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Created October 31, 2018 05:48
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Using faker and moment to generate fake data to seed a database
const faker = require('faker');
const moment = require('moment');
const momentRandom = require('moment-random');
const Promise = require('bluebird');
const db = require('../models/models.js');
const createUser = () => {
const email =;
const fullName =;
const host = Math.random() <= 0.25;
return guest = { email, fullName, host };
const createListing = () => {
const cancellationPolicies = ['Flexible', 'Moderate', 'Strict', 'Super Strict'];
const listingName = faker.random.words(2);
const listingDescription = faker.lorem.words(10);
const minimumNights = faker.random.number({ 'min': 0, 'max': 2 });
const cancellationPolicy = cancellationPolicies[faker.random.number({ 'min': 0, 'max': 3 })];
const host_id = faker.random.number({ min: 0, max: 399 });
return listing = {
listingName, listingDescription, minimumNights, cancellationPolicy, host_id,
const createAvailableNight = (listingIdInput) => {
const price = faker.commerce.price(30, 200, 2);
const startDate = momentRandom('2019-01-31', '2018-11-01');
const endDate = moment(startDate).add(1, 'days');
const booked = false;
const bookingId = undefined;
const listingId = listingIdInput;
return availableNight = {
startDate, endDate, booked, price, bookingId, listingId,
const createBooking = (bookingIdInput, listingIdQuery) => {
db.ListingAvailableNight.findAll({ where: {booked: false, listingId: listingIdQuery}})
.then( (availableListingNights) => {
let numOfListings = availableListingNights.length;
let selectedListing = faker.random.number({'min':0,'max': numOfListings})
let selectedNightId = availableListingNights[selectedListing].nightId;
return db.ListingAvailableNight.find({ where: { nightId: selectedNightId } })})
.then( (selectedNightToUpdate) => {
const startDate = selectedNightToUpdate.startDate;
const endDate = selectedNightToUpdate.endDate;
const price = selectedNightToUpdate.price;
const canceled = Math.random() <= .05 ? true : false;
const cancellationReason = canceled ? faker.lorem.words(5) : undefined;
const listingId = selectedNightToUpdate.listingId;
const guestId = faker.random.number({ 'min':1, 'max': 400 });
db.Booking.create({startDate, endDate, price, canceled, cancellationReason, listingId, guestId})
{booked: true, bookingId: bookingIdInput },
{returning: true, where: { nightId: selectedNightToUpdate.nightId } })
.catch((rejection) => console.log(`Snagged an error!`, rejection))
const populateUsers = () => {
const users = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 400; i += 1) {
db.User.bulkCreate(users, { updatedOnDuplicate: true, individualHooks: true, returning: true })
.then(() => db.User.findAll({}))
.then((results) => console.log(`Users table has ${results.length} users.`));
const populateListings = () => {
const listings = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i += 1) {
db.Listing.bulkCreate(listings, { updatedOnDuplicate: true, individualHooks: true, returning: true })
.then(() => db.Listing.findAll({}))
.then(results => console.log(`Listing table has ${results.length} listings.`));
const populateNights = () => {
let nights = [];
for (let listing = 1; listing < 100; listing += 1) {
const nightsToList = faker.random.number({ min: 30, max: 90 });
for (let singleNight = 0; singleNight < nightsToList; singleNight += 1) {
let singleNight = createAvailableNight(listing);
db.ListingAvailableNight.bulkCreate(nights, { updatedOnDuplicate: true, individualHooks: true, returning: true })
.then(() => db.ListingAvailableNight.findAll({}))
.then((results) => console.log(`Available nights table has ${results.length} nights.`))
const populateBookings = () => {
for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i += 1) {
randListingId = faker.random.number({'min': 1, 'max': 100})
Promise.resolve(createBooking(i+1, randListingId))
.then(results => console.log(`Booking table has ${results.length} bookings.`))
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