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Created December 10, 2019 20:54
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./mach raptor-test -t browsertime-tp6m --app geckoview --binary org.mozilla.geckoview_example
stephendonner-7hlvdq:mozilla-unified sdonner$ ./mach raptor-test -t browsertime-tp6m --app geckoview --binary org.mozilla.geckoview_example
Re-install geckoview_example? (Y/n) n
Updating external benchmarks from
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HEAD is now at e19a086 Merge pull request #20 from marianrai/Add_jetstream2_benchmark_suite
20:51:23 INFO - ConsoleLogger online at 20191210 20:51:23Z in /Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified
20:51:23 INFO - Run as ./mach raptor-test -t browsertime-tp6m --app geckoview --binary org.mozilla.geckoview_example
20:51:23 INFO - Dumping config to /Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/testing/mozharness/logs/localconfig.json.
20:51:23 INFO - {u'app': u'firefox',
20:51:23 INFO - 'append_to_log': False,
20:51:23 INFO - u'base_work_dir': u'/Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/testing/mozharness',
20:51:23 INFO - u'binary_path': None,
20:51:23 INFO - u'browsertime': False,
20:51:23 INFO - u'browsertime_browsertimejs': u'/Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/tools/browsertime/node_modules/browsertime/bin/browsertime.js',
20:51:23 INFO - u'browsertime_node': u'/Users/sdonner/.mozbuild/node/bin/node',
20:51:23 INFO - u'browsertime_video': False,
20:51:23 INFO - 'code_coverage': False,
20:51:23 INFO - u'cold': False,
20:51:23 INFO - 'config_files': (),
20:51:23 INFO - u'cpu_test': False,
20:51:23 INFO - u'debug_mode': False,
20:51:23 INFO - u'default_actions': (u'populate-webroot',
20:51:23 INFO - u'install-chromium-distribution',
20:51:23 INFO - u'create-virtualenv',
20:51:23 INFO - u'run-tests'),
20:51:23 INFO - 'disable_ccov_upload': False,
20:51:23 INFO - u'e10s': True,
20:51:23 INFO - u'enable_fission': False,
20:51:23 INFO - u'enable_webrender': False,
20:51:23 INFO - u'exes': {u'python': u'/usr/local/opt/python@2/bin/python2.7',
20:51:23 INFO - u'virtualenv': (u'/usr/local/opt/python@2/bin/python2.7',
20:51:23 INFO - u'/Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/third_party/python/virtualenv/')},
20:51:23 INFO - u'extra_prefs': (),
20:51:23 INFO - 'find_links': ('',),
20:51:23 INFO - u'gecko_profile': False,
20:51:23 INFO - u'host': u'',
20:51:23 INFO - u'is_release_build': False,
20:51:23 INFO - 'java_code_coverage': False,
20:51:23 INFO - 'log_level': 'info',
20:51:23 INFO - u'log_name': u'raptor',
20:51:23 INFO - 'log_to_console': True,
20:51:23 INFO - u'memory_test': False,
20:51:23 INFO - u'noinstall': False,
20:51:23 INFO - u'obj_path': u'/Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/obj-x86_64-apple-darwin19.2.0',
20:51:23 INFO - 'opt_config_files': (),
20:51:23 INFO - 'per_test_coverage': False,
20:51:23 INFO - 'pip_index': False,
20:51:23 INFO - u'power_test': False,
20:51:23 INFO - u'pypi_url': u'',
20:51:23 INFO - u'raptor_cmd_line_args': (u'-t',
20:51:23 INFO - u'browsertime-tp6m',
20:51:23 INFO - u'--app',
20:51:23 INFO - u'geckoview',
20:51:23 INFO - u'--binary',
20:51:23 INFO - u'org.mozilla.geckoview_example'),
20:51:23 INFO - u'raptor_path': u'/Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/testing/raptor',
20:51:23 INFO - u'repo_path': u'/Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified',
20:51:23 INFO - u'run_local': True,
20:51:23 INFO - u'title': u'stephendonner-7hlvdq',
20:51:23 INFO - 'verify': False,
20:51:23 INFO - u'virtualenv_path': u'/Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/obj-x86_64-apple-darwin19.2.0/testing/raptor-venv',
20:51:23 INFO - 'volatile_config': {'actions': None, 'add_actions': None, 'no_actions': None},
20:51:23 INFO - 'work_dir': 'build'}
20:51:23 INFO - [mozharness: 2019-12-10 20:51:23.052776Z] Skipping clobber step.
