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Last active October 21, 2020 09:27
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Demo for the Introduction to GenomicRanges and plyranges by Stephanie Hicks (2020-10-06)
## Create a GRanges object
gr <- GRanges(seqnames = "chr1",
strand = c("+", "-"),
ranges = IRanges(start = c(102012,520211),
end=c(120303, 526211)),
gene_id = c(1001,2151),
score = c(10, 25))
## Create a new IRanges object
ir_new <- IRanges(start = c(1:3),end=c(5,2,8))
## Modify (or mutate) a genomic interval by altering the width
## Use the mutate() verb with anchor_*() adverbs
mutate(ir_new, width = 10)
mutate(anchor_start(ir_new), width = 10)
mutate(anchor_end(ir_new), width = 10)
## Anchoring fixes either the start, end, center coordinates
## of the GRange object.
## Can be used in combination with either mutate or stretch
## Stretch a genomic interval by an intger amount
stretch(anchor_center(ir_new), extend = 10)
## Shift (left and right)
shift_left(ir_new, shift = 10)
shift_right(ir_new, shift = 10)
## Create a GRanges object
gr <-
data.frame(seqnames = sample(c("chr1", "chr2"), 7, replace = TRUE),
strand = sample(c("+", "-"), 7, replace = TRUE),
score = runif(7),
start = 1:7,
width = 10) %>%
## Summarizing by group
gr %>%
group_by(strand) %>%
summarize(mean_score = mean(score))
## Filtering by group
gr %>%
group_by(strand) %>%
filter(score == max(score))
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