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Last active November 17, 2020 01:45
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type round =
| Down
| Up
| Half_up
| Half_down
| Half_even
| Ceiling
| Floor
| Zero_five_up
type signal =
| Clamped
| Invalid_operation
| Conversion_syntax
| Div_by_zero
| Div_impossible
| Div_undefined
| Inexact
| Rounded
| Subnormal
| Overflow
| Underflow
| Insufficient_storage
| Invalid_context
| Lost_digits
type test_directive =
| Precision of int
| Rounding of round
| Max_exponent of int
| Min_exponent of int
| Clamp of bool
| Extended of bool
| Dec_test of string
type operation =
| Abs
| Add
| And
| Apply
| Canonical
| Class
| Compare
| Compare_sig
| Compare_total
| Compare_total_magnitude
| Copy
| Copy_abs
| Copy_negate
| Copy_sign
| Divide
| Divide_int
| Exp
| Fma
| Invert
| Logn
| Log10
| Logb
| Max
| Min
| Max_magnitude
| Min_magnitude
| Minus
| Multiply
| Next_minus
| Next_plus
| Next_toward
| Or
| Plus
| Power
| Quantize
| Reduce
| Remainder
| Remainder_near
| Rescale
| Rotate
| Same_quantum
| Scaleb
| Shift
| Square_root
| Subtract
| To_engineering_string
| To_integral_value
| To_integral_exact
| To_scientific_string
| Trim
| Xor
| Is_canonical
| Is_finite
| Is_infinite
| Is_normal
| Is_subnormal
| Is_zero
| Is_signed
| Is_NaN
| Is_quiet_NaN
| Is_signaling_NaN
type test_case =
{ test_id : string
; operation : operation
; operands : string list
; expected_result : string
; expected_signals : signal list
type test_line = Directive of test_directive | Test_case of test_case
open Angstrom
let ( let& ) = ( >>= )
let ws = skip_many (char ' ')
let ws1 = skip_many1 (char ' ')
let opt p = option None (p >>| fun res -> Some res)
let is_digit = function '0' .. '9' -> true | _ -> false
let skip_with p v = p >>| fun _ -> v
let sign = option '+' (char '+' <|> char '-')
let int =
lift2 ( ^ ) (sign >>| Char.escaped) (take_while1 is_digit) >>| int_of_string
let ident =
take_while1 (function
| 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '0' .. '9' | '_' ->
| _ ->
let comment = string "--" *> skip_while (( <> ) '\n')
let eol = ws *> opt comment *> opt (char '\r') *> char '\n'
(* FIXME *)
let number =
take_while1 (function
| 'a' .. 'z'
| 'A' .. 'Z'
| '0' .. '9'
| '#'
| '\''
| '"'
| '-'
| '>'
| '.'
| '_'
| '\\'
| ','
| '*'
| '+' ->
| _ ->
>>= function "->" -> fail "invalid number: ->" | n -> return n
let signal_name =
[ skip_with (string_ci "Clamped") Clamped
; skip_with (string_ci "Conversion_syntax") Conversion_syntax
; skip_with (string_ci "Division_by_zero") Div_by_zero
; skip_with (string_ci "Division_impossible") Div_impossible
; skip_with (string_ci "Division_undefined") Div_undefined
; skip_with (string_ci "Inexact") Inexact
; skip_with (string_ci "Insufficient_storage") Insufficient_storage
; skip_with (string_ci "Invalid_context") Invalid_context
; skip_with (string_ci "Invalid_operation") Invalid_operation
; skip_with (string_ci "Lost_digits") Lost_digits
; skip_with (string_ci "Overflow") Overflow
; skip_with (string_ci "Rounded") Rounded
; skip_with (string_ci "Subnormal") Subnormal
; skip_with (string_ci "Underflow") Underflow ]
let signals = sep_by ws1 signal_name
let operation_of_string = function
| "abs" ->
Some Abs
| "add" ->
Some Add
| "and" ->
Some And
| "apply" ->
Some Apply
| "canonical" ->
Some Canonical
| "class" ->
Some Class
| "compare" ->
Some Compare
| "comparesig" ->
Some Compare_sig
| "comparetotal" ->
Some Compare_total
| "comparetotalmag" ->
Some Compare_total_magnitude