20:51:23 INFO - [mozharness: 2019-12-10 20:51:23.052816Z] Skipping download-and-extract step.
20:51:23 INFO - [mozharness: 2019-12-10 20:51:23.052853Z] Running populate-webroot step.
20:51:23 INFO - Running pre-action listener: _resource_record_pre_action
20:51:23 INFO - Running main action method: populate_webroot
20:51:23 INFO - Running post-action listener: _resource_record_post_action
20:51:23 INFO - [mozharness: 2019-12-10 20:51:23.052996Z] Finished populate-webroot step (success)
20:51:23 INFO - [mozharness: 2019-12-10 20:51:23.053034Z] Running install-chromium-distribution step.
20:51:23 INFO - Running pre-action listener: _resource_record_pre_action
20:51:23 INFO - Running main action method: install_chromium_distribution
20:51:23 INFO - Google Chrome or Chromium distributions are not required.
20:51:23 INFO - Running post-action listener: _resource_record_post_action
20:51:23 INFO - [mozharness: 2019-12-10 20:51:23.053200Z] Finished install-chromium-distribution step (success)
20:51:23 INFO - [mozharness: 2019-12-10 20:51:23.053236Z] Running create-virtualenv step.
20:51:23 INFO - Running pre-action listener: _resource_record_pre_action
20:51:23 INFO - Running main action method: create_virtualenv
20:51:23 INFO - Virtualenv already exists, skipping creation
20:51:23 INFO - Running post-action listener: _resource_record_post_action
20:51:23 INFO - Running post-action listener: _start_resource_monitoring
20:51:23 INFO - Starting resource monitoring.
20:51:23 INFO - [mozharness: 2019-12-10 20:51:23.062615Z] Finished create-virtualenv step (success)
20:51:23 INFO - [mozharness: 2019-12-10 20:51:23.063274Z] Skipping install step.
20:51:23 INFO - [mozharness: 2019-12-10 20:51:23.063329Z] Running run-tests step.
20:51:23 INFO - Running pre-action listener: _resource_record_pre_action
20:51:23 INFO - Running pre-action listener: _set_gcov_prefix
20:51:23 INFO - Running pre-action listener: timed_screenshots
20:51:23 INFO - Running main action method: run_tests
20:51:23 INFO - Running command: [u'/Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/obj-x86_64-apple-darwin19.2.0/testing/raptor-venv/bin/python', u'--version']
20:51:23 INFO - Copy/paste: /Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/obj-x86_64-apple-darwin19.2.0/testing/raptor-venv/bin/python --version
20:51:23 INFO - Python 2.7.17
20:51:23 INFO - Return code: 0
20:51:23 INFO - ENV: MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR is now /Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/testing/mozharness/build/blobber_upload_dir
20:51:23 INFO - ENV: RUST_BACKTRACE is now full
20:51:23 INFO - ENV: MINIDUMP_SAVE_PATH is now /Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/testing/mozharness/build/blobber_upload_dir
20:51:23 INFO - adb -s HT7AT1A00251 logcat -v threadtime Trace:S StrictMode:S ExchangeService:S
20:51:23 INFO - Running command: [u'/Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/obj-x86_64-apple-darwin19.2.0/testing/raptor-venv/bin/python', u'/Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/testing/raptor/raptor/', u'--run-local', u'-t', u'browsertime-tp6m', u'--app', u'geckoview', u'--binary', u'org.mozilla.geckoview_example', u'--browsertime-node', u'/Users/sdonner/.mozbuild/node/bin/node', u'--browsertime-browsertimejs', u'/Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/tools/browsertime/node_modules/browsertime/bin/browsertime.js', u'--host', u'', u'--app', u'geckoview', u'--obj-path', u'/Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/obj-x86_64-apple-darwin19.2.0', u'--log-tbpl-level=debug'] in /Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/testing/mozharness/build
