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Created June 14, 2024 20:15
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Bulk upload of directory of shape files into databse using PowerShell, shp2sql, ogrinfo and psql to feed into Postgis
# Set the target database connection details
# these are default for the ragis lectures
$remoteHost = ""
$databaseName = "ragis"
$targetSrid = 7801 #
if ($args.Count -lt 2) {
Write-Host "Usage: bulk.import.ps1 [source dir] [target schema]"
$sourceDir = $args[0]
$schema = $args[1]
Write-Host "`n finding ogrinfo path..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
$OGR = $(fd ogrinfo / -tx --max-results 1) | Select-Object -First 1
Write-Host "`n finding psql path..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
$PSQL = $(fd psql / -tx --max-results 1) | Select-Object -First 1
Write-Host "`n finding shp2sql path..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
$SHP2SQL = $(fd shp2pgsql / -tx --max-results 1) | Select-Object -First 1
# Get all shapefiles in the source directory
$shapefiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $sourceDir -Filter "*.shp" -Recurse
foreach ($shapefile in $shapefiles) {
$shapefilePath = $shapefile.FullName
$tableName = $shapefile.BaseName
Write-Host "`n============================================" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "Processing shapefile: $($shapefile.Name)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
# Check if the SRID is defined in the spatial_ref_sys table
$sourceSrid = & $OGR -so $shapefilePath $tableName | Select-String -Pattern 'EPSG' -Context 0,1
$sourceSrid = $sourceSrid.Line.Split(',')[1].Remove(4)
$existingSrid = & $PSQL -h $remoteHost -U $username -d $databaseName -tAc "SELECT srid FROM spatial_ref_sys WHERE srid = $sourceSrid"
if ($null -eq $existingSrid) {
Write-Host "`nMissing SRID $sourceSrid definition to spatial_ref_sys table..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
# Check if the table already exists in the database
$tableExists = & $PSQL -h $remoteHost -U $username -d $databaseName -tAc "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = '$schema' AND table_name = '$tableName')"
if ($tableExists -eq "t") {
Write-Host "Table '$schema.$tableName' already exists. Skipping import." -ForegroundColor Yellow
# Import the shapefile into the database
Write-Host "`nImporting shapefile into database..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
& $SHP2SQL -DI -s $sourceSrid`:$targetSrid $shapefilePath $schema`.$tableName | & $PSQL -h $remoteHost -U $username -d $databaseName
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