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Last active December 18, 2015 05:39
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Save stemid/5734354 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Dwarf Fortress gamelog Colout theme for Solarized terminals.
# Colout Dwarf Fortress theme for Solarized terminals
# First install colout, go to
# mkdir ~/.colout
# cp ~/.colout/
# tail -0f df/gamelog.txt | colout -T ~/.colout -t df
# I just started this for my own sake, please do add your own colors, regexes and stuff.
# By Stefan Midjich
def theme():
bright_black = '#002b36'
black = '#073642'
bright_green = '#586e75'
bright_yellow = '#657b83'
bright_blue = '#839496'
bright_cyan = '#93a1a1'
white = '#eee8d5'
bright_white = '#fdf6e3'
yellow = '#b58900'
orange = '#cb4b16'
red = '#dc322f'
magenta = '#d33682'
violet = '#6c71c4'
blue = '#268bd2'
cyan = '#2aa198'
green = '#859900'
fight = red
death = magenta
merchants = yellow
hostiles = fight
brown = bright_yellow
done = blue
struck = yellow
fb = red
diplomat = white
recruit = green
cancelled = red
return [
[ "^(The .+) (misses|hacks|scratches|strikes|bashes|bites|s?lashes|stabs|kicks|punches|claws|charges|attacks|rushes|collides) ([^\!$]+\!)", fight ],
[ "^(.+) (martial trance) (.+)$", white ],
[ "^(The .+) (counterstrikes\!)", fight ],
[ "^(The .+) (has lodged firmly in the wound\!)", fight ],
[ "^(The .+) (is no longer stunned\.)", fight ],
[ "^(The .+) (has been knocked unconscious\!)", fight ],
[ "^(The .+) (falls over\.)", fight ],
[ "^(A .+) (torn|severed|opened) (and a .+) (has been) (torn|severed|opened)\!", fight ],
[ "^(A .+) (has been) (torn|severed)\!", fight ],
[ ".+ breaks the grip .+", fight ],
[ ".+ loses hold of .+", fight ],
[ "The .+ gives in to pain\.", fight ],
[ "(.+ is knocked over and tumbles backward\!)", fight ],
[ ".+ collides with the .+\!", fight ],
[ "^(The .+) (latches on) (.+\!)", fight ],
[ "(.+) (has become enraged\!)", fight ],
[ "(The .+) (slams into an obstacle\!)", fight ],
[ "^(The .+) (is propelled away by the force of the blow\!)", fight ],
[ "^(The .+) (skids along the ground, .+)", fight ],
[ "^(The .+) (is completely paralyzed\!)", fight ],
[ "(.+) (has been found dead|has been struck down|has suffocated|has been missing|has died of)(.+)", death ],
[ "(.* Protect .*\!)", hostiles ],
[ "^(.+) (cancels) (.+): (Interrupted by .+)\.", hostiles ],
[ "^.+ is throwing a tantrum\!", "yellow" ],
[ "^The merchants from .*", merchants ],
[ "^A caravan from .* has arrived\.", merchants ],
[ "^(A) (elven|human) (caravan from .* has arrived\.)", merchants ],
[ "^Merchants have arrived and are unloading their goods\.$", merchants ],
[ "^There is nothing to catch in the .+", brown ],
[ "^Winter is upon you\.", "white" ],
[ "^(The .+) (retches|vomits)\.", "green" ],
[ "^The vomit (disppears|splatters) into the .+\.", "green" ],
[ "(.+) (has given birth to .+)", "#00CF34" ],
[ "^(.+ has created a masterpiece\!)", done ],
[ "^(.+ has been completed\.)", done ],
[ "^(You have struck .+\!)", struck ],
[ "^(The Forgotten Beast .+) (has come\! .+)", fb ],
[ "^(The outpost liaison .+) (from .+) (has arrived\.)", diplomat ],
[ "^.+ has grown to become a Peasant\.$", recruit ],
[ "^(.+) (has ended a mandate\.)$", done ],
[ "^(.+) (has mandated) (.+)\.$", merchants ],
[ "^(.+) (has been slaughtered\.)$", death ],
[ "^(.+) (has grown attached) (.+)$", blue ],
[ "^(.+) (has engraved a masterpiece\!)$", done ],
[ "^(.+) (has become a Stray war .+)$", recruit ],
[ "^(.+) (has been stung by a honey bee\!)$", struck ],
[ "^(.+), ([\w ]+) (cancels) ([^:]+:) (.+\.)$", cancelled ],
[ "^(.+) (have hatched\.)$", green ],
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