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Created March 2, 2024 19:39
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A type which records both the process identifier and the time at which the represented instance was dispatched.
// EquatableProcess.swift
// Created by Stephan Casas on 3/2/24.
/// A value type which records both the process identifier and the time at which the
/// represented instance was dispatched — providing a unique identity for a single
/// application instance.
struct EquatableProcess: Identifiable, Hashable {
let pid: pid_t;
let launchTime: Int;
/// Create a new `EquatableProcess` for the given process identifier.
init?(_ pid: pid_t) {
guard let launchTime = EquatableProcess.getSysctlInfo(
for: pid
)?.kp_proc.p_starttime.tv_sec else {
return nil;
} = pid;
self.launchTime = launchTime
/// Create a new `EquatableProcess` for the process which owns the given `AXUIElement`.
/// - Parameter element: An accessibility element owned by a running application process.
init?(for element: AXUIElement) {
var pid: pid_t = 0;
guard AXUIElementGetPid(element, &pid) == .success else {
return nil;
/// Get the sysctl information value for the process with the given process identifier.
private static func getSysctlInfo(for pid: pid_t) -> kinfo_proc? {
var mib = [CTL_KERN, KERN_PROC, KERN_PROC_PID, pid];
var procInfo = kinfo_proc();
var procInfoSize = MemoryLayout<kinfo_proc>.size;
guard sysctl(
&mib, .init(mib.count),
&procInfo, &procInfoSize,
nil, 0
) == 0 else {
return nil;
return procInfo;
var id: Int { self.hashValue }
static func ==(lhs: EquatableProcess, rhs: pid_t) -> Bool {
lhs == EquatableProcess(rhs)
static func ==(lhs: pid_t, rhs: EquatableProcess) -> Bool {
EquatableProcess(lhs) == rhs
// MARK: - pid_t + EquatableProcess
extension pid_t {
var equatableProcess: EquatableProcess? { .init(self) }
static func ==(lhs: pid_t, rhs: Optional<EquatableProcess>) -> Bool {
guard let rhs = rhs else {
return false
return lhs == rhs;
static func ==(lhs: Optional<EquatableProcess>, rhs: pid_t) -> Bool {
guard let lhs = lhs else {
return false
return lhs == rhs;
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