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Created September 13, 2015 23:55
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A Copy of ml-ulex Source Code

I pasted it here because it is hard to find for me. It is publicly available at here. The total order and canonical form is clearly presented here over the original ml-ulex paper.

(* reg-exp-fn.sml
 * COPYRIGHT (c) 2005 
 * John Reppy (
 * Aaron Turon (
 * All rights reserved.
 * Regular expression representation and manipulation.
 * The main points here are to:
 *   (1) make it easy for an RE parser to construct 
 *       RE expressions
 *   (2) canonicalize REs for effective comparison
 *   (3) implement the RE derivatives algorithm
 * See the implementation notes for details on the derivatives
 * algorithm and the canonicalization strategy.

structure RegExp : REG_EXP =

    structure W = Word

  (* symbols (i.e., words) *)
    structure Sym = 

        type point = W.word

	val compare =
	val minPt : W.word = 0w0 
	val maxPt = W.notb 0w0

	fun succ (w : W.word) = 
	      if w = W.notb 0w0 then w
	      else w + 0w1
	fun pred (w : W.word) = 
	      if w = 0w0 then w
	      else w - 0w1

	fun isSucc (w1, w2) = (succ w1 = w2)


    structure SymSet = IntervalSetFn(Sym)
    type symbol = Sym.point
    type sym_set = SymSet.set

    structure SIS = SymSet

  (* REs *)
    datatype re
      = Epsilon                 (* matches the empty string *)
      | Any			(* matches any single symbol *)
      | None			(* matches nothing (i.e. the empty language) *)
      | SymSet of sym_set
      | Concat of re list
      | Closure of re
      | Op of (rator * re list)	(* list length <> 1 and in sorted order *)
      | Not of re
    and rator = OR | AND | XOR

  (* we give a total order to REs; this is useful for canonicalization *)
    fun compare (re1, re2) = let
	  fun cmpOp (OR, OR) = EQUAL
	    | cmpOp (OR, _) = LESS
	    | cmpOp (_, OR) = GREATER
	    | cmpOp (AND, AND) = EQUAL
	    | cmpOp (AND, _) = LESS
	    | cmpOp (_, AND) = GREATER
	    | cmpOp (XOR, XOR) = EQUAL
	  fun compareList (res1, res2) = 
	        List.collate compare (res1, res2)
	    case (re1, re2)
	     of (Epsilon, Epsilon) => EQUAL
	      | (Epsilon, _) => LESS
	      | (_, Epsilon) => GREATER
	      | (Any, Any) => EQUAL
	      | (Any, _) => LESS
	      | (_, Any) => GREATER
	      | (None, None) => EQUAL
	      | (None, _) => LESS
	      | (_, None) => GREATER
	      | (SymSet a, SymSet b) =>, b)
	      | (SymSet a, _) => LESS
	      | (_, SymSet b) => GREATER
	      | (Concat a, Concat b) => compareList(a, b)
	      | (Concat a, _) => LESS
	      | (_, Concat b) => GREATER
	      | (Closure a, Closure b) => compare(a, b)
	      | (Closure a, _) => LESS
	      | (_, Closure b) => GREATER
	      | (Op(op1, res1), Op(op2, res2)) => (case cmpOp (op1, op2)
		   of EQUAL => compareList(res1, res2)
		    | order => order
		  (* end case *))
	      | (Op _, _) => LESS
	      | (_, Op _) => GREATER
	      | (Not a, Not b) => compare(a, b)
	    (* end case *)
(*  val sort = ListMergeSort.sort (fn (re1, re2) => compare(re1, re2) = LESS) *)

  (* primitive REs *)

    val any = Any
    val none = None
    val epsilon = Epsilon

  (* canonical constructors *)

    fun mkSymSet c = 
	  if SIS.isEmpty c then None
	  else if SIS.isUniverse c then Any
	  else SymSet c

    fun mkSym sym = mkSymSet (SIS.singleton sym)

    fun mkConcat (re1, re2) = (case (re1, re2)
	   of (Epsilon, re2) => re2
	    | (re1, Epsilon) => re1
	    | (None, _) => None
	    | (_, None) => None
	    | (Concat res1, Concat res2) => Concat(res1@res2)
	    | (re1, Concat res2) => Concat(re1::res2)
	    | (Concat res1, re2) => Concat(res1@[re2])
	    | _ => Concat[re1, re2]
	  (* end case *))

    fun mkConcatList [] = Epsilon
      | mkConcatList (re::res) = mkConcat(re, mkConcatList res)

    fun mkClosure (Epsilon) = Epsilon
      | mkClosure (None) = Epsilon
      | mkClosure (re as Closure _) = re
      | mkClosure re = Closure re

