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Last active January 23, 2024 14:07
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This article walks you through an example of deploying a Python 3.6 application that uses Pandas and AWS S3 on AWS Lambda using Boto3 in Python in 2018. No shell, no bash, no web console, everything is automated in Python. The previous article of a Hello World example can be found here.

Again, the reason to use Python Boto3 to interact with AWS is that,

  1. I'm more familiar with Python than Bash, which means a Python script can be more flexible and powerful than Bash for me.
  2. I'm not a fun of the AWS web console. It might be easier to do certain things, but it is definitely not automated.


AWS Lambda is great for running simple code triggered by events or requests. To deploy to AWS Lambda, it wants the developer to pack up all the source code as well as their dependencies in a zip file. Things can easily get very complicated when you want to pack Python packages that has some C components, which needs to be compiled when doing pip install.

  1. If you simply zip your local Python packages, the compiled components won't work in the AWS Lambda execution environment.
  2. The deployment package (the zip file) will quickly get too large to upload directly to AWS Lambda through its Boto3 API.

TL;DR, (1) can be solved by spawning a new EC2 instance with the correct AMI image to create an Lambda competible Python virtual environment. (2) can be solved by uploading the code to S3 and use the Boto3 API to load Lambda code from the S3 bucket.

Example: Downloading Market Data

This example creates a Lambda function in that, when triggered, downloads market data for a ticker from Quandl using pandas_datareader. The result will be saved to a S3 bucket. The script provides a Client class we can use to automate the deployment process. To avoid hard coding configurations, I also uses a config.yaml file for controlling certain behaviors of the Client class.

AWS Resources

The deployment process involves many AWS resources. The Client class in provide tools dealing with each of them.

  • AWS Lambda: Obviously, our function being depolyed is a AWS resource.
  • IAM Role: The Lambda function will be assuming an IAM role when running. This role need to have attached policies that grant proper permissions to the Lambda function. For instance, in our example, the Lambda function is permitted to access CloudWatch logs and S3 buckets. This role should live at least as long as the Lambda function assuming this role.
  • EC2 Instance: We need a one-time EC2 instance to create/compile a Python virtual environment of all dependencies. The instance can be terminated after the virtual environment is zipped and downloaded.
  • EC2 Security Group: We need a security group attached to the EC2 instance to allow SSH access to our EC2 instance.
  • EC2 Key Pair: This is also for SSH access.
  • S3 Buckets: There are two buckets. One of them is a one-time bucket used for uploading Lambda depolyment package, which will then be used by Lambda to load code from. The other is the target bucket where our Lambda function saves downloaded market data. The code-uploading bucket can be deleted after the Lambda is deployed successfully.

These resouces will have names whose prefix is defined in the config.yaml file. You can find them later either using Boto3, or on the AWS web console. Additionally, all but the key pair will have the same resource tag. Tags will make it easier to group all resources, for managing, billing, etc.

Source Code

Source code is attached in separate files. I recommend loading the code into an iPython shell, and invoke functions as you wish. For details, see code comments.

Related Works

The single most useful reference is this StackOverflow post. The post discussed using NumPy on AWS Lambda with Python 2.7. It uses EC2 instance to gather all dependencies in a single folder for later uploading to Lambda. My example improves that post on several aspects.

  1. I downloaded the whole Python virtual environment from EC2 preserving its folder structures, instead of merging lib and lib64 packages all together. I never understand the intended meaning of merging those two folders. What if some packages override other packages, right? Plus, faking an official virtual environment is non-the-less a safer way to go than rolling your own. For the downloaded virtual environment to work, the source code of the Lambda function adds some boilerplate code to update Python search path using sys.path. The intended sys.path of a Python virtual environment can be found by
    • On your own machine, create a virtual environment and activate it.
    • Run a Python script in this virtual environment and do print(sys.path) after import sys.
    • You can start from there and modify as you see fit.
  2. Everything is automated in Python. No need to use your web browser, or to write any bash scripts, or type awscli commands in the shell.

