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Created July 22, 2010 13:47
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var HttpStatusCode = {
100: "continue",
101: "switchingProtocols",
200: "ok",
201: "created",
202: "accepted",
203: "nonAuthoritativeInformation",
204: "noContent",
205: "resetContent",
206: "partialContent",
300: "ambiguous",
301: "moved",
302: "redirect",
303: "redirectMethod",
304: "notModified",
305: "useProxy",
306: "unused",
307: "redirectKeepVerb",
400: "badRequest",
401: "unauthorized",
402: "paymentRequired",
403: "forbidden",
404: "notFound",
405: "methodNotAllowed",
406: "notAcceptable",
407: "proxyAuthenticationRequired",
408: "requestTimeout",
409: "conflict",
410: "gone",
411: "lengthRequired",
412: "preconditionFailed",
413: "requestEntityTooLarge",
414: "requestUriTooLong",
415: "unsupportedMediaType",
416: "requestedRangeNotSatisfiable",
417: "expectationFailed",
500: "internalServerError",
501: "notImplemented",
502: "badGateway",
503: "serviceUnavailable",
504: "gatewayTimeout",
505: "httpVersionNotSupported"
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