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Stephan Boyer stepchowfun

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fn when<
I: 'static + Send,
F: 'static + Send + Future<Item = I, Error = ()>,
R: 'static + Send,
K: 'static + Send + Fn(&[I]) -> Option<R>,
futures: Vec<F>,
k: K,
) -> Box<dyn Future<Item = R, Error = ()> + Send> {
fn when_rec<
stepchowfun / factorial.js
Created March 11, 2019 01:43
The factorial function implemented in the lambda calculus
// In the lambda calculus, an expression must be one of the following:
// 1) function(x) { return expression; }
// 2) expression(expression)
// 3) x
// Pairs
const pair = function(x) {
return function(y) {
return function(f) {
1 subgoal
w, x, y, z : category
oMap : w -> x
fMap : forall x0 y : w, arrow w x0 y -> arrow x (oMap x0) (oMap y)
fIdent : forall x0 : w, fMap x0 x0 (id w) = id x
fComp : forall (x0 y z : w) (f : arrow w x0 y) (g : arrow w y z),
compose x (fMap y z g) (fMap x0 y f) = fMap x0 z (compose w g f)
oMap0 : x -> y
fMap0 : forall x0 y0 : x, arrow x x0 y0 -> arrow y (oMap0 x0) (oMap0 y0)
fIdent0 : forall x0 : x, fMap0 x0 x0 (id x) = id y
stepchowfun / elementizer.hs
Last active May 18, 2018 04:23
Decompose a string into elements!
-- Usage:
-- $ ./elementizer esther
-- Es Th Er
import Data.Char (isLetter, toLower)
import Data.Function.Memoize (memoFix)
import Data.List (intercalate, isPrefixOf)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
elements = [ "H" , "He" , "Li" , "Be" , "B" , "C" , "N" , "O" , "F"
#!/usr/bin/python -O
import base64, getpass, hashlib
domain = raw_input('Domain: ').strip().lower()
key = getpass.getpass('Key: ')
bits = domain + '/' + key
for i in range(2 ** 16):
bits = hashlib.sha256(bits).digest()
password = base64.b64encode(bits)[:16]
stepchowfun /
Last active February 1, 2017 21:38
Worst-case linear-time selection algorithm in Python. Note that in practice there are faster ways to find the k-th largest element in a list, even if this implementation is asymptotically faster.
#!/usr/bin/python -O
# partition A[p:r] in place about x, and return the final position of the pivot
def partition(A, p, r, x):
# find the index of the pivot
i = -1
for j in range(p, r):
if A[j] == x:
i = j
stepchowfun /
Last active December 29, 2018 06:44
Generates domain names according to a Markov chain trained on the English dictionary and checks their availability.
#!/usr/bin/python -O
from collections import defaultdict
from random import random, choice
from string import ascii_lowercase
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from time import time, sleep
# get a list of words with only ASCII characters
words = [w.strip().lower() for w in open("/usr/share/dict/words").readlines()]
words = [w for w in words if all([c in ascii_lowercase for c in w])]
stepchowfun /
Last active September 3, 2023 03:04
My three-way merge algorithm, originally designed for 6.033 DP2.
#!/usr/bin/python -O
# State-Based Text Merging Algorithm
# For 6.033 Design Project 2
# TA: Katherine Fang
# 9 May 2012
stepchowfun / finite_automaton.h
Created October 18, 2012 05:45
This header declares structures and interfaces for manipulating finite automata, both deterministic and nondeterministic.
This header declares structures and interfaces for manipulating finite automata,
both deterministic and nondeterministic.
The code is written in a portable subset of C++11. The only C++11 features used
are std::unordered_map and std::unordered_set, which easily can be replaced with
the (less-efficient) C++03 equivalents: std::map and std::set.