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Last active March 26, 2024 06:10
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C++17 std::streambuf implementation in memory with efficient resizing and possibility to keep the buffer after exit
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Stephan Lachnit <>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ios>
#include <streambuf>
// std::streambuf implementation in memory with efficient resizing and possibility to keep the buffer after exit
template<std::streamsize BLOCK_SIZE = 1024>
class membuf : public std::streambuf {
using streambuf = std::streambuf;
using char_type = typename streambuf::char_type;
using int_type = typename streambuf::int_type;
using traits_type = typename streambuf::traits_type;
using pos_type = typename streambuf::pos_type;
using off_type = typename streambuf::off_type;
membuf() { set_capacity(BLOCK_SIZE); }
virtual ~membuf() { if (free_in_destructor_) { std::free(memptr_); } }
// If set to false, does not free the buffer on destruction, user has to call std::free() itself
constexpr void free_in_destructor(bool do_free) { free_in_destructor_ = do_free; }
// Changes the buffer capacity to an exact value
constexpr void set_capacity(std::streamsize new_size) {
// minimum size is one byte
if (new_size <= 0) { throw std::bad_alloc(); }
// (re-)allocate memory, returns either ptr to memory or nullptr on failure
void* new_memptr = std::realloc(memptr_, new_size);
if (new_memptr == nullptr) { throw std::bad_alloc(); }
memptr_ = static_cast<char_type*>(new_memptr);
// store currently used size of underlying streambuf
const std::streamsize current_size = get_size();
// set pbase, pptr and epptr to new buffer
streambuf::setp(memptr_, memptr_ + new_size);
// advance pptr to old position or end of buffer is smaller
streambuf::pbump(std::min(current_size, new_size));
// update get area pointers
const std::streamsize current_getpos = streambuf::gptr() - streambuf::eback();
streambuf::setg(streambuf::pbase(), streambuf::pbase() + current_getpos, streambuf::pptr());
// Increase the buffer capacity by additional_size
constexpr void increase_capacity(std::streamsize additional_size) {
set_capacity(get_capacity() + additional_size);
// Increases the buffer capacity by N blocks such that additional_size < N * BLOCK_SIZE
constexpr void increase_block_capacity(std::streamsize additional_size) {
const std::streamsize new_blocks = 1 + additional_size / BLOCK_SIZE;
increase_capacity(new_blocks * BLOCK_SIZE);
// Shrinks the buffer to the used data
constexpr void shrink_to_fit() { set_capacity(get_size()); }
// Returns the current memory pointer of the buffer, can change if data is added
constexpr void* get_memptr() const { return memptr_; }
// Returns the current size of the data in the buffer currently in use
constexpr std::streamsize get_size() const { return streambuf::pptr() - streambuf::pbase(); }
// Returns the current capacity of the buffer
constexpr std::streamsize get_capacity() const { return streambuf::epptr() - streambuf::pbase();; }
// Returns the free capacity of the buffer
constexpr std::streamsize get_free_capacity() const { return streambuf::epptr() - streambuf::pptr(); }
// Implements std::basic_streambuf::xsputn
std::streamsize xsputn(const char_type* s, std::streamsize count) override {
if (count > get_free_capacity()) {
// more to write than free capacity, try to increase to at least count for speedup
try {
catch (const std::bad_alloc& error) {
// fine if throw, streambuf::xsputn will call overflow
// use streambuf::xsputn, store written chars for get area
std::streamsize written = streambuf::xsputn(s, count);
// update streambuf::egptr
streambuf::setg(streambuf::eback(), streambuf::gptr(), streambuf::pptr());
return written;
// Implements std::basic_streambuf::overflow
int_type overflow(int_type ch) override {
// try to increase the size by one block
try {
catch (const std::bad_alloc& error) {
// size increase did not work, return eof
return traits_type::eof();
// put char if not eof
if (!traits_type::eq_int_type(ch, traits_type::eof())) {
char_type ch_char = traits_type::to_char_type(ch);
xsputn(&ch_char, 1);
return traits_type::not_eof(ch);
// Implements std::basic_streambuf::showmanyc
std::streamsize showmanyc() override {
// never characters in associated character since xsputn automatically sets streambuf::egptr
return -1;
// Implements std::basic_streambuf::setbuf
// Note: either the the buffer needs to be freed by the user via free_in_destructor(false)
// or the buffer needs to be allocated via std::malloc so that std::free works
membuf* setbuf(char_type* s, std::streamsize n) override {
// free current memory
// update memptr to new character sequence
memptr_ = s;
// set pbase, pptr and epptr to new buffer
streambuf::setp(memptr_, memptr_ + n);
return this;
bool free_in_destructor_ {true};
char_type* memptr_ {nullptr};
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