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Last active May 22, 2024 15:51
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An extension on NSColor — offering initialization from and conversion to HEX string representations
// NSColor+HexString.swift
// Created by Stephan Casas on 5/22/24.
import Foundation;
import AppKit;
extension NSColor {
/// Create a new `NSColor` from the given string representation of a color's HEX or HEXA value.
convenience init?(hexString: String){
var hexString = hexString.starts(with: "#") ? String(hexString.trimmingPrefix("#")) : hexString;
// Shorthand Format: #FFF
if hexString.count == 3 {
hexString ={ "\($0)\($0)" }).joined()
// No-alpha Format: #FFFFFF
if hexString.count == 6 {
hexString = hexString.appending("FF");
// Should have full-alpha format by now.
guard hexString.count == 8 else {
return nil;
let rgbaValues = stride(from: 0, to: 7, by: 2).map({
let lowerBound = hexString.index(hexString.startIndex, offsetBy: $0);
let upperBound = hexString.index(after: lowerBound);
return String(hexString[lowerBound...upperBound]);
Int($0, radix: 16)
CGFloat($0) / 255
red: rgbaValues[0],
green: rgbaValues[1],
blue: rgbaValues[2],
alpha: rgbaValues[3]);
/// Create a new string representation of this color's HEXA value.
func toHexString() -> String {
"#" + [
UInt64($0 * 255)
_uint64ToString($0, radix: 16, uppercase: true)
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