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Last active January 29, 2016 09:17
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Simple two-way data binding
do ($ = jQuery, exports = window) ->
class ActiveDataBinder
constructor: (uid) ->
# Use a jQuery object as simple PubSub
pubSub = $ {}
# We expect a 'data' attribute specifying the binding
# in the form 'data-bind-<uid>="<attribute>" and name
# the corresponding message in the form '<uid>:change'.
dataAttr = "bind-" + uid
message = uid + ":change"
# Listen to change events on elements with the data-binding attribute and proxy
# them to the PubSub, so that the change is "broadcasted" to all listeners.
$(document).on "change", "[data-" + dataAttr + "]", (event) ->
$input = $(this)
attr = $
value = $"bind-value")
value ||= if $":checkbox") then $":checked") else $input.val()
pubSub.trigger message, [ attr, value ]
# PubSub propagates changes to all bound elements, setting value of
# input tags or HTML content of other tags.
pubSub.on message, (event, property, value) ->
for elem in $("[data-" + dataAttr + "='" + property + "']")
$elem = $(elem)
if $"bind-value")
# Nothing to do. No visual representation of the value.
else if $"input:not(:checkbox), textarea, select")
else if $":checkbox")
$elem.prop("checked", value)
return pubSub
# ActiveData wraps a 'data' object identified by 'uid', listens for change
# events and provides a minimal interface of 'set' and 'get' methods for
# easy two-way data binding.
class ActiveData
constructor: (data, uid) ->
# Setup the data binding, listen for message in the form "<uid>:change"
# and update the data unless the change was initiated by us.
binder = new ActiveDataBinder(uid)
message = uid + ":change"
wrapper =
set: (attr, val) ->
data[attr] = val
binder.trigger message, [ attr, val, this ]
get: (attr) -> data[attr]
binder.on message, (event, attr, value, initiator) ->
wrapper.set(attr, value) unless initiator == wrapper
return wrapper
# Export both classes into the global namespace (usually 'window').
exports.ActiveDataBinder = ActiveDataBinder
exports.ActiveData = ActiveData
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