    fun mergeSIS (inRes, mop) = let
          fun isSIS (SymSet _) = true
	    | isSIS _ = false
	  val (siss, res) = List.partition isSIS inRes
	  in case siss
	      of []   => inRes
	       | [re] => inRes
	       | sis::siss' => let
		   fun wrapmop (SymSet s1, SymSet s2) = 
		         SymSet (mop (s1, s2))
		     | wrapmop _ = raise Fail "BUG: wrapmop: SymSet expected"
		   val merged = List.foldl wrapmop sis siss'
		   fun reinsert (re1, []) = [re1]
		     | reinsert (re1, re::res) = (case compare (re1, re)
			 of LESS => re1::re::res
			  | EQUAL => raise Fail "BUG: mergeSIS: only one SymSet expected"
			  | GREATER => re::(reinsert (re1, res))
			(* end case *))
		   in reinsert (merged, res)

    fun mkOr (re1, re2) = let
	  fun merge ([], res2) = res2
	    | merge (res1, []) = res1
	    | merge (re1::r1, re2::r2) = (case compare(re1, re2)
		 of LESS => re1::merge(r1, re2::r2)
		  | EQUAL => merge (re1::r1, r2)
		  | GREATER => re2 :: merge(re1::r1, r2)
		(* end case *))
	  fun mk (a, b) = (case mergeSIS(merge(a, b), SIS.union)
		 of [] => None
		  | [re] => re
		  | res => Op(OR, res)
		(* end case *))
	    case (re1, re2)
	     of (None, _) => re2
	      | (_, None) => re1
	      | (SymSet s1, SymSet s2) => mkSymSet (SIS.union (s1, s2))
	      | (Op(OR, res1), Op(OR, res2)) => mk(res1, res2)
	      | (Op(OR, res1), _) => mk(res1, [re2])
	      | (_, Op(OR, res2)) => mk([re1], res2)
	      | (re1, re2) => (case compare(re1, re2)
		   of LESS => Op(OR, [re1, re2])
		    | EQUAL => re1
		    | GREATER => Op(OR, [re2, re1])
		  (* end case *))
	    (* end case *)

    fun mkAnd (re1, re2) = let
	  fun merge ([], res2) = res2
	    | merge (res1, []) = res1
	    | merge (re1::r1, re2::r2) = (case compare(re1, re2)
		 of LESS => re1::merge(r1, re2::r2)
		  | EQUAL => merge (re1::r1, r2)
		  | GREATER => re2 :: merge(re1::r1, r2)
		(* end case *))
	  fun mk (a, b) = (case mergeSIS(merge(a, b), SIS.intersect)
		 of [] => None
		  | [re] => re
		  | res => Op(AND, res)
		(* end case *))
	    case (re1, re2)
	     of (None, _) => None
	      | (_, None) => None
	      | (SymSet s1, SymSet s2) => mkSymSet (SIS.intersect (s1, s2))
	      | (Op(AND, res1), Op(AND, res2)) => mk(res1, res2)
	      | (Op(AND, res1), _) => mk(res1, [re2])
	      | (_, Op(AND, res2)) => mk([re1], res2)
	      | (re1, re2) => (case compare(re1, re2)
		   of LESS => Op(AND, [re1, re2])
		    | EQUAL => re1
		    | GREATER => Op(AND, [re2, re1])
		  (* end case *))
	    (* end case *)

    fun mkXor (re1, re2) = let
	  fun merge ([], res2) = res2
	    | merge (res1, []) = res1
	    | merge (re1::r1, re2::r2) = (case compare(re1, re2)
		 of LESS => re1::merge(r1, re2::r2)
		  | EQUAL => merge (r1, r2)
		  | GREATER => re2 :: merge(re1::r1, r2)
		(* end case *))
	  fun mk (a, b) = (case merge(a, b)
		 of [] => None
		  | [re] => re
		  | res => Op(XOR, res)
		(* end case *))
	    case (re1, re2)
	     of (None, _) => re2
	      | (_, None) => re1
	      | (SymSet s1, SymSet s2) => 
		  mkSymSet (SIS.intersect (
		      SIS.union (s1, s2),
		      SIS.complement (SIS.intersect (s1, s2))
	      | (Op(XOR, res1), Op(XOR, res2)) => mk(res1, res2)
	      | (Op(XOR, res1), _) => mk(res1, [re2])
	      | (_, Op(XOR, res2)) => mk([re1], res2)
	      | (re1, re2) => (case compare(re1, re2)
		   of LESS => Op(XOR, [re1, re2])
		    | EQUAL => None (* FIXME is this right? *)
		    | GREATER => Op(XOR, [re2, re1])
		  (* end case *))
	    (* end case *)

