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Last active December 27, 2015 23:09
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  • Save steinbring/7404064 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save steinbring/7404064 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This very simple HTML + JavaScript app converts decimal numbers to unsigned binary and back again. It can handle values from 0 to 2^64/2. I mostly just did this because I was curious. I doubt it would have much value beyond a CS class or something.
Joe Steinbring
<title>Decimal to Binary Converter</title>
<h1>Convert between decimal and binary</h1>
<p>This is meant to convert unsigned base 2 numbers to base 10 and back again. The maximum number this app can handle is 2^64/2. Hopefully you don't need to worry about anything larger than that. This is written in JavaScript. Feel free to copy it. </p>
<form method="post">
<label for="numDecimal">Decimal</label>
<input name="numDecimal" type="text" size="25">
<label for="numBinary">Binary</label>
<input name="numBinary" type="text" size="25">
<button name="buttDecimalToBinary" type="button" onclick="this.form.numBinary.value = DecimalToBinary(this.form.numDecimal.value);">
Decimal To Binary
<button name="buttBinaryToDecimal" type="button" onclick="this.form.numDecimal.value = BinaryToDecimal(this.form.numBinary.value);">
Binary To Decimal
<script type="text/javascript">
function DecimalToBinary(DecimalValue){
var BinaryValue = '';
// Loop from 2^64/2 to 1
for (var i=64; i>=1; i--){
// Is 2^i/2 within DecimalValue?
if(DecimalValue >= Math.pow(2,i)/2){
// If so, add a 1 to BinaryValue and subtract 2^i/2 from DecimalValue
BinaryValue = BinaryValue+'1';
DecimalValue = DecimalValue - (Math.pow(2,i)/2);
else if(BinaryValue.indexOf("1") != -1){
// If not, add a 0, but only if there is already a 1 in the value
BinaryValue = BinaryValue+'0';
return BinaryValue;
function BinaryToDecimal(BinaryValue){
var DecimalValue = 0;
// Flip the character array (aka string) in order to make itterating over it easier
BinaryValue = BinaryValue.split("").reverse().join("");
// Loop over BinaryValue (from left to right)
for (var i=BinaryValue.length-1;i>=0;i--){
// Is there a 1 in the place?
if(BinaryValue[i] == '1'){
// If so, add 2^i/2 to DecimalValue
DecimalValue = DecimalValue + (Math.pow(2,i+1)/2);
return DecimalValue;
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