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Created October 7, 2014 09:37
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Drupal Brightcove Token Example
name = Brightcove Node Embed
description = Provides a simple input filter to use [[brightcode:VIDEO_ID]] to insert a Brightcove video on a node.
core = 7.x
* Implements hook_filter_info()
function brightcove_embed_filter_info() {
$filters['brightcove_embed'] = array(
'title' => t('Embed Brightcove videos'),
'description' => t('Use syntax [[brightcove:VIDEO_ID]] to embed an inline Brightcove video'),
'process callback' => '_brightcove_embed_process_callback',
'tips callback' => '_brightcove_embed_process_filter_tips',
'cache' => FALSE,
return $filters;
* Implements hook_theme().
function brightcove_embed_theme() {
return array(
'brightcove_embed_video' => array(
'template' => 'templates/brightcove_video',
'variables' => array('video_id' => NULL, 'playerID' => NULL, 'playerKey' => NULL),
* Process callback for hook_filter
function _brightcove_embed_process_callback($text, $filter, $format, $langcode, $cache, $cache_id) {
return preg_replace_callback('/\[\[brightcove:(\d+)(\s.*)?\]\]/', '_brightcove_embed_build_video', $text);
* Provide tips for hook_filter
function _brightcove_embed_process_filter_tips($filter, $format) {
return t('Use [[brightcove:VIDEO_ID]] to insert an inline brightcove video');
* Build video player
function _brightcove_embed_build_video($matches) {
// Check if video ID provided via node entry magic syntax is a valid number.
if (is_numeric($matches[1])) {
// Add Brightcove Experiences API and BeginExperiences callback
drupal_add_js('//', array('type' => 'external', 'scope' => 'footer'));
drupal_add_js('brightcove.createExperiences();', array('type' => 'inline', 'scope' => 'footer'));
// Add Brightcove Embed CSS to make the player render a responsive video
drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'brightcove_embed') . '/css/brightcove_embed.css');
return theme('brightcove_embed_video', array('video_id' => $matches[1], 'playerID' => 1414283948001, 'playerKey' => 'AQ~,AAAAAGqBXh8,uLHkVFEJ0O2qQwkxx0amJt-eXY78W5gb'));
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