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Last active December 28, 2017 11:44
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static data errors
Missing Tooltip:
Draven - Blood Rush
Nidalee - Javelin Toss / Takedown
Nidalee - Bushwhack / Pounce
Nidalee - Primal Surge / Swipe
Nidalee - Aspect Of The Cougar
Mordekaiser - Harvesters of Sorrow
Mordekaiser - Children of the Grave
Missing Variables:
Viktor - Siphon Power: f1, f2
Sejuani - Winter's Wrath: f1, f2
Fiora - Riposte: f1
Fiora - Bladework: f3, f4
Fiora - Grand Challenge: f6, f8, f9
Ziggs - Satchel Charge: f1*100
Lulu - Glitterlance: f4, f5, f6
Malzahar - Malefic Visions: f1
Zed - Death Mark: f2
Talon - Noxian Diplomacy: f2, f3, f4
Talon - Rake: f1
Talon - Assassin's Path: f2, f3
Kog'Maw - Bio-Arcane Barrage: f1
Kog'Maw - Living Artillery: effect1amount*1.5, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6
Shen - Twilight Assault: charabilitypower*.01, charabilitypower2*.01, f1, f2
Shen - Shadow Dash: f1, f2
Shen - Stand United: f1, f2
Master Yi - Wuju Style: f1
Alistar - Trample: f1, f2, f3
Ryze - Overload: f1, f2, f3
Ryze - Rune Prison: f1
Ryze - Spell Flux: f1
Sion - Soul Furnace: f2
Soraka - Starcall: f1
Soraka - Astral Infusion: f1
Teemo - Noxious Trap: f1
Tristana - Explosive Charge: f1
Kled - Bear Trap on a Rope: charbonusphysical*2
Kled - Violent Tendencies: f1
Kled - Chaaaaaaaarge!!!: f1*3
Kha'Zix - Taste Their Fear: f1
Kha'Zix - Void Assault: f1
Annie - Summon: Tibbers: f1
Darius - Crippling Strike: f1
Galio - Winds of War: charabilitypower2*3
Galio - Shield of Durand: f2, f3
Galio - Hero's Entrance: f2
Jayce - Mercury Cannon / Mercury Hammer: f3
Urgot - Terror Capacitor: f1
LeBlanc - Mimic: f1, f2
Vladimir - Transfusion: f6, f7
Vladimir - Tides of Blood: f2, f3, f4
Vladimir - Hemoplague: f3, f4
Fiddlesticks - Drain: f1, f2
Fiddlesticks - Crowstorm: f1, f2
Nunu - Consume: f5
Nunu - Absolute Zero: f2
Miss Fortune - Double Up: f1
Miss Fortune - Strut: f2
Miss Fortune - Bullet Time: f2, f3
Ashe - Ranger's Focus: f1
Tryndamere - Bloodlust: f2
Tryndamere - Spinning Slash: f1
Singed - Poison Trail: charabilitypower*4
Evelynn - Hate Spike: f2
Evelynn - Agony's Embrace: f1, f2
Twitch - Contaminate: f1, f2
Quinn - Blinding Assault: f2
Vi - Vault Breaker: f2
Rakan - Gleaming Quill: f1
Syndra - Dark Sphere: f1
Xayah - Double Daggers: f1, f2
Xayah - Bladecaller: f3, f4
Aurelion Sol - Celestial Expansion: f1, f2
Thresh - Dark Passage: f6
Thresh - Flay: f2, f3
Karthus - Defile: cost
Cho'Gath - Feast: f2, f3
Rammus - Powerball: f2
Rammus - Defensive Ball Curl: f2
Anivia - Flash Frost: f1
Anivia - Glacial Storm: f1
Shaco - Deceive: f3
Shaco - Two-Shiv Poison: f2