    fun mkOp (OR, re1, re2) = mkOr(re1, re2)
      | mkOp (AND, re1, re2) = mkAnd(re1, re2)
      | mkOp (XOR, re1, re2) = mkXor(re1, re2)

    fun mkNot (Not re) = re
      | mkNot (None) = mkClosure(Any)
      | mkNot re = Not re

    fun mkOpt re = mkOr(Epsilon, re)

    fun mkRep (re, low, high) = let
          fun lowReps 0 = Epsilon
	    | lowReps 1 = re
	    | lowReps n = mkConcat (re, lowReps (n-1))
	  fun highReps 0 = Epsilon
	    | highReps 1 = mkOpt re
	    | highReps n = mkConcat (mkOpt re, highReps (n-1))
            if high < low then raise Subscript
            else mkConcat (lowReps low, highReps (high - low))

    fun mkAtLeast (re, 0) = mkClosure re
      | mkAtLeast (re, n) = mkConcat (re, mkAtLeast (re, n-1))

    fun isNone None = true
      | isNone _    = false

    fun symToString w = 
	if !Options.lexCompat
	then "#\"" ^ (Char.toString (Char.chr (W.toInt w))) ^ "\"" 
	     handle Overflow => raise Fail "(BUG) RegExp: symToString on a nonascii character"
	else "0wx" ^ W.toString w

    fun SISToString s = let
          fun c2s c = 
	        if (c < 0w128) then
	          Char.toString (Char.chr (W.toInt c))
		  String.concat ["\\u", W.toString c]
	  fun f (a, b) = 
	        if a=b then c2s a
	        else concat[c2s a, "-", c2s b]
	(* we want to describe the interval set as concisely as possible, 
	 * so we compare the number of intervals in the set to the number
	 * of intervals in its complement, and use the smaller of the two.
	  val intervals = SIS.intervals s
	  val intervals' = SIS.intervals (SIS.complement s)
	  val (neg, rngs) = 
	        if List.length intervals <= List.length intervals'
		then ("", intervals)
		else ("^", intervals')
	  val str = neg ^ (String.concat ( f (rngs)))
	    if String.size str <= 1
	    then str
	    else "[" ^ str ^ "]"
    fun toString re = let
          fun opToString OR = "|"
	    | opToString AND = "&"
	    | opToString XOR = "^"
	  fun opPrec OR = 0
	    | opPrec AND = 2
	    | opPrec XOR = 1
	  fun prec Any = 6
	    | prec None = 6
	    | prec Epsilon = 6
	    | prec (SymSet _) = 6
	    | prec (Concat[]) = 6
	    | prec (Concat _) = 3
	    | prec (Closure _) = 5
	    | prec (Op(_, [])) = 6
	    | prec (Op(_, [re])) = prec re
	    | prec (Op(rator, _)) = opPrec rator
	    | prec (Not _) = 4
	  fun toS (Any, l) = "{any}" :: l
	    | toS (None, l) = "{none}" :: l
	    | toS (Epsilon, l) = "{epsilon}" :: l
	    | toS (SymSet s, l) = SISToString s :: l
	    | toS (Concat[], l) = "" :: l
	    | toS (Concat[re], l) = toS(re, l)
	    | toS (Concat res, l) = toS'(res, 3, "", l)
	    | toS (Closure re, l) = paren(5, re, "*" :: l)
	    | toS (Op(_, []), l) = "{}" :: l
	    | toS (Op(rator, [re]), l) = toS(re, l)
	    | toS (Op(rator, res), l) = toS'(res, opPrec rator, opToString rator, l)
	    | toS (Not re, l) = "!" :: paren(4, re, l)
	  and toS' ([], p, rator, l) = raise Fail "empty"
	    | toS' (re::r, p, rator, l) =
		paren(p, re, List.foldr
		  (fn (re, l) => rator :: paren(p, re, l))
		    l r)
	  and paren (p, re, l) = if (p <= prec re)
		then toS (re, l)
		else "(" :: toS(re, ")" :: l)
	    String.concat(toS(re, []))

