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Created February 12, 2021 08:26
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LFUCache Leetcode (Hard, #460)
* Least Frequently Used (LFU) is a caching algorithm in which the least frequently used cache block is removed whenever the cache is overflowed.
* In LFU we check the old page as well as the frequency of that page and if the frequency of the page is larger than the old page we cannot remove it
* and if all the old pages are having same frequency then take last i.e FIFO method for that and remove that page.
include_once '../../runner.php';
class DoublyLinkedList
* @var DoublyLinkedListNode|null
private $head;
* @var DoublyLinkedListNode|null
private $tail;
* @var int
private $count = 0;
public function unshift(DoublyLinkedListNode $node): void
if (null === $this->head) {
$this->head = $this->tail = $node;
} else {
$formerHead = $this->head;
$this->head = $node;
public function shift(): ?DoublyLinkedListNode
if (null === $this->head) {
return null;
$node = $this->head;
$this->head = $node->getNext();
if (null !== $this->head) {
} else {
$this->tail = null;
return $node;
public function push(DoublyLinkedListNode $node): void
if (null === $this->tail) {
$this->head = $this->tail = $node;
} else {
$formerTail = $this->tail;
$this->tail = $node;
public function pop(): ?DoublyLinkedListNode
if (null === $this->tail) {
return null;
$node = $this->tail;
$this->tail = $node->getPrev();
if (null !== $this->tail) {
} else {
$this->head = null;
return $node;
* @return DoublyLinkedListNode|null
public function getHead(): ?DoublyLinkedListNode
return $this->head;
* @return DoublyLinkedListNode|null
public function getTail(): ?DoublyLinkedListNode
return $this->tail;
* @return int
public function getCount(): int
return $this->count;
public function deleteNode(DoublyLinkedListNode $node): void
if ($this->head === $node) {
$this->head = $node->getNext();
if ($this->tail === $node) {
$this->tail = $node->getPrev();
if (0 === $this->count) {
$this->head = $this->tail = null;
public function test(): array
return [
null === $this->head,
null === $this->tail,
class DoublyLinkedListNode implements JsonSerializable
* @var DoublyLinkedListNode|null
private $prev;
* @var DoublyLinkedListNode|null
private $next;
* @var mixed
private $value;
public function __construct($value)
$this->value = $value;
public function getValue()
return $this->value;
* @param mixed $value
public function setValue($value): void
$this->value = $value;
* @param DoublyLinkedListNode|null $prev
public function setPrev(?DoublyLinkedListNode $prev): void
$this->prev = $prev;
* @param DoublyLinkedListNode|null $next
public function setNext(?DoublyLinkedListNode $next): void
$this->next = $next;
* @return DoublyLinkedListNode|null
public function getPrev(): ?DoublyLinkedListNode
return $this->prev;
* @return DoublyLinkedListNode|null
public function getNext(): ?DoublyLinkedListNode
return $this->next;
public function removeMeFromChain(): void
// connect prev and next nodes
if (null !== $this->next) {
if (null !== $this->prev) {
$this->next = $this->prev = null;
* @inheritDoc
public function jsonSerialize()
$valuePrev = null === $this->prev ? null : $this->prev->getValue();
$valueNext = null === $this->next ? null : $this->next->getValue();
return [$this->value, $valuePrev, $valueNext];
class LRUCache
private $capacity;
private $count = 0;
private $logEnabled = true;
private $opCount = 0;
* @var SplMinHeap
private $blocks;
* @var DoublyLinkedListNode[]
private $hashMap = [];
* @param Integer $capacity
public function __construct($capacity)
$this->capacity = $capacity;
$this->linkedList = new DoublyLinkedList;
* @param Integer $key
* @return Integer
public function get($key): int
$this->log(sprintf('#%d GET %s', $this->opCount, str_repeat('-', 30)));
if (array_key_exists($key, $this->hashMap)) {
$node = $this->hashMap[$key];
// mark the key as recently used
if ($this->linkedList->getHead() !== $node) {
// Remove the node from chain
// Add same node to top of the chain
$this->log('Node bubbled to top');
'Requested value for key %d. Returns %d; Current count: %d; LC: %d; LTK: %d, LHK: %d',
$key, $node->getValue()->value, $this->count, $this->linkedList->getCount(),
return $node->getValue()->value;
$this->log(sprintf('Requested value for key %d. Returns -1 (not found)', $key));
return -1;
* @param Integer $key
* @param Integer $value
* @return void
public function put($key, $value): void
* 1) if amount of items < the cache capacity
* - Create new node and put it in head of linked list
* - Add element in hash table with provided key and reference to the linked list node
* - Increase counter
* 2) if amount of items == the cache capacity
* - Remove LRU element from tail of the linked list and the hash table (in LL we need to have the key also)
* - Decrease counter
* - See Case 1
$this->log(sprintf('#%d PUT %s', $this->opCount, str_repeat('-', 30)));
if (array_key_exists($key, $this->hashMap)) {
// we need just to update the value
// and put the node on top of the list?
