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Created December 3, 2020 17:30
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from coldtype.test import *
import wave, struct, math, random, pickle
Run in terminal: `coldtype`
After a render_all (aka hitting the `a` key in the viewer app),
this code will render individual wave files for each letter,
to the renders/sonification/ folder
Those waves can then be played back in any DAW and should
be visible on an x/y scope (like this one
Style.RegisterShorthandPrefix("≈", "~/Type/fonts/fonts") # (this is specific to where I keep fonts on my computer)
class sonification(animation):
def __init__(self, timeline, filename, samples_per_frame=1, **kwargs):
self.filename = filename
self.samples_per_frame = samples_per_frame
super().__init__(fmt="pickle", timeline=timeline, **kwargs)
def package(self, filepath, output_folder:Path):
sampleRate = 48000.0 # hertz
obj = / self.filename), 'w')
for pp in sorted(output_folder.glob("*.pickle")):
pen:DATPen = (pickle
.load(open(pp, "rb"))
.scale(-1, 1)
.translate(-500, -500)
left, right = [], []
for (mv, pts) in pen.value:
if len(pts) > 0:
for x in range(0, self.samples_per_frame):
for idx, l in enumerate(left):
data = struct.pack('<h', int(l)*24)
data = struct.pack('<h', int(right[idx])*24)
def animate_letter(f, fn):
e = f.a.progress(f.i, loops=2, easefn="qeio").e
ie = 1 - e
txt, style = fn(e, ie)
c = (StyledString(txt, style)
#.explode()[0] # do this to knock out counters
return c
tl = Timeline(90)
@sonification(tl, "_T.wav")
def t(f):
return animate_letter(f,
lambda e, ie: ("T", Style("≈/ObviouslyVariable.ttf",
1000-ie*250, wdth=ie, wght=e)))
@sonification(tl, "_Y.wav")
def y(f):
return animate_letter(f,
lambda e, ie: ("Y", Style("≈/_wdths/CoFoPeshkaV0.4_Variable.ttf",
1000-e*250, wdth=e, wght=e)))
@sonification(tl, "_P.wav")
def p(f):
return animate_letter(f,
lambda e, ie: ("P", Style("≈/CheeeVariable.ttf",
1000, grvt=ie, yest=e)))
@sonification(tl, "_E.wav")
def e(f):
return animate_letter(f,
lambda e, ie: ("E", Style("≈/SwearCilatiVariable.ttf",
1000, wght=e)))
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