Microsoft.Windows.LocalService"
$scomNTService = Get-SCOMClassInstance -Class $scomNTServiceClass | Where{($_.Path -eq $ComputerName) -and ($_.Name -eq $ServiceName)}
if ($scomNTService.Count -lt 1) {
# No services found, exit script
Write-Host "Could not find a service named $ServiceName on $ComputerName" -ForegroundColor Red
} else {
Write-Verbose -Message "Found windows service(s): $scomNTService"
$mmTargetType = 2
## Get SCOM group
# If -ServiceName or -ComputerName has been specified,
# -GroupName will be "" or initial sanity checks will have exited script.
if ($GroupName -ne "") {
$scomGroup = Get-SCOMGroup | Where {$_.DisplayName -eq $GroupName}
if ($scomGroup.Count -lt 1) {
Write-Host "Could not find a group named $GroupName" -ForegroundColor Red
} else {
$GroupName = $scomGroup.DisplayName
Write-Verbose -Message "Found SCOM Group: $GroupName"
$mmTargetType = 3
## MM Target Type 1, a Computer
# Make sure target is not an OMMS
if ($mmTargetType -eq 1) {
foreach ($scomManagementServer in $scomManagementServers){
if ($scomManagementServer.PrincipalName -eq $ComputerName) {
# This is a management server, skip request
Write-Host "$ComputerName is a Management Server.`nSetting a management server in maintenance mode is bad." -ForegroundColor Red
} else {
Write-Verbose -Message "$ComputerName is not a Management Server and is a valid target for Maintenance Mode"
## Set the scom object(s) in maintenance mode
switch ($mmTargetType) {
1 {$mmTargets = $scomComputerObject}
2 {$mmTargets = $scomNTService}
3 {$mmTargets = $scomGroup}
$currentMaintenanceMode = "No Maintenance Mode set..."
foreach ($mmTarget in $mmTargets) {
Write-Verbose -Message "Checking for maintenance mode on $mmTarget"
if ($mmTarget.InMaintenanceMode -eq $true){
# Target is already in maintenance mode
if($Stop) {
# -Stop has been set, stop maintenance mode and finish the script.
$currentMaintenanceMode = $mmTarget.StopMaintenanceMode([DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime(),[Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common.TraversalDepth]::Recursive)
} else {
# -Stop command has not been issued
# Adjust current maintenance mode, if necessary, to match the new request
$currentMaintenanceMode = Get-SCOMMaintenanceMode -Instance $mmTarget
if ($Force) {
# -Force has been set, override current maintenance mode
$currentMaintenanceMode = Set-SCOMMaintenanceMode -MaintenanceModeEntry $currentMaintenanceMode -EndTime $mmEndDate -Reason $Reason -Comment $Comment -PassThru
} else {
if ((New-TimeSpan -Start $currentMaintenanceMode.ScheduledEndTime -End $mmEndDate).TotalMinutes -lt 0) {
# Current maintenance mode end time is later than the new one
Write-Verbose -Message "Target is already in Maintenance Mode that ends later than the current request.`nIf you want to enforce a change, re-run command with -Force"
$currentMaintenanceMode = "Already in maintenance mode"
} else {
# Current maintenance mode ends before requested one. Set new ScheduledEndTime to match the request.
Write-Verbose -Message "Setting $mmTarget in Maintenance Mode until $mmEndDate"
$currentMaintenanceMode = Set-SCOMMaintenanceMode -MaintenanceModeEntry $currentMaintenanceMode -EndTime $mmEndDate -Reason $Reason -Comment $Comment -PassThru
} else {
Write-Verbose -Message "Setting $mmTarget in Maintenance Mode until $mmEndDate"
$currentMaintenanceMode = Start-SCOMMaintenanceMode -Instance $mmTarget -EndTime $mmEndDate -Reason $Reason -Comment $Comment -PassThru
Write-Verbose -Message "Maintenance Mode set: $currentMaintenanceMode"
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