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Last active June 2, 2022 12:21
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Locate CloudFormation stacks created using CDK v1
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
read -r -d '' -a regions < <(aws ec2 describe-regions --query "Regions[].[RegionName]" --output text && printf '\0')
for region in "${regions[@]}"; do
echo "[$region] Finding CloudFormation stacks deployed using CDK"
read -r -d '' -a stacks < <(aws cloudformation list-stacks --region "$region" --query "StackSummaries[?!contains(keys(@), 'DeletionTime')].[StackName]" --output text && printf '\0')
test -z "${stacks:-}" && continue
for stack in "${stacks[@]}"; do
template="$(aws cloudformation get-template --region "$region" --stack-name "$stack" --query "TemplateBody")"
if echo "$template" | grep "aws:cdk:path" > /dev/null; then
payload="$(echo "$template" | sed -n "s/^.*v2:deflate64:\([a-zA-Z0-9+=/]\{1,\}\).*$/\1/p")"
if [ -n "$payload" ]; then
decoded="$(echo "$payload" | base64 --decode | gunzip)"
echo " '$stack' is using CDK version $(echo "$decoded" | sed 's/^\([0-9.]\{1,\}\).*$/\1/')"
echo " '$stack' was deployed using CDK, but was unable to determine CDK version"
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