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Created July 21, 2021 18:19
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brakeman shell script
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# Script for running Brakeman tests
# Brakeman is a security scanner
# based on:
# install brakeman from scratch every time. Brakeman is regularly updated with new security checks.
# A fresh install thus ensures that you have the latest version every time the checks are performed
gem install -N brakeman
# run brakeman with -I to generate/update the `brakeman.ignore` file, which should be checked into version control.
# TODO: IMPORTANT! reduce confidence level and fix/ignore lower level warnings, eventually remove that flag.
brakeman --ignore-config brakeman.ignore --exit-on-warn --confidence-level 3 --github-repo YOUR_ORG/YOUR_REPO -o ./artifacts/ -o ./artifacts/brakeman.html
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