  (* true iff epsilon is in the language recognized by the RE *)
    fun nullable Any = false
      | nullable None = false
      | nullable Epsilon = true
      | nullable (SymSet _) = false
      | nullable (Closure _) = true
      | nullable (Concat res) = List.all nullable res
      | nullable (Op(OR, res)) = List.exists nullable res
      | nullable (Op(AND, res)) = List.all nullable res
      | nullable (Op(XOR, re::r)) =
	  (nullable re andalso not(List.exists nullable r))
	    orelse nullable(Op(XOR, r))
      | nullable (Op(XOR, [])) = raise Fail "(BUG) RegExp: RE operator has no operands"
      | nullable (Not re) = not(nullable re)

    fun delta re = if (nullable re) then Epsilon else None

  (* compute derivative w.r.t. a symbol *)
    fun derivative a = let
	  fun da Any = Epsilon
	    | da None = None
	    | da Epsilon = None
	    | da (SymSet s) = if SIS.member(s, a) then Epsilon else None
	    | da (re as Closure re') = mkConcat(da re', re)
	    | da (Concat[]) = None
	    | da (Concat[re]) = da re
	    | da (Concat(re::res)) =
		  mkConcatList((da re)::res),
		  mkConcat(delta re, da(Concat res)))
	    | da (Op(_, [])) = raise Fail "(BUG) RegExp: RE operator has no operands"
	    | da (Op(rator, [re])) = da re
	    | da (Op(rator, re::res)) = mkOp(rator, da re, da(Op(rator, res)))
	    | da (Not re) = mkNot(da re)

    structure Map = RedBlackMapFn (
	type ord_key = re Vector.vector
	val compare = Vector.collate compare

    structure SISSet = RedBlackSetFn (
	type ord_key = SIS.set
	val compare =

  (* yields the smallest partitioning of the alphabet that
   * "respects" the given sets.  if S is one of the sets
   * returned by compress, then it must be either disjoint
   * with or a subset of each of the sets in the sets 
   * parameter.  see the implementation notes for more detail.
    fun compress sets = let
        (* performs partition of a set againt a list of sets,
         * assuming the list of sets is pairwise disjoint.
          fun part1 (set, []) = 
	        if SIS.isEmpty set then []
		else [set]
            | part1 (set1, set2 :: ss) = 
	        if SIS.isEmpty set1 then
		  set2 :: ss
		else let
                  val i = SIS.intersect (set1, set2)
	          in if SIS.isEmpty i then
		       (set2 :: (part1 (set1, ss)))
		     else let
		       val s1 = SIS.difference (set1, i)
                       val s2 = SIS.difference (set2, i)
                       val ss' = if SIS.isEmpty s1 then ss
				 else part1 (s1, ss)
                       in if SIS.isEmpty s2 then
			    (i :: ss')
			    (i :: s2 :: ss')
            List.foldl part1 [] (SIS.universe::sets)

    fun cross (s1, s2) = 
	SISSet.foldl (fn (s1elem, accum) => 
          SISSet.foldl (fn (s2elem, accum) => 
	      SISSet.add (accum, SIS.intersect (s1elem, s2elem)))
	    accum s2)
	  SISSet.empty s1

    val trivial = SISSet.singleton (SIS.universe)

    fun derivatives (res : re Vector.vector) = let
        (* compute approximate derivative classes *)
          fun ds Any = trivial
	    | ds None = trivial
	    | ds Epsilon = trivial
	    | ds (SymSet s) = SISSet.fromList [s, SIS.complement s]
	    | ds (Closure re) = ds re
	    | ds (Concat []) = trivial
	    | ds (Concat [re]) = ds re
	    | ds (Concat (re::res)) = 
	        if nullable re then
		  cross (ds re, ds (Concat res))
		else ds re
	    | ds (Op(rator, res)) = foldl cross trivial (map ds res)
	    | ds (Not re) = ds re
	  val sets = Vector.foldl 
		       (fn (re, sets) => cross (ds re, sets))
		       trivial res
(*	  val sets' = compress sets *)
	  fun classes ([], classMap) = Map.listItemsi classMap
	    | classes (set::sets, classMap) = let
	      (* use first element as representative of the equiv class *)
	        val (rep, _) = List.hd (SIS.intervals set) 
	        val derivs = (derivative rep) res
                in case Map.find (classMap, derivs)
		    of NONE =>
		         classes (sets, Map.insert(classMap, derivs, set))
		     | SOME set' => let
			 val map' = Map.insert(classMap, 
					       SIS.union (set, set'))
		         in classes (sets, map')
	  fun classes ([], ls) = ls
	    | classes (set::sets, ls) = 
	        if SIS.isEmpty set then
		  classes (sets, ls)
		else let
	          val (rep, _) = List.hd (SIS.intervals set) 
	          val derivs = (derivative rep) res
(*		    print (SISToString set ^ "\n"); *)
		    (derivs, set)::classes (sets, ls)
(*            classes (sets', Map.empty) *)
(*            print "\n"; *)
            classes (SISSet.listItems sets, [])


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            classes (SISSet.listItems sets, [])

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