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Created August 28, 2021 19:44
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# RUN: %PYTHON %s | iree-dialects-opt -split-input-file | FileCheck --enable-var-scope --dump-input-filter=all %s
from typing import List
from mlir.dialects.iree_pydm.importer import *
from mlir.dialects.iree_pydm.importer.test_util import *
from mlir.dialects import iree_pydm as d
from mlir import ir
# Pyfunc intrinsics
def intrinsic_return_one() -> int:
return 1
def intrinsic_return_first_true(a: int, b: int) -> int:
return a or b
# CHECK-LABEL: @test_intrinsic_function_no_args
# CHECK: iree_pydm.dynamic_call @__return_one() : () -> (!iree_pydm.exception_result, !iree_pydm.object)
# CHECK: iree_pydm.func private @__return_one()
def test_intrinsic_function_no_args():
value = intrinsic_return_one()
return value
# CHECK-LABEL: @test_intrinsic_function_args
# CHECK: %[[ZERO:.*]] = iree_pydm.constant 0 : si64 -> !iree_pydm.integer
# CHECK: %[[ONE:.*]] = iree_pydm.constant 1 : si64 -> !iree_pydm.integer
# CHECK: iree_pydm.dynamic_call @__return_first_true(%[[ZERO]], %[[ONE]]) : (!iree_pydm.integer, !iree_pydm.integer) -> (!iree_pydm.exception_result, !iree_pydm.object)
# CHECK: iree_pydm.func private @__return_first_true
def test_intrinsic_function_args():
value = intrinsic_return_first_true(0, 1)
return value
# IR macro intrinsics
def macro_return_none(stage: ImportStage) -> ir.Value:
return d.NoneOp(d.NoneType.get()).result
# Boxing isn't load bearing here: It is just something we can do/test.
def macro_box_arg(stage: ImportStage, arg: ir.Value) -> ir.Value:
# CHECK-LABEL: @test_intrinsic_macro_no_args
# CHECK: %[[ONE:.*]] = iree_pydm.constant 1
# CHECK: %[[ONE]] : !iree_pydm.integer -> !iree_pydm.object<!iree_pydm.integer>
def test_intrinsic_macro_no_args() -> int:
return macro_box_arg(1)
# Test multi func intrinsic.
# There is nothing special about a logical not. It is just something we can
# test.
def logical_not_bool(x: bool) -> bool:
return not x
def logical_not_generic(x):
return not x
logical_not = def_pattern_call_intrinsic(match_generic=[logical_not_generic],
# CHECK-LABEL: @test_pattern_call
# CHECK: %[[TRUE:.*]] = iree_pydm.constant true
# CHECK: iree_pydm.pattern_match_call(%[[TRUE]]) : (!iree_pydm.bool) -> (!iree_pydm.exception_result, !iree_pydm.object)
# CHECK-SAME: matching generic [@__logical_not_generic] specific [@__logical_not_bool]
# CHECK-DAG: iree_pydm.func private @__logical_not_generic
# CHECK-DAG: iree_pydm.func private @__logical_not_bool
def test_pattern_call():
return logical_not(True)
// -----
builtin.module {
iree_pydm.func @test_intrinsic_function_no_args() -> (!iree_pydm.exception_result, !iree_pydm.object) attributes {arg_names = [], cell_vars = [], free_vars = ["value"]} {
%exc_result, %result = iree_pydm.dynamic_call @__return_one() : () -> (!iree_pydm.exception_result, !iree_pydm.object)
iree_pydm.raise_on_failure %exc_result : !iree_pydm.exception_result
iree_pydm.store_free_var "value", %result : !iree_pydm.object
%0 = iree_pydm.load_free_var "value" -> !iree_pydm.object
iree_pydm.return %0 : !iree_pydm.object
iree_pydm.func private @__return_one() -> (!iree_pydm.exception_result, !iree_pydm.integer) attributes {arg_names = [], cell_vars = [], free_vars = []} {
%0 = iree_pydm.constant 1 : si64 -> !iree_pydm.integer
iree_pydm.return %0 : !iree_pydm.integer
// -----
builtin.module {
iree_pydm.func @test_intrinsic_function_args() -> (!iree_pydm.exception_result, !iree_pydm.object) attributes {arg_names = [], cell_vars = [], free_vars = ["value"]} {
%0 = iree_pydm.constant 0 : si64 -> !iree_pydm.integer
%1 = iree_pydm.constant 1 : si64 -> !iree_pydm.integer
