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Created February 8, 2023 21:08
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
from pathlib import Path
import sys
from packaging.utils import parse_wheel_filename
import platform
def diagnose_unsupported(p: Path) -> str:
p = Path(p)
reason = ""
if not p.exists():
return f"File '{p}' does not exist\n"
if not p.is_file():
return f"'{p}' is not a file\n"
if p.suffix != ".whl":
return f"'{p}' has incorrect suffix; the suffix must be .whl\n"
# The wheel filename must parse:
_, _, _, tags = parse_wheel_filename(
tag = None
for t in tags:
tag = t
# Is a debug wheel being loaded in a non-debug interpreter?
if tag.abi.endswith("d"):
if not sys.flags.debug:
reason += f"The ABI of the wheel is {tag.abi}, which is a debug wheel. However, the python interpeter does not have the debug flags set.\n"
# Is a cpython wheel being loaded by a non-cpython interpreter?
if tag.abi.startswith("cp"):
if != "cpython":
reason += f"The ABI of the wheel '{p}' requires cpython, but the system implementation is {}\n"
# If the interpreter is version intolerant, what interpreter should it be using?
idx = tag.interpreter.find("3")
if idx >= 0 and idx < len(tag.interpreter) - 1:
supported_minor = int(tag.interpreter[idx + 1])
if sys.version_info.minor != supported_minor:
reason += f"The python minor version is {sys.version_info.minor}, but the wheel only supports minor version {supported_minor}\n"
# There should be no restriction on the platform:
if tag.platform == "any":
return ""
pieces = tag.platform.split("_")
if len(pieces) != 4:
print("Unable to parse the platform tag")
wheel_os_name = pieces[0]
wheel_os_version_major = pieces[1]
wheel_os_version_minor = pieces[2]
cpu_architecture = pieces[3]
if wheel_os_name == "macosx":
if sys.platform != "darwin":
reason += f"The wheel was build for macosx, but the current platform is {sys.platform}\n"
if cpu_architecture != platform.machine():
reason += f"The CPU architecture supported by the wheel is {cpu_architecture}, but the platform has architecture {platform.machine()}\n"
os_major, os_minor, os_patch = platform.mac_ver()[0].split(".")
if int(os_major) < int(wheel_os_version_major):
reason += f"The operating system major version is {os_major}, but the wheel requires at least OS major version {wheel_os_version_major}\n"
if int(os_major) == int(wheel_os_version_major):
if int(os_minor) < int(wheel_os_version_minor):
reason += f"The operating system minor version is {os_minor}, but the wheel requires at least OS major version {wheel_os_version_minor}\n"
return ret
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Diagnoses why a wheel is unsupported on a particular platform."
parser.add_argument("wheelfile", type=Path, help="The name of the wheel file.")
args = parser.parse_args()
error_msg = diagnose_unsupported(args.wheelfile)
if len(error_msg) > 0:
f"ERROR: {args.wheelfile} is not supported on this platform. Reason: {error_msg}"
print(f"{args.wheelfile} should be supported on your platform!")
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