20:51:23 INFO - Copy/paste: /Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/obj-x86_64-apple-darwin19.2.0/testing/raptor-venv/bin/python /Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/testing/raptor/raptor/ --run-local -t browsertime-tp6m --app geckoview --binary org.mozilla.geckoview_example --browsertime-node /Users/sdonner/.mozbuild/node/bin/node --browsertime-browsertimejs /Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/tools/browsertime/node_modules/browsertime/bin/browsertime.js --host --app geckoview --obj-path /Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/obj-x86_64-apple-darwin19.2.0 --log-tbpl-level=debug
20:51:23 INFO - Using env: {'DEVICE_SERIAL': 'HT7AT1A00251',
20:51:23 INFO - u'EXTERNALTOOLSPATH': u'/Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/testing/mozharness/external_tools',
20:51:23 INFO - 'HOME': '/Users/sdonner',
20:51:23 INFO - u'JSGC_DISABLE_POISONING': u'1',
20:51:23 INFO - 'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8',
20:51:23 INFO - 'LOGNAME': 'sdonner',
20:51:23 INFO - 'MACH_MAIN_PID': '1890',
20:51:23 INFO - 'MACH_STDOUT_ISATTY': '1',
20:51:23 INFO - u'MINIDUMP_SAVE_PATH': u'/Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/testing/mozharness/build/blobber_upload_dir',
20:51:23 INFO - u'MOZ_DEVELOPER_OBJ_DIR': u'/Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/obj-x86_64-apple-darwin19.2.0',
20:51:23 INFO - u'MOZ_DEVELOPER_REPO_DIR': u'/Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified',
20:51:23 INFO - 'MOZ_HOST_BIN': '/Users/sdonner/.mozbuild/android-device/host-utils-71.0a1.en-US.mac',
20:51:23 INFO - u'MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR': u'/Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/testing/mozharness/build/blobber_upload_dir',
20:51:23 INFO - 'PATH': u'/Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/obj-x86_64-apple-darwin19.2.0/testing/raptor-venv/bin:/Users/sdonner/.cargo/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Users/sdonner/geckodriver:/Applications/VMware',
20:51:23 INFO - 'PWD': '/Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified',
20:51:23 INFO - u'PYTHONPATH': u'/Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/testing/raptor',
20:51:23 INFO - u'RUST_BACKTRACE': u'full',
20:51:23 INFO - u'SCRIPTSPATH': '/Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/testing/mozharness',
20:51:23 INFO - 'SHELL': '/bin/bash',
20:51:23 INFO - 'SHLVL': '1',
20:51:23 INFO - 'SSH_AUTH_SOCK': '/private/tmp/',
20:51:23 INFO - 'TERM': 'xterm-256color',
20:51:23 INFO - 'TERM_PROGRAM': 'Apple_Terminal',
20:51:23 INFO - 'TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION': '433',
20:51:23 INFO - 'TERM_SESSION_ID': '58F9AC7D-4E4E-4151-9A8F-C299E1367ABE',
20:51:23 INFO - 'TMPDIR': '/var/folders/tn/jmgsfg315sd73yn_dnrf66c80000gn/T/',
20:51:23 INFO - 'USER': 'sdonner',
20:51:23 INFO - 'XPC_FLAGS': '0x0',
20:51:23 INFO - 'XPC_SERVICE_NAME': '0',
20:51:23 INFO - '__CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING': '0x1F5:0x0:0x0'}
20:51:23 INFO - Calling [u'/Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/obj-x86_64-apple-darwin19.2.0/testing/raptor-venv/bin/python', u'/Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/testing/raptor/raptor/', u'--run-local', u'-t', u'browsertime-tp6m', u'--app', u'geckoview', u'--binary', u'org.mozilla.geckoview_example', u'--browsertime-node', u'/Users/sdonner/.mozbuild/node/bin/node', u'--browsertime-browsertimejs', u'/Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/tools/browsertime/node_modules/browsertime/bin/browsertime.js', u'--host', u'', u'--app', u'geckoview', u'--obj-path', u'/Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/obj-x86_64-apple-darwin19.2.0', u'--log-tbpl-level=debug'] with output_timeout 3600