Besides, I believe the NodeJS tool serverless can do similar things using Docker, see here. I'm not familiar with serverless, but I think it is definitely a great tool to ease the deployment process. My post is intended for myself to learn the basics of AWS. So I opted to only use the raw AWS API.

# These prefixes are used in the names of various AWS resources.
tag: lambda-temp-tag-
key: lambda-temp-key-
sg: lambda-temp-sg-
bucket: lambda-temp-s3-
ec2: lambda-temp-ec2-
role: lambda-temp-role-
# These names are full resource names. If null, the script will try to
# create these resources. If not null, the script will try to load these
# existing resources from AWS. Starting fresh, one can save names for
# later use by invoking `Client.save_config()`
tag: null
key: null
sg: null
bucket: null
ec2: null
role: null
# These configures the build process.
# Temporary working directory for storing private keys, zip files, etc
workdir: ./build
# Basename for the zip file.
basename: deploy
# These configures the Lambda function.
# Source files to be included.
# Lambda function name.
name: download
# Entry point of the Lambda function.
handler: download.handle_one
timeout: 900
# Dependencies.
- pandas
- pandas-datareader
# Specify attached policies of the role assumed by the Lambda function.
policy: full
# Stores managed policy ARNs
# This policy grants access to CloudWatch logs.
basic: arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole
# This policy grants access to CloudWatch logs and R/W access to S3 buckets.
s3: arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSLambdaExecute
# This policy grants full access to all major AWS services, including creating S3 buckets.
full: arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSLambdaFullAccess
# This is an example payload used to invoke Lambda function.
# Ticker to download.
symbol: GOOGL
start: '2018-01-01'
end: '2018-01-31'
# Quandl API key. You can obtain a free one at
apikey: 'YOUR-API-KEY'
# Target bucket to save the downloaded CSV. Create one if not already exist.
bucket: 'mywww.mydomain.mycom.mybucket'
# These are used to configure the logger.
version: 1
# See
# for keys available to the formatters.
datefmt: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
format: '[%(asctime)s %(levelname)s] [%(name)s] %(message)s'
class: logging.StreamHandler
level: DEBUG
formatter: default
stream: ext://sys.stdout
level: DEBUG
handlers: [console]
propagate: no
level: INFO
handlers: [console]
import os
import sys
workdir = os.getenv('LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT')
version = f'{sys.version_info[0]}.{sys.version_info[1]}'
additionals = [f'{workdir}/venv/lib64/python{version}/site-packages',
# We need to setup the Python search path in order to make use of the
# virtual environment. These `additionals` can be found by inspecting
# `sys.path` from any Python in an active virtual environment.
sys.path = additionals + sys.path
import pandas_datareader as pdr
import boto3
def handle_one(event, context):
symbol = event['symbol']
# To obtain a free API key, go to
reader = pdr.quandl.QuandlReader(symbols=[f'WIKI/{symbol}'],
df =
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
bucket = s3.Bucket(event['bucket'])
# This line requries premission to create a bucket.
# If the bucket is already there, this line merely gets the bucket.
with open(f'/tmp/{symbol}.csv', 'rb') as f:
ret = bucket.put_object(Key=f'WIKI/{symbol}.csv',
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': {
'bucket': event['bucket'],
'path': f'WIKI/{symbol}.csv'
import boto3
import json, yaml
import random, string
from time import sleep
import os
import shutil
import glob
import zipfile
import logging
import logging.config
class Client:
''' A client to automate the deployment of a lambda function.
config (dict): Configurations.
logger (logging.Logger)
workdir (str): Working directory.
random (str): A random string used as suffix for resource names.
inst (boto3.resources.factory.ec2.Instance)
