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Created June 10, 2013 23:26
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  • Save stephenR/5753362 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save stephenR/5753362 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
>=triangle 60, % Nice arrows; your taste may be different
start chain=going below, % General flow is top-to-bottom
node distance=9mm and 45mm, % Global setup of box spacing
every join/.style={norm}, % Default linetype for connecting boxes
% -------------------------------------------------
% A few box styles
% <on chain> *and* <on grid> reduce the need for manual relative
% positioning of nodes
base/.style={draw, on chain, on grid, align=center, minimum height=4ex},
proc/.style={base, rectangle, text width=8em},
test/.style={base, diamond, aspect=2, text width=6em},
term/.style={proc, rounded corners},
% coord node style is used for placing corners of connecting lines
coord/.style={coordinate, on chain, on grid, node distance=9mm and 25mm},
spacer/.style={coordinate, on chain, on grid},
% nmark node style is used for coordinate debugging marks
nmark/.style={draw, cyan, circle, font={\sffamily\bfseries}},
% -------------------------------------------------
% Connector line styles for different parts of the diagram
norm/.style={->, draw},
\node [test] (vulntype) {Vulnerability Type};
\node [spacer, left=of vulntype] (c1) {}; \cmark{1};
\node [test] (ssp) {SSP};
\node [term] (info1) {Information Disclosure};
\node [term, join] (overwrite) {Overwrite Saved Return Address};
\node [term, right=of overwrite] (got) {Overwrite Entry in GOT};
\node [spacer, right=of vulntype] (c2) {}; \cmark{2};
\node [test] (pie) {ASLR \& PIE};
%\node [spacer, right=of info1] (c4) {}; \cmark{4};
\node [term] (info2) {Information Disclosure};
\node [test, right=of got] (relro) {RELRO};
\node [term] (fini) {Overwrite Global Function Pointer or .dtors Section Entry};
\node [term, left=of fini] (final) {Control over Instruction Pointer};
\node [spacer, left=of final] (c3) {}; \cmark{3};
\node [coord, left=of info1] (c4) {}; \cmark{4};
\node [coord, right=of info2] (c5) {}; \cmark{5};
\path (ssp.south) to node [near start, xshift=1em] {$y$} (info1);
\draw [->] (ssp.south) -- (info1);
\path (pie.south) to node [near start, xshift=1em] {$y$} (info2);
\draw [->] (pie.south) -- (info2);
\path (relro.south) to node [near start, xshift=1em] {$y$} (fini);
\draw [->] (relro.south) -- (fini);
\path (relro.west) to node [near start, yshift=1em] {$n$} (got);
\draw [->] (relro.west) -- (got);
\draw [->] (info2.south) -- (relro);
\draw [->] (fini.west) -- (final);
\draw [->] (got.south) -- (final);
\path (vulntype.west) to node [xshift=-2em, yshift=1em] {Linear Stack Overwrite} (c1);
\draw [->] (vulntype.west) -- (c1) -- (ssp);
\path (vulntype.east) to node [xshift=2em, yshift=1em] {Arbitrary Overwrite} (c2);
\draw [->] (vulntype.east) -- (c2) -- (pie);
\path (ssp.west) to node [yshift=2em,xshift=0.5em] {$n$} (c4);
\draw [->] (ssp.west) -| (c4) |- (overwrite);
\draw [->] (overwrite.south) -- (c3) -- (final);
\path (pie.east) to node [yshift=2em,xshift=-0.5em] {$n$} (c5);
\draw [->] (pie.east) -| (c5) |- (relro);
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