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Created June 25, 2012 11:46
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$game = New-Object psObject -Property @{
players = @()
places = 0,0,0,0,0,0
purses = 0,0,0,0,0,0
inPenaltyBox = [bool[]](0,0,0,0,0,0)
popQuestions = @()
scienceQuestions = @()
sportsQuestions = @()
rockQuestions = @()
currentPlayer = 0
isGettingOutOfPenaltyBox = $false
function newGame {
0..49 | % {
$game.popQuestions += "Pop Question " + $_
$game.scienceQuestions += "Science Question " + $_
$game.sportsQuestions += "Sports Question " + $_
$game.rockQuestions += createRockQuestion $_
function createRockQuestion($index) {
"Rock Question " + $index
function isPlayable {
(howManyPlayers) -ge 2
function add($playerName)
$game.players += $playerName
$game.places[(howManyPlayers)] = 0;
$game.purses[(howManyPlayers)] = 0;
$game.inPenaltyBox[(howManyPlayers)] = $false;
Write-Host $playerName "was added"
Write-Host "They are player number" $game.players.Count
function howManyPlayers {
function roll($roll) {
Write-Host $game.players[$game.currentPlayer] is the current player
Write-Host They have rolled a $roll
if ($game.inPenaltyBox[$game.currentPlayer])
if ($roll % 2 -ne 0)
$game.isGettingOutOfPenaltyBox = $true
Write-Host $game.players[$game.currentPlayer] is getting out of the penalty box
$game.places[$game.currentPlayer] = $game.places[$game.currentPlayer] + $roll;
if ($game.places[$game.currentPlayer] -gt 11) {
$game.places[$game.currentPlayer] = $game.places[$game.currentPlayer] - 12;
Write-host "$($game.players[$game.currentPlayer])'s" new location is $game.places[$game.currentPlayer]
Write-Host The category is (currentCategory)
Write-Host $game.players[$game.currentPlayer] is not getting out of the penalty box
$game.isGettingOutOfPenaltyBox = $false;
$game.places[$game.currentPlayer] = $game.places[$game.currentPlayer] + $roll;
if ($game.places[$game.currentPlayer] -gt 11) {
$game.places[$game.currentPlayer] = $game.places[$game.currentPlayer] - 12
Write-Host "$($game.players[$game.currentPlayer])'s" new location is $game.places[$game.currentPlayer]
Write-Host The category is (currentCategory)
function askQuestion {
if ((currentCategory) -eq "Pop")
Write-Host $game.popQuestions[0]
$game.popQuestions = $game.popQuestions[1..$($game.popQuestions.Length-1)]
if ((currentCategory) -eq "Science")
Write-Host $game.scienceQuestions[0]
$game.scienceQuestions = $game.scienceQuestions[1..$($game.scienceQuestions.Length-1)]
if ((currentCategory) -eq "Sports")
Write-Host $game.sportsQuestions[0]
$game.sportsQuestions = $game.sportsQuestions[1..$($game.sportsQuestions.Length-1)]
if ((currentCategory) -eq "Rock")
Write-Host $game.rockQuestions[0]
$game.rockQuestions = $game.rockQuestions[1..$($game.rockQuestions.Length-1)]
function currentCategory {
if ($game.places[$game.currentPlayer] -eq 0) { return "Pop" }
if ($game.places[$game.currentPlayer] -eq 4) { return "Pop" }
if ($game.places[$game.currentPlayer] -eq 8) { return "Pop" }
if ($game.places[$game.currentPlayer] -eq 1) { return "Science" }
if ($game.places[$game.currentPlayer] -eq 5) { return "Science" }
if ($game.places[$game.currentPlayer] -eq 9) { return "Science" }
if ($game.places[$game.currentPlayer] -eq 2) { return "Sports" }
if ($game.places[$game.currentPlayer] -eq 6) { return "Sports" }
if ($game.places[$game.currentPlayer] -eq 10) { return "Sports" }
return "Rock";
function wasCorrectlyAnswered
if ($game.inPenaltyBox[$game.currentPlayer])
if ($game.isGettingOutOfPenaltyBox)
Write-Host Answer was correct!!!!
Write-Host $game.players[$game.currentPlayer] now has $game.purses[$game.currentPlayer] Gold Coins.
$winner = didPlayerWin
if ($game.currentPlayer -eq $game.players.Count) { $game.currentPlayer = 0; }
return $winner;
if ($game.currentPlayer -eq $game.players.Count) { $game.currentPlayer = 0; }
return $true;
Write-Host Answer was corrent!!!!
Write-Host $game.players[$game.currentPlayer] now has $game.purses[$game.currentPlayer] Gold Coins.
$winner = didPlayerWin
if ($game.currentPlayer -eq $game.players.Count) { $game.currentPlayer = 0; }
return $winner;
function wrongAnswer {
Write-Host Question was incorrectly answered
Write-Host $game.players[$game.currentPlayer] was sent to the penalty box
$game.inPenaltyBox[$game.currentPlayer] = $true;
if ($game.currentPlayer -eq $game.players.Count) { $game.currentPlayer = 0; }
function didPlayerWin {
!($game.purses[$game.currentPlayer] -eq 6)
# run
add Chet
add Pat
add Sue
$rand = New-Object Random
do {
roll ($rand.Next(5) + 1)
if ($rand.Next(9) -eq 7)
$notAWinner = wrongAnswer
} else
$notAWinner = wasCorrectlyAnswered
} while ($notAWinner);
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