lamname (str): Name of the Lambda function resource.
role (boto3.resources.factory.iam.Role)
rolename (str): Name of the IAM Role resource.
bucket (boto3.resources.factory.s3.Bucket)
bucketname (str): Name of the S3 bucket for code uploading.
sg (boto3.resources.factory.ec2.SecurityGroup)
sgname (str): Name of the security group for the EC2 instance.
key (boto3.resources.factory.ec2.KeyPair| boto3.resources.factory.ec2.KeyPairInfo):
When first created, `key` is of type `KeyPair`, where the private
key can be saved. All subsequent uses of `key` is of type
`KeyPairInfo`, where the private key is no longer accessible.
keyname (str): Name of the key pair for the EC2 instance.
keyfile (str): Path to the local private `.pem` key file.
tagname (str): Names of the resource tag.
ec2remote (str): Filename of the virtual environment package on EC2.
ec2local (str): Filename of the downloaded `ec2remote`.
s3local (str): Filename of the created deployment package locally.
s3remote (str): Filename of the uploaded deployment package on S3.
def __init__(self, path):
# Loads the configuration file.
with open(path, 'r') as f:
self.config = yaml.load(f)
# Configures the logger.
self.logger = logging.getLogger('main')
self.workdir = self.config['build']['workdir']
self.random = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase+string.digits, k=6))
self.inst = None
self.lamname = self.config['lambda']['name']
# Load resource names if specified. Otherwise, generate resource names.
# Each name is of format [prefix-][lambda name-][random suffix], where
# the prefix is defined in `config['prefix']`, the lambda function name
# is defined as `config['lambda']['name']`, and the suffix is
# `self.random`.
names = self.config.get('names')
self.role = None
if names and names.get('role'):
self.rolename = names['role']
self.rolename = self.config['prefix']['role']
self.rolename += f'{self.lamname}-{self.random}'
self.bucket = None
if names and names.get('bucket'):
self.bucketname = names['bucket']
self.bucketname = self.config['prefix']['bucket']
self.bucketname += f'{self.lamname}-{self.random}' = None
if names and names.get('sg'):
self.sgname = names['sg']
self.sgname = self.config['prefix']['sg']
self.sgname += f'{self.lamname}-{self.random}'
self.key = None
if names and names.get('key'):
self.keyname = names['key']
self.keyname = self.config['prefix']['key']
self.keyname += f'{self.lamname}-{self.random}'
self.keyfile = f'{self.workdir}/{self.keyname}.pem'
if names and names.get('tag'):
self.tagname = names['tag']
self.tagname = self.config['prefix']['tag']
self.tagname += f'{self.lamname}'
# Figures out the names for the zip files. There are two zip files. One
# is the pure dependency zip file generated on EC2 and downloaded as
# `self.ec2local`. The other is the true Lambda deployment package
# combining both the dependencies and the Lambda source code itself,
# saved as `self.s3local` and uploaded as `self.s3remote`.
basename = self.config['build']['basename']
self.ec2remote = f'{basename}.zip'
self.ec2local = f"{self.workdir}/{basename}"
self.s3remote = f"{basename}.zip"
self.s3local = f"{self.workdir}/{basename}.zip"
def save_config(self, path):
""" Saves the configuration files to `path`, including resource names. """
config = self.config.copy()
if 'names' not in config:
config['names'] = dict()
config['names']['role'] = self.rolename
config['names']['bucket'] = self.bucketname
config['names']['sg'] = self.sgname
config['names']['key'] = self.keyname
config['names']['tag'] = self.tagname
config['names']['ec2'] = if self.inst else None
with open(path, 'w') as f:
yaml.dump(config, f, default_flow_style=False)
def tag_resources(self):
""" Tags used resources.
The following resources are tagged.
- IAM role for running lambda function
- S3 bucket hosting the code
- Lambda function
- EC2 instance for compiling the virtual environment
- EC2 security group for SSH connection
The following resources are not tagged since AWS does not support it.
- EC2 key pair
res = []
# Get IAM role ARN
if self.role is not None:
# Get S3 bucket ARN
if self.bucket is not None:
# Get Lambda function ARN
lam = boto3.client('lambda')
for fn in lam.list_functions()['Functions']:
if fn['FunctionName'] == self.lamname:
# Tag resources using their ARNs
cli = boto3.client('resourcegroupstaggingapi')
cli.tag_resources(ResourceARNList=res, Tags={self.tagname: ''})
res = []
# Get EC2 instance id.
if self.inst is not None:
# Get EC2 security group id.
if is not None:
# Tag resources using ids.
cli = boto3.client('ec2')
cli.create_tags(res, Tags=[{'Key':name, 'Value':''}])
def ensure_role(self):
""" Ensures a lambda function's role.
A lambda function need to have the ability to assume a role
(AssumeRolePolicyDocument), and the role being assumed need to have the
correct permission in order for the Lambda function to access other
resources like CloudWatch logs and S3 buckets.
debug = self.logger.debug
debug('Checking IAM roles for the lambda function ...')
if self.role is not None:
return self.role
# Checks existing roles.
iam = boto3.resource('iam')
for role in iam.roles.iterator():
if == self.rolename:
self.role = role
return role
# This is the standard policy allowing Lambda function to assume a role.
basic_role = '\n'.join([
'Version: "2012-10-17"',
' - Effect: Allow',
' Principal:',
' Service:',
' Action: sts:AssumeRole'
# Creates one.
role = iam.create_role(RoleName=self.rolename,
# Find the configured Policy ARN for the role.
# This policy grants permissions for Lambda function to access
# other resources.
arn = self.config['role'][self.config['lambda']['policy']]
# Attach the policy to the role, and wait for it to take effect.
debug(f'Role {self.rolename} created.')
self.role = role
return role
def ensure_code_bucket(self):
""" Ensures a S3 bucket for code uploading. """
debug = self.logger.debug
debug('Checking S3 buckets for lambda function uploading ...')
if self.bucket is not None:
return self.bucket
# Find if the bucket already exist.
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
for bucket in s3.buckets.iterator():
if == self.bucketname:
self.bucket = bucket
return bucket
# Create a new one.
bucket = s3.Bucket(self.bucketname)
debug(f'Bucket {} created.')
self.bucket = bucket
return bucket
def ensure_default_vpc(self):
""" Ensures a default VPC in EC2.
Without a default VPC, creating EC2 instance becomes more involved.
debug = self.logger.debug
debug('Checking default VPC ...')
ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2')
if not any([vpc.is_default for vpc in ec2.vpcs.iterator()]):
debug('Creating default VPC ...')
client = boto3.client('ec2')
def ensure_ec2_key(self):
""" Ensures a key pair for the EC2 instance.
Key pair allows key-based SSH authentication. When firstly created, we
can use `key.key_material` to save the private key. When subsequently
looking up the key using its name, we no longer have access to the
private key.
Therefore, it is important to ensure that we have the private key. If
`self.keyfile` is lost, we need to remove all EC2 instances that uses
the corresponding public key, since we can no longer log into those
Since these EC2 instances are disposable, we can safely terminate them.
debug = self.logger.debug
debug('Checking EC2 key pair ...')
ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2')
# We have the private key.
if os.path.isfile(self.keyfile):
# And we have the EC2 key resource as well
if self.key is not None:
return self.key
# But we don't have the EC2 key resource
# Look it up on EC2.
if self.keyname in [ for k in ec2.key_pairs.iterator()]:
key = ec2.KeyPair(self.keyname)
self.key = key
return key
# We don't have the private key.
# Look it up on EC2
insts = list(ec2.instances.iterator())
if self.keyname in map(lambda i: i.key_name, insts):
debug(f'Private key {self.keyname} is lost.')
insts = filter(lambda i: i.key_name == self.keyname, insts)
for id in map(lambda i:, insts):
debug(f'Please terminate EC2 instance {id}.')
raise RuntimeError(self.keyname)
# Creates the key.
os.makedirs(self.workdir, exist_ok=True)
