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Last active June 14, 2024 07:29
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##jsgolf starter/help text

##jsgolf is a channel on the IRC network Libera. Using an IRC client is recommended, but you can also use the web-based client. In order to participate, you need to register your nickname on Libera. Follow these instructions to register and identify.

The bot nibblrjr will handle all commands and submissions related to code golfing (and more!):

Command Explanation
~golf.tasks list all currently active golfing tasks
~golf.task <task> print the description of task <task>
~golf.scores list the current score for all tasks you are participating in
~golf.scores <task> list the top 5 scores for task <task>
~golf.submit <task> <string> submit your solution <string> for the task <task>
~golf.solution <task> print your submitted solution for the task <task> print a link to this help document

The bot listens to all commands in the channel and also in PM. To start a PM conversation with the bot, type /query nibblrjr. The commands ~golf.submit and ~golf.solution must only be executed in PM.

Feel free to submit as many solutions to a task as you like. nibblrjr will tell you if your submission passed the tests, and also if it had less or more characters than your previous solution. If you are able to improve, your new score will be announced in ##jsgolf. While it is technically possible to participate in golfing without actually joining the ##jsgolf channel, we have a soft rule that participants should also be in the main channel.

Submissions are validated using a set of tests. Those tests are listed on under the command key golf.tasks. Forging a solution which specifically makes the tests pass instead of being a general solution to the task is forbidden and the solution will be removed from the list.

If you are stuck on a problem and don't know how to continue, feel free to ask for help in the ##jsgolf channel. Please keep in mind that PMing people without their permission may be considered rude, so don't do that. Also make sure to not post your current solution or attempt in the channel.

Contributing tasks to the competition is encouraged. Please discuss your idea with the others in the channel. Once you found an interesting task and wrote the tests for it, poke Kirjava in the channel (no PM) to get it added.

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