Dr. Mundo - Burning Agony: charabilitypower*2
Dr. Mundo - Masochism: f1, f2
Dr. Mundo - Sadism: f1
Sona - Song of Celerity: f1*100, f2*100, f3*100
Kassadin - Riftwalk: f1, f2, f3
Irelia - Bladesurge: f1
Zyra - Deadly Spines: f1, f2
Zyra - Rampant Growth: ammorechargetime
Zyra - Grasping Roots: f1, f2
Aatrox - Blood Thirst / Blood Price: f1*100
Illaoi - Tentacle Smash: f1
Illaoi - Harsh Lesson: f1*100, f2*100
Illaoi - Test of Spirit: f1, f5
Nami - Ebb and Flow: f1
Rek'Sai - Burrow / Un-burrow: f1
Rek'Sai - Furious Bite / Tunnel: f2
Azir - Arise!: f1, f2, maxammo
Ivern - Rootcaller: f1
Ivern - Brushmaker: f2
Ivern - Triggerseed: f3, f4
Kalista - Sentinel: f1
Gangplank - Powder Keg: f5
Gangplank - Cannon Barrage: f3
Corki - Phosphorus Bomb: f1
Corki - Valkyrie: f1, f2
Karma - Inner Flame: f3
Karma - Focused Resolve: effect1amount*0.5, f2, f3, f4
Karma - Inspire: f2, f3
Taric - Starlight's Touch: f1, f2, f3
Taric - Bastion: f1
Taric - Dazzle: f1
Gnar - Boomerang Throw / Boulder Toss: f1
Gnar - Hyper / Wallop: f1
Gnar - Hop / Crunch: f1
Zac - Stretching Strikes: f2
Zac - Elastic Slingshot: f2, f3
Zac - Let's Bounce!: f1
Bard - Caretaker's Shrine: f1, f2
Yasuo - Sweeping Blade: f3
Swain - Decrepify: f1, f2, f3, f4, f5
Swain - Ravenous Flock: f10, f9
Caitlyn - Piltover Peacemaker: f1
Caitlyn - Yordle Snap Trap: f1
Malphite - Brutal Strikes: f1, f2
Katarina - Shunpo: f1, f3*100
Katarina - Death Lotus: f2, f3
Maokai - Sapling Toss: f1, f2
Renekton - Cull the Meek: f3, f4, f5, f6
Renekton - Ruthless Predator: f3
Renekton - Slice and Dice: effect1amount*1.5
Jarvan IV - Golden Aegis: f1
Taliyah - Threaded Volley: f1, f2
Taliyah - Unraveled Earth: f1, f2, f3, f4
Camille - Precision Protocol: f1, f2, f3
Camille - Tactical Sweep: f1, f2
Camille - Hookshot: f1
Braum - Winter's Bite: f1
Jhin - Dancing Grenade: f1
Jhin - Captive Audience: f1
Jhin - Curtain Call: f1, f2, f3
Kindred - Dance of Arrows: f2
Kindred - Wolf's Frenzy: f3
Kindred - Mounting Dread: f2, f3
Cassiopeia - Twin Fang: cost, f2, f4
Skarner - Crystalline Exoskeleton: f1
Udyr - Turtle Stance: f1
Poppy - Steadfast Presence: f1, f2
Gragas - Body Slam: f1
Jinx - Switcheroo!: f4
Xerath - Eye of Destruction: f1, f2
Shyvana - Twin Bite: f2
Shyvana - Burnout: charabilitypower2*.25, charbonusphysical*0.25, effect1amount*0.25
Shyvana - Flame Breath: f1, f2, f3
Ahri - Fox-Fire: f1
Graves - End of the Line: f1, f2
Graves - Collateral Damage: f1, f2
Rengar - Savagery: f2
Rengar - Battle Roar: f1
Rengar - Bola Strike: f1
Mordekaiser - Mace of Spades: f3, f4, f5
Yorick - Last Rites: f1
Yorick - Eulogy of the Isles: f1, f2
Garen - Courage: f1, f2
Garen - Judgment: f1, f2, f3
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