key = ec2.create_key_pair(KeyName=self.keyname)
with open(self.keyfile, 'w') as f:
debug(f'Private key saved to {self.keyfile}.')
self.key = key
return key
def ensure_ec2_instance(self):
""" Ensures an EC2 instance for python packaging.
The instance uses an image that is the same as Lambda execution
environment. This way, after creating virtual environment on this
instance, we are guaranteed that the compiled Python package cache is
compatible with Lambda environment.
The instance is only spawned up if we need to compile the dependent
Python packages. For instance, if you only changed the Lambda function
source without changing the dependency, you can reuse the zipped virtual
environment from last time, without spawning a new EC2 instance.
debug = self.logger.debug
debug('Checking EC2 instance ...')
if self.inst is not None:
assert self.inst.key_name == self.keyname
return self.inst
# Choose the correct AMI
ami = 'ami-4fffc834'
# Look it up on EC2
ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2')
for inst in ec2.instances.iterator():
if inst.image_id == ami and inst.key_name == self.keyname:
self.inst = inst
return inst
# Creates a new instance if needed.
inst = ec2.create_instances(InstanceType='t2.micro',
KeyName=self.keyname, MaxCount=1, MinCount=1, ImageId=ami)[0]
debug(f'EC2 instance {} created at {inst.public_dns_name}')
self.inst = inst
return inst
def ensure_ec2_ssh(self):
""" Ensures ssh rule for EC2 instance.
Default security groups for a new instance does not allow TCP access to
port 22, which is used by SSH. Therefore we need to check and
potentially create a new security group, attach a rule allowing port 22
inbound access, and attach this security group to the instance.
Only after SSH is enabled that we can execute shell commands like `pip
install` to create a virtual environment.
debug = self.logger.debug
debug('Checking SSH security group rule for EC2 instance ...')
ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2')
# Find the security group if exist.
if is None:
for sg in ec2.security_groups.iterator():
if sg.group_name == self.sgname: = sg
if is None:
# Creates a new security group.
sg = ec2.create_security_group(GroupName=self.sgname,
Description='Allowing SSH')
# Allowing port 22.
FromPort=22, ToPort=22, CidrIp='')
sg.reload() = sg
# Attach the security group to the instance.
sgs = self.inst.security_groups
sgs = map(lambda sg: ec2.SecurityGroup(sg['GroupName']), sgs)
if self.sgname not in sgs:
# Allows SSH.
sgs = list(map(lambda sg:, sgs))
debug(f'Security group {self.sgname} created and attached.')
return sg
def create_ec2_venv(self, packages):
""" Creates a AWS Lambda compatible python virtual environment.
packages ([str]): A list of Python packages to be installed using
`pip`. One can customize the logic here. For instance, extending
this function to install packages of certain version.
debug = self.logger.debug
# SSH into the EC2. In case it fails, wait longer after
# `self.ensure_ec2_ssh()`
import fabric.connection
conn = fabric.connection.Connection(
connect_kwargs={'key_filename': self.keyfile})
# Executes shell commands
debug(f'Sending commands to {self.inst.public_dns_name} ...')
# Install Python and tool chain.
commands = [
'sudo yum -y update',
'sudo yum -y upgrade',
'sudo yum -y groupinstall "Development Tools"',
'sudo yum -y install blas',
'sudo yum -y install lapack',
'sudo yum -y install Cython',
'sudo yum -y install python36-devel python36-pip',
'sudo yum -y install python36-virtualenv gcc'
# Create a virtual environment.
toinstall = ' '.join(packages)
commands += [
'virtualenv -p python3 ./venv',
'source ./venv/bin/activate',
'./venv/bin/pip install --upgrade pip',
f'./venv/bin/pip install {toinstall}'
# Zip the virtual environment.
tozip = ' '.join([f'./venv/lib64/python3.6/lib-dynload',
commands.append(f'zip -r9 ./{self.ec2remote} {tozip}')
# Actually send the command.
for cmd in commands:
debug(f'> {cmd}')
# Download the zip file with compiled Python packages.
debug(f'Downloading {self.ec2remote}')
