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Created February 6, 2014 05:21
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Pocket Joe 0.02 - This is a sample Android app that I created, to help teach myself PhoneGap. More info is available at:
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<h1>Pocket Joe</h1>
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So, who is Joe Steinbring? I currently live in Glendale, Wisconsin (a suburb of Milwaukee) and I work as an application developer at <a href="#stark" data-transition="pop">Starkmedia</a>.
I enjoy trap shooting, archery, and photography. If I am not experimenting with code, I am usually outdoors. I am a former employee of Philmont Scout Ranch and have always been fond of the outdoors.
I graduated in 2006 from UW-Milwaukee’s Lubar School of Business Administration with a BBA. In the spring of 2012, I graduated from Cardinal Stritch University’s College of Business Administration with an MBA.
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<p>This application was written as an experiment into what can be done with PhoneGap. I wrote it using HTML, jQuery Mobile, and PhoneGap Build.</p>
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<p>Starkmedia, located in the heart of Milwaukee's Historic Third Ward, is a web development shop that has been serving a wide variety of clients since its founding in 1996.</p>
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<script type="text/javascript">
function getRSSFeed(feed,list){
// Build the YQL query
var qryRSS = 'select * from rss where url='+'"'+feed+'"';
// Initiate the YQL query
// These are the settings for your API call
q: qryRSS,
format: "json"
// Take the data you got from the YQL server and output it to the screen. The variable "data" holds the JSON you got back from the YQL server.
function(data) {
// Just bother with the last 10 entries within the JSON feed
for (i=0; i<10; i++)
// Output the blog posts
var content = '<div data-role="collapsible"><h3>'+data.query.results.item[i].title+'</h3><p>'+data.query.results.item[i].encoded+'</p></div>';
$('#'+list).append( content ).collapsibleset( "refresh" );
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