$node = $this->hashMap[$key];
$node->getValue()->value = $value;
// mark the key as recently used
if ($this->linkedList->getHead() !== $node) {
// Remove the node from chain
// Add same node to top of the chain
$this->log('Node bubbled to top');
'Updated value for key %d with value %d; Current count: %d; LC: %d; LTK: %d, LHK: %d',
$key, $value, $this->count, $this->linkedList->getCount(),
if ($this->count === $this->capacity) {
// we already fulfilled the cache
// we need to evict the LRU element
/** @var DoublyLinkedListNode $lru */
$lru = $this->linkedList->pop();
'Evicted key %d with value %d; Current count: %d; LC: %d; LTK: %d, LHK: %d',
$lru->getValue()->key, $lru->getValue()->value, $this->count, $this->linkedList->getCount(),
$node = new DoublyLinkedListNode(new LRUCacheNode($key, $value));
// put in top of the list
$this->hashMap[$key] = $node;
'Added key %d with value %d; Current count: %d; LC: %d; LTK: %d, LHK: %d',
$key, $value, $this->count, $this->linkedList->getCount(),
private function log($message): void
if (!$this->logEnabled) {
$node = $this->linkedList->getHead();
$stack = [];
while (null !== $node) {
$stack[] = $node->getValue()->key;
$node = $node->getNext();
$stack = implode('->', $stack);
printf("[log][%d/%d] %s\t\t%s\n", $this->count, $this->capacity, $message, $stack);
class LRUCacheNode
public $value;
public $key;
public function __construct($key, $value)
$this->key = $key;
$this->value = $value;
* Your LRUCache object will be instantiated and called as such:
* $obj = LRUCache($capacity);
* $ret_1 = $obj->get($key);
* $obj->put($key, $value);
//$cache = new LRUCache(2);
//$cache->put(1, 1);
//$cache->put(2, 2);
//$cache->get(1); // returns 1
//$cache->put(3, 3); // evicts key 2
//$cache->get(2); // returns -1 (not found)
//$cache->put(4, 4); // evicts key 1
//$cache->get(1); // returns -1 (not found)
//$cache->get(3); // returns 3
//$cache->get(4); // returns 4
$input = <<<STDIN
$expected = <<<STDOUT
runner($input, $expected);
function runner($input, $expected)
$lines = explode(PHP_EOL, $input, 2);
$operations = json_decode($lines[0], true, 512, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
$values = json_decode($lines[1], true, 512, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
$expected = json_decode($expected, true, 512, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
// key 0 in operations is create an object
// key 0 in operations are arguments for the object above
$model = new $operations[0](...$values[0]);
$opIndex = 1;
$output = [null];
echo 'Total operations will be performed: ' . count($operations) . "\n";
foreach ($operations as $key => $value) {
if ($key === 0) {
$output[] = call_user_func_array([$model, $operations[$key]], $values[$key]);
if (($expectedSlice = array_slice($expected, 0, $opIndex)) !== $output) {
echo "\n\n[Step $opIndex] Operation STOPPED due errors:\n";
echo 'Expected: ' . json_encode($expectedSlice, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR, 512) . "\n";
echo 'Got: ' . json_encode($output, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR, 512) . "\n";
return json_encode($output, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR, 512);
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