| "comparetotmag" ->
Some Compare_total_magnitude
| "copy" ->
Some Copy
| "copyabs" ->
Some Copy_abs
| "copynegate" ->
Some Copy_negate
| "copysign" ->
Some Copy_sign
| "divide" ->
Some Divide
| "divideint" ->
Some Divide_int
| "exp" ->
Some Exp
| "fma" ->
Some Fma
| "invert" ->
Some Invert
| "ln" ->
Some Logn
| "log10" ->
Some Log10
| "logb" ->
Some Logb
| "max" ->
Some Max
| "min" ->
Some Min
| "maxmag" ->
Some Max_magnitude
| "minmag" ->
Some Min_magnitude
| "max_mag" ->
Some Max_magnitude
| "min_mag" ->
Some Min_magnitude
| "minus" ->
Some Minus
| "multiply" ->
Some Multiply
| "nextminus" ->
Some Next_minus
| "nextplus" ->
Some Next_plus
| "nexttoward" ->
Some Next_toward
| "or" ->
Some Or
| "plus" ->
Some Plus
| "power" ->
Some Power
| "quantize" ->
Some Quantize
| "reduce" ->
Some Reduce
| "remainder" ->
Some Remainder
| "remaindernear" ->
Some Remainder_near
| "rescale" ->
Some Rescale
| "rotate" ->
Some Rotate
| "samequantum" ->
Some Same_quantum
| "scaleb" ->
Some Scaleb
| "shift" ->
Some Shift
| "squareroot" ->
Some Square_root
| "subtract" ->
Some Subtract
| "toeng" ->
Some To_engineering_string
| "tointegral" ->
Some To_integral_value
| "tointegralx" ->
Some To_integral_exact
| "tosci" ->
Some To_scientific_string
| "trim" ->
Some Trim
| "xor" ->
Some Xor
| "iscanonical" ->
Some Is_canonical
| "isfinite" ->
Some Is_finite
| "isinfinite" ->
Some Is_infinite
| "isnormal" ->
Some Is_normal
| "issubnormal" ->
Some Is_subnormal
| "iszero" ->
Some Is_zero
| "issigned" ->
Some Is_signed
| "isnan" ->
Some Is_NaN
| "isqnan" ->
Some Is_quiet_NaN
| "issnan" ->
Some Is_signaling_NaN
| _ ->
let operation =
>>= fun op ->
match String.lowercase_ascii op |> operation_of_string with
| Some op ->
return op
| None ->
fail ("invalid operation: " ^ op)
let test_case =
(fun test_id operation operands expected_result expected_signals ->
{ test_id; operation; operands; expected_result; expected_signals })
ident (ws1 *> operation)
(ws1 *> sep_by ws1 number)
(ws1 *> string "->" *> ws1 *> number)
<*> option [] (ws1 *> signals)
let round =
[ skip_with (string_ci "half_down") Half_down
; skip_with (string_ci "half_up") Half_up
; skip_with (string_ci "half_even") Half_even
; skip_with (string_ci "ceiling") Ceiling
; skip_with (string_ci "floor") Floor
; skip_with (string_ci "up") Up
; skip_with (string_ci "down") Down
; skip_with (string_ci "05up") Zero_five_up ]
let int_bool = skip_with (char '0') false <|> skip_with (char '1') true
let named_directive name p = string_ci name *> char ':' *> ws *> p
let directive =
[ (named_directive "precision" int >>| fun p -> Precision p)
; (named_directive "rounding" round >>| fun r -> Rounding r)
; (named_directive "maxExponent" int >>| fun m -> Max_exponent m)
; (named_directive "minExponent" int >>| fun m -> Min_exponent m)
; (named_directive "clamp" int_bool >>| fun c -> Clamp c)
; (named_directive "extended" int_bool >>| fun e -> Extended e)
; (named_directive "dectest" ident >>| fun c -> Dec_test c) ]
let line =
[ (directive >>| fun d -> Directive d)
; (test_case >>| fun t -> Test_case t) ])
<* eol
let version_number =
take_while (function '0' .. '9' | '?' -> true | _ -> false)
let version_directive =
named_directive "version"
(fun major _ minor -> (major, minor))
version_number (char '.') version_number)
let test_file =
(fun version dir -> (version, dir))
(skip_many eol *> version_directive <* skip_many1 eol)
(many line >>| List.filter_map (fun i -> i))
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