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Created August 3, 2010 19:37
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if ( $psc -eq $null ) { $psc = $pscmdlet } ; if (-not $PSBoundParameters.psc) {$PSBoundParameters.add("psc",$psc)}
if ( $image.count -gt 1 ) { [Void]$PSBoundParameters.Remove("Image") ; $image | ForEach-object {Save-Image -Image $_ @PSBoundParameters } ; return}
if ($filename -is [scriptblock]) {$fname = Invoke-Expression $(".{$filename}") }
else {$fname = $filename }
if (test-path $fname) {if ($noclobber) {write-warning "$fName exists and WILL NOT be overwritten"; if ($passthru) {$image} ; Return }
elseIF ($pscmdlet.shouldProcess($FName,"Delete file")) {Remove-Item -Path $fname -Force -Confirm:$false }
else {Return}
if ((Test-Path -Path $Fname -IsValid) -and ($pscmdlet.shouldProcess($FName,"Write image"))) { $image.SaveFile($FName) }
if ($passthru) {$image}
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