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Created June 12, 2019 18:05
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Naperian Functors
trait Naperian[F[_]] {
val F: Distributive[F]
def hdistribute[W[?[_], _]: HFunctor]: W[F, ?] ~> Nested[F, W[Id, ?], ?]
def ncotraverse[W[?[_], _]: HFunctor, A, B](f: W[Id, A] => B)(wf: W[F, A]): F[B] =
def ncollect[W[?[_], _]: HFunctor, G[_]](f: G ~> F): W[G, ?] ~> Nested[F, W[Id, ?], ?] =
new (W[G, ?] ~> Nested[F, W[Id, ?], ?]) {
override def apply[A](fa: W[G, A]): Nested[F, W[Id, ?], A] =
def ntwiddle[W[?[_], _]: HFunctor, G[_], A, B](f: W[Id, A] => B)(ff: G ~> F)(wg: W[G, A]): F[B] =[W].hmap(ff)(wg)).value)(f)
def ntabulate[A](f: (F ~> Id) => A): F[A] = ncotraverse[Tabulation, A, A](
(h: Tabulation[Id, A]) => h([Id])
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