20:51:23 INFO - raptor-main Info: raptor-start
20:51:23 INFO - raptor-main Info: received command line arguments: Namespace(activity='org.mozilla.geckoview_example.GeckoViewActivity', app='geckoview', binary='org.mozilla.geckoview_example', browser_cycles=None, browsertime=False, browsertime_browsertimejs='/Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/tools/browsertime/node_modules/browsertime/bin/browsertime.js', browsertime_chromedriver=None, browsertime_ffmpeg=None, browsertime_geckodriver=None, browsertime_node='/Users/sdonner/.mozbuild/node/bin/node', browsertime_video=False, cold=False, cpu_test=False, debug_mode=False, e10s=True, enable_fission=False, enable_webrender=False, extra_prefs={}, gecko_profile=False, gecko_profile_entries=None, gecko_profile_interval=None, gecko_profile_threads=None, host='', installerpath=None, intent='android.intent.action.MAIN', is_release_build=False, log_errorsummary=None, log_grouped=None, log_html=None, log_mach=None, log_mach_buffer=None, log_mach_level=None, log_mach_screenshot=None, log_mach_verbose=None, log_raw=None, log_raw_level=None, log_tbpl=None, log_tbpl_buffer=None, log_tbpl_compact=None, log_tbpl_level='debug', log_unittest=None, log_xunit=None, memory_test=False, noinstall=False, obj_path='/Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/obj-x86_64-apple-darwin19.2.0', page_cycles=None, page_timeout=None, post_startup_delay=30000, power_test=False, run_local=True, symbols_path=None, test='browsertime-tp6m', test_url_params=None)
20:51:23 INFO - raptor-manifest Info: /Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/testing/raptor/raptor/raptor.ini
20:51:23 INFO - raptor-manifest Info: configuring settings for test amazon
20:51:23 INFO - raptor-main Info: raptor tests scheduled to run:
20:51:23 INFO - raptor-main Info: amazon
20:51:23 INFO - raptor-main Warning: Failed to get android browser meta data through mozversion: LocalAppNotFoundError-Application not found at: /Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/testing/mozharness/build
20:51:23 INFO - raptor-main Warning: Could not find a browser name
20:51:23 INFO - raptor-main Warning: Could not find a browser version
20:51:23 INFO - raptor-main Warning: Failed to get android browser meta data through mozversion: LocalAppNotFoundError-Application not found at: /Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/testing/mozharness/build
20:51:23 INFO - raptor-main Warning: Could not find a browser name
20:51:23 INFO - raptor-main Warning: Could not find a browser version
20:51:23 INFO - raptor-main Info: main raptor init, config is: {'binary': 'org.mozilla.geckoview_example', 'symbols_path': None, 'memory_test': False, 'cpu_test': False, 'enable_control_server_wait': False, 'e10s': True, 'app': 'geckoview', 'gecko_profile_entries': None, 'power_test': False, 'run_local': True, 'platform': 'mac', 'host': '', 'is_release_build': False, 'extra_prefs': {}, 'enable_webrender': False, 'enable_fission': False, 'gecko_profile_interval': None, 'processor': 'x86_64', 'gecko_profile': False, 'obj_path': '/Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/obj-x86_64-apple-darwin19.2.0'}
20:51:23 INFO - raptor-main Info: Merging profile: /Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/testing/profiles/base
20:51:23 INFO - raptor-main Info: Merging profile: /Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/testing/profiles/common
20:51:23 INFO - raptor-main Info: Merging profile: /Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/testing/profiles/perf
20:51:23 INFO - raptor-main Info: Merging profile: /Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/testing/profiles/raptor
20:51:23 INFO - raptor-main Info: Local browser profile: /var/folders/tn/jