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Last active May 22, 2018 22:36
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// Friend and property support
// Read-only properties
abstract class PropertyVars {
protected $__visible = array();
public function &__get($key) {
if(in_array($key, $this->__visible)) {
return $this->$key;
// normal __get() code here
trigger_error('Cannot access private property ' . __CLASS__ .'::$'.$key, E_USER_ERROR);
// Friend classes
abstract class Friend extends PropertyVars {
private $__friends = array('OtherFriend');
public function __set($key, $value) {
$trace = debug_backtrace();
if(isset($trace[1]['class']) && in_array($trace[1]['class'],$this->__friends)) {
return $this->$key = $value;
// normal __set() code here
trigger_error('Cannot access private property ' . __CLASS__ .'::$' . $key, E_USER_ERROR);
// All read-only except
abstract class InvPropertyVars {
protected $__invisible = array();
public function __get($key) {
if(!in_array($key,$this->__invisible)) {
return $this->$key;
// normal __get() code here
trigger_error('Cannot access private property ' . __CLASS__ .'::$'.$key, E_USER_ERROR);
class DatabaseField extends InvPropertyVars {
protected $MemberName;
protected $Field;
protected $Changed = 0;
function __construct($member,$field) {
$this->MemberName = $member;
$this->Field = $field;
function Change() {
$this->Changed = 1;
class DatabaseTableObject extends InvPropertyVars {
protected $__database_fields = array();
protected $__primary;
protected $Table;
protected function SetFields(array $fields) {
foreach ($fields as $k => $z) {
$this->__database_fields[$z] = new DatabaseField($k,$z);
public function SetTable($tbl) {
$this->Table = $tbl;
public function SetPrimary($fdl) {
$this->__primary = $fdl;
public function Commit() {
$p = $this->__primary;
$updtquery = mysqlf('UPDATE %t SET ',$this->Table);
foreach ($this->__database_fields as $k => $z) {
if ($z->Changed) {
$m = $z->MemberName;
$updtquery .= mysqlf('%t = %X, ',$z->Field,$this->$m);
$d = $this->__database_fields[$p]->MemberName;
$updtquery = substr($updtquery,0,-2).mysqlf(' WHERE %t = %n',$p,$this->$d);
print $updtquery;
return MySQL::Query($updtquery);
function sqlgroup($array,$del="'") {
if (!is_array($array)) return;
$tmp = implode($del.','.$del,$array);
return $del.$tmp.$del;
function mysqlf($str,$va_list) {
$num_args = func_num_args();
/* Format: %n = Number: '10'
%s = String: "test"
%t = Table or field: `tablename`
%f = Table AND field: `table`.`field`
%F = Grouped field: `id`,`user`,`time`
%g = Grouped values: '42',"Name",'1246549800'
%X = Find out if it's either a numeric value or string literal
mysqlf('INSERT INTO %t (%F) VALUES (%g) WHERE %t = %n AND %t = %s;','users',$fields,$values,'id',22,'name',$User->Name) returns:
INSERT INTO `users` (`ctime`,`mtime`,`bio`) VALUES ('132456132','132231464',"Hi") WHERE `id` = 22 AND `name` = "Evans";
for ($i=1;$i<$num_args;$i++) {
$d = func_get_arg($i);
$f = strpos($str,'%');
switch ($str[$f+1]) {
case 'n': {
$str = substr_replace($str,'\''.$d.'\'',$f,2);
case 's': {
$str = substr_replace($str,'"'.$d.'"',$f,2);
case 't': {
$str = substr_replace($str,'`'.$d.'`',$f,2);
case 'f': {
$repstr = '';
foreach ($d as $z) {
$repstr .= '`'.$z.'`.';
$repstr = substr($repstr,0,-1);
$str = substr_replace($str,$repstr,$f,2);
case 'F': {
$repstr = '';
foreach ($d as $z) {
$repstr .= '`'.$z.'`,';
$repstr = substr($repstr,0,-1);
$str = substr_replace($str,$repstr,$f,2);
case 'g': {
$repstr = '';
foreach ($d as $z) {
if (is_numeric($z)) {
$repstr .= '\''.$z.'\',';
} else {
$repstr .= '"'.$z.'",';
$repstr = substr($repstr,0,-1);
$str = substr_replace($str,$repstr,$f,2);
case 'X': {
$repstr = '';
if (is_numeric($d)) {