%exc_result, %result = iree_pydm.dynamic_call @__return_first_true(%0, %1) : (!iree_pydm.integer, !iree_pydm.integer) -> (!iree_pydm.exception_result, !iree_pydm.object)
iree_pydm.raise_on_failure %exc_result : !iree_pydm.exception_result
iree_pydm.store_free_var "value", %result : !iree_pydm.object
%2 = iree_pydm.load_free_var "value" -> !iree_pydm.object
iree_pydm.return %2 : !iree_pydm.object
iree_pydm.func private @__return_first_true(%arg0: !iree_pydm.integer, %arg1: !iree_pydm.integer) -> (!iree_pydm.exception_result, !iree_pydm.integer) attributes {arg_names = ["a", "b"], cell_vars = [], free_vars = ["a", "b"]} {
%0 = %arg0 : !iree_pydm.integer -> !iree_pydm.object<!iree_pydm.integer>
iree_pydm.store_free_var "a", %0 : !iree_pydm.object<!iree_pydm.integer>
%1 = %arg1 : !iree_pydm.integer -> !iree_pydm.object<!iree_pydm.integer>
iree_pydm.store_free_var "b", %1 : !iree_pydm.object<!iree_pydm.integer>
%2 = iree_pydm.load_free_var "a" -> !iree_pydm.object
%3 = iree_pydm.as_bool %2 : !iree_pydm.object -> !iree_pydm.bool
%4 = iree_pydm.bool_to_pred %3 : !iree_pydm.bool -> i1
%5 = scf.if %4 -> (!iree_pydm.object) {
scf.yield %2 : !iree_pydm.object
} else {
%6 = iree_pydm.load_free_var "b" -> !iree_pydm.object
scf.yield %6 : !iree_pydm.object
%status, %primitive = iree_pydm.unbox %5 : !iree_pydm.object -> !iree_pydm.integer
iree_pydm.raise_on_failure %status : !iree_pydm.exception_result
iree_pydm.return %primitive : !iree_pydm.integer
// -----
builtin.module {
iree_pydm.func @test_intrinsic_macro_no_args() -> (!iree_pydm.exception_result, !iree_pydm.integer) attributes {arg_names = [], cell_vars = [], free_vars = []} {
%0 = iree_pydm.constant 1 : si64 -> !iree_pydm.integer
%1 = %0 : !iree_pydm.integer -> !iree_pydm.object<!iree_pydm.integer>
%status, %primitive = iree_pydm.unbox %1 : !iree_pydm.object<!iree_pydm.integer> -> !iree_pydm.integer
iree_pydm.raise_on_failure %status : !iree_pydm.exception_result
iree_pydm.return %primitive : !iree_pydm.integer
// -----
builtin.module {
iree_pydm.func @test_pattern_call() -> (!iree_pydm.exception_result, !iree_pydm.object) attributes {arg_names = [], cell_vars = [], free_vars = []} {
%0 = iree_pydm.constant true -> !iree_pydm.bool
%exc_result, %result = iree_pydm.pattern_match_call(%0) : (!iree_pydm.bool) -> (!iree_pydm.exception_result, !iree_pydm.object) matching generic [@__logical_not_generic] specific [@__logical_not_bool]
iree_pydm.raise_on_failure %exc_result : !iree_pydm.exception_result
iree_pydm.return %result : !iree_pydm.object
iree_pydm.func private @__logical_not_generic(%arg0: !iree_pydm.object) -> (!iree_pydm.exception_result, !iree_pydm.object) attributes {arg_names = ["x"], cell_vars = [], free_vars = ["x"]} {
iree_pydm.store_free_var "x", %arg0 : !iree_pydm.object
%0 = iree_pydm.load_free_var "x" -> !iree_pydm.object
%1 = iree_pydm.as_bool %0 : !iree_pydm.object -> !iree_pydm.bool
%2 = iree_pydm.constant true -> !iree_pydm.bool
%3 = iree_pydm.constant false -> !iree_pydm.bool
%4 = %1, %3, %2 : !iree_pydm.bool
%5 = %4 : !iree_pydm.bool -> !iree_pydm.object<!iree_pydm.bool>
iree_pydm.return %5 : !iree_pydm.object<!iree_pydm.bool>
iree_pydm.func private @__logical_not_bool(%arg0: !iree_pydm.bool) -> (!iree_pydm.exception_result, !iree_pydm.bool) attributes {arg_names = ["x"], cell_vars = [], free_vars = ["x"]} {
%0 = %arg0 : !iree_pydm.bool -> !iree_pydm.object<!iree_pydm.bool>
iree_pydm.store_free_var "x", %0 : !iree_pydm.object<!iree_pydm.bool>
%1 = iree_pydm.load_free_var "x" -> !iree_pydm.object
%2 = iree_pydm.as_bool %1 : !iree_pydm.object -> !iree_pydm.bool
%3 = iree_pydm.constant true -> !iree_pydm.bool
%4 = iree_pydm.constant false -> !iree_pydm.bool
%5 = %2, %4, %3 : !iree_pydm.bool
iree_pydm.return %5 : !iree_pydm.bool
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