os.makedirs(self.workdir, exist_ok=True)
conn.get(remote=self.ec2remote, local=self.ec2local)
debug(f'Downloaded to {self.ec2local}')
def package_code(self, sources):
""" Package source code into zipped virtual environment. """
debug = self.logger.debug
shutil.copy(self.ec2local, self.s3local)
with zipfile.ZipFile(self.s3local, 'a') as f:
for s in sources:
f.write(s, os.path.basename(s))
debug(f'Deployment package created at {self.s3local}.')
def lambda_create(self, sources):
""" Creates a lambda function. """
debug = self.logger.debug
debug('Checking lambda function ...')
# Look up the function first.
cli = boto3.client('lambda')
fns = map(lambda f: f['FunctionName'], cli.list_functions()['Functions'])
if self.lamname in fns:
debug('Lambda function already existed.')
return cli.get_function(FunctionName=self.lamname)
# Add our source code, and upload the package to S3
self.bucket.upload_file(Filename=self.s3local, Key=self.s3remote)
# Create the Lambda function from S3 bucket.
ret = cli.create_function(
'S3Key': self.s3remote
debug(f'Lambda function {self.lamname} created.')
return ret
def lambda_update(self, sources):
""" Updates a lambda function. """
debug = self.logger.debug
debug('Checking lambda function ...')
self.bucket.upload_file(Filename=self.s3local, Key=self.s3remote)
cli = boto3.client('lambda')
ret = cli.update_function_code(
debug(f'Lambda function {self.lamname} updated.')
return ret
def lambda_invoke(self, event):
""" Invokes the lambda function. """
lam = boto3.client('lambda')
# 'RequestResponse' is good for use on the console. One can also
# invoke it as 'Event'. See
resp = lam.invoke(
return resp
def cleanup(self):
""" Cleans resource except for the Lambda function. """
debug = self.logger.debug
if self.bucket is not None:
debug(f'Deleting bucket {self.bucketname} ...')
self.bucket = None
if self.inst is not None:
debug(f'Deleting instance {} ...')
self.inst = None
if self.key is not None:
debug(f'Deleting key {self.keyname} and {self.keyfile} ...')
self.key = None
if is not None:
debug(f'Deleting security group {self.sgname} ...') = None
def cleanup_all(self):
""" Cleans all the resources, including the Lambda function and its role.
The Lambda function can not run without the role. The role thus
should live at least as long as the Lambda function.
debug = self.logger.debug
debug(f'Deleting lambda function {self.lamname} ...')
lam = boto3.client('lambda')
if self.role is None:
debug(f'Deleting role {self.rolename} ...')
for policy in self.role.attached_policies.iterator():
self.role = None
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Here is an example script deploying the function. Pay attention to the
# order of function invocations.
c = Client('./config.yaml')
c.ensure_role() # Before create lambda.
c.ensure_code_bucket() # Before create lambda.
c.ensure_ec2_key() # Before creating instance.
c.ensure_ec2_instance() # Before allowing SSH.
c.ensure_ec2_ssh() # Before creating venv.
c.create_ec2_venv(c.config['lambda']['requirements']) # Before create lambda.
c.lambda_create(c.config['lambda']['sources']) # Before invocation.
c.save_config('./config_last.yaml') # After all resources are populated.
# Say we changed the Lambda code, and its dependencies, since we did not
# clean up last time, those resources should still be there for reuse.
c = Client('./config_last.yaml')
# These `ensure_*` functions should be reusing existing resources, as
# specified in the `config['names']`.
# Since the dependency changed, we need to re-create a virtual environment.
# Update the function.
# Say this time we changed the Lambda code without changing its dependencies.
c = Client('./config_last.yaml')
# A new bucket will be created, since the last one is cleaned up.
# The zipped virtual environment at `self.ec2local` is re-used. No need to
# spawn a new EC2 instance.
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This is incredible -- thanks for putting this all together in one place!

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