$repstr .= '\''.$d.'\',';
} else {
$repstr .= '"'.$d.'",';
$repstr = substr($repstr,0,-1);
$str = substr_replace($str,$repstr,$f,2);
return $str;
class Post extends InvPropertyVars {
protected $Id = '';
protected $ImgFile = '';
protected $TnFile = '';
protected $User = '';
protected $posttime = '';
protected $filter = '';
protected $score = '';
protected $imgsize = '';
protected $ctime = '';
protected $mtime = '';
protected $flags = '';
protected $views = '';
protected $type = '';
protected $tag_list = array();
protected $Source = '';
protected $__trashed_tags = array();
protected $__added_tags = array();
public function __construct($id = '', $imgfile = '', $tnfile = '', $user = '', $posttime = '', $filter = '', $score = '', $imgsize = '', $ctime = '', $mtime = '', $flags = '', $views = '', $type = '', $tag_list = array()) {
$this->Id = $id;
$this->ImgFile = $imgfile;
$this->TnFile = $tnfile;
$this->User = $user;
$this->PostTime = $posttime;
$this->filter = $filter;
$this->score = $score;
$this->imgsize = $imgsize;
$this->ctime = $ctime;
$this->mtime = $mtime;
$this->flags = $flags;
$this->views = $views;
$this->type = $type;
$this->tag_list = $tag_list;
$this->__invisible = array('tag_list','__trashed_tags','__added_tags');
public function Populate($res) {
$this->Id = $res['id'];
$this->ImgFile = $res['imgfile'];
$this->TnFile = $res['tnfile'];
$this->User = $res['user'];
$this->PostTime = $res['posttime'];
$this->filter = $res['filter'];
$this->score = $res['score'];
$this->imgsize = $res['imgsize'];
$this->ctime = $res['ctime'];
$this->mtime = $res['mtime'];
$this->flags = $res['flags'];
$this->views = $res['views'];
$this->type = $res['type'];
$this->Source = $res['source'];
public function GetId() {
return $this->Id;
public function GetThumb() {
return $this->TnFile;
public function AddTag($tag) {
if (in_array($tag,$this->tag_list) || in_array($tag,$this->__added_tags)) {
return 0;
$this->__added_tags[] = $tag;
$this->tag_list[] = $tag;
return 1;
// benchmark with array_unique later with SORT_NUMERIC
public function AddTags(array $tag_array) {
$count = 0;
foreach ($tag_array as $z) {
$count += $this->AddTag($z);
return $count;
public function RemoveTag($tag) {
if (in_array($tag,$this->__added_tags)) {
$this->__added_tags = array__remove($tag,$this->__added_tags);
$this->__trashed_tags[] = $tag;
$this->tag_list = array__remove($tag,$this->tag_list);
public function RemoveTags(array $tag_array) {
foreach ($tag_array as $z) {
public function CommitTags() {
if ($this->__trashed_tags) {
$trashSTR = sqlgroup($this->__trashed_tags);
MySQL::Query($q='UPDATE post_tags SET dtime=\''.time().'\', del_id = 0 WHERE dtime IS NULL AND post_id =\''.$this->Id.'\' AND tag_id IN ('.$trashSTR.')');
MySQL::Query($q='UPDATE tags SET count=count-1 WHERE id IN ('.$trashSTR.')');
$this->__trashed_tags = array();
if ($this->__added_tags) {
$upcSTR = sqlgroup($this->__added_tags);
foreach ($this->__added_tags as $z) {
$updtSTR .= '(\''.$this->Id.'\',\''.$z.'\',\''.time().'\',\'0\'), ';
$updtSTR = trim($updtSTR,' ,');
MySQL::Query($q='INSERT INTO post_tags (post_id,tag_id,ctime,user) VALUES '.$updtSTR);
MySQL::Query($q='UPDATE tags SET count=count+1 WHERE id IN ('.$upcSTR.')');
$this->__added_tags = array();
$this->tag_list = array_merge($this->tag_list,$this->__added_tags);
public function SetTags(array $tag_array) {
$this->tag_list = $tag_array;
public function RetrieveTags() {
$res = MySQL::Query($q='SELECT `tags`.`id`, `tags`.`text` FROM `post_tags` LEFT JOIN `tags` ON `tags`.`id` = `post_tags`.`tag_id` WHERE `post_id` = '.$this->Id.' AND `post_tags`.`dtime` IS NULL ORDER BY `text` LIMIT 0 , 1000');
if (MySQL::NumRows($res) != 0) {
$this->tag_list = array();
