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Created July 18, 2017 11:34
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Simple example to convert coordinates from one projection into another one
// import
// -
// -
// Keep x and y in the same range of values as coordinates
var x = 180;
var y = 90;
var fromXY = [x, y];
var fromLonLat = d3.geoEquirectangular().invert(fromXY);
var toXY = d3.geoMercator()(fromLonLat);
//document.getElementById("console").innerHTML = 'Before <br>' + fromXY[0] + ', ' + fromXY[1] + '<br><br>After<br>' + toXY[0] + ', ' + toXY[1];
console.log('Before', fromXY, 'After', toXY);
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