while ($asd = MySQL::Fetch($res)) {
$this->tag_list[] = $asd['id'];
public function GetTag($index) {
if ($index < count($tag_list)) {
return $tag_list[$index];
return false;
public function GetTagList() {
return $this->tag_list;
public function __toString() {
return $this->Id;
public function Insert() {
// inserts post into DB
public static function QueryAndPop($id) {
$tmp = new Post($id);
$tmp->Populate(MySQL::Fetch(MySQL::Query("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id = '$id'")));
return $tmp;
class UserException extends Exception {}
class User extends DatabaseTableObject {
protected $Id = -1; /* done */
protected $PostCount = 0; /* done */
protected $LastIP = ''; /* done */
protected $LastSeen = null; /* done */
public $Settings = array( 'TimeZone' => 0,
'PPP' => 0,
'CPP' => 0,
'Locale' => 'en_us'
protected $Views = 0;
protected $ProfileViews = 0;
protected $GroupIds = array(1);
public function __construct($id=null) {
$this->SetFields(array( 'Id' => 'id',
'PostCount' => 'numpost',
'LastIP' => 'lastip',
'LastSeen' => 'lastseen',
'Views' => 'views',
'ProfileViews' => 'profviews'
if ($id) $this->SetId($id);
public function SetId($id) {
if (is_int($id) && $id) {
if (!$this->Id) $first = 1;
$this->Id = $id;
if ($first == 1) {
} else {
throw new TypeErrorException(1);
public function SetPostCount($val) {
if (is_int($val)) {
if ($val >= 0) {
$this->PostCount = $val;
} else {
throw new TypeErrorException(2);
} else {
throw new TypeErrorException(2);
public function SetIP($ip) {
if (preg_match('/\A([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\Z/',$ip) != 0) {
$ips = explode('.',$ip);
foreach ($ips as $z) {
if ($z > 255) {
throw new TypeErrorException(3);
$this->LastIP = $ip;
} else {
throw new TypeErrorException(3);
public function SetSeenDate($utime) {
if (is_int($utime)) {
if ($utime >= 0) {
$this->LastSeen = $utime;
} elseif (is_null($utime)) {
$this->LastSeen = null;
} else {
throw new TypeErrorException(4);
class Member extends User {
protected $Name = '';
protected $Password = '';
protected $Email = '';
protected $JoinDate = '';
protected $CommentCount = 0;
public function __construct($id) {
public function Populate($id) {
$res = MySQL::Fetch(MySQL::Query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '$id'"));
$this->Id = $res['id'];
$this->Name = $res['name'];
$this->PostCount = $res['numpost'];
$this->LastIP = $res['lastip'];
$this->LastSeen = $res['lastseen'];
$this->PPP = $res['ppp'];
$this->CPP = $res['cpp'];
$this->Locale = $res['locale'];
$this->Views = $res['views'];
$this->ProfileViews = $res['profviews'];
$this->Password = $res['password'];
$this->Email = $res['email'];
$this->JoinDate = $res['joindate'];
$this->CommentCount = $res['numcom'];
public function LoginPop() {
$res = MySQL::Query($q='SELECT id FROM users WHERE name = "'.$this->Name.'" AND password = "'.$this->Password.'"');
if (MySQL::NumRows($res) == 0) {
return false;
$result = MySQL::Fetch($res);
$this->Id = $result['id'];
return true;
public function LoginPopC() {
if ($this->Id == -1) throw new TypeErrorException(5);
$res = MySQL::Query($q='SELECT id FROM users WHERE id = "'.$this->Id.'" AND password = "'.$this->Password.'"');
if (MySQL::NumRows($res) == 0) {
return false;
$result = MySQL::Fetch($res);
return true;
public function RetrieveSettings() {
$res = MySQL::Fetch(MySQL::Query($q='SELECT name FROM users WHERE id = "'.$this->Id.'"'));
$this->Name = $res['name'];
$this->Settings['PPP'] = $res['ppp'];
$this->Settings['CPP'] = $res['cpp'];
$this->Settings['Locale'] = $res['locale'];
public function SetName($name) {
$this->Name = $name;
public function SetPass($pwd) {
$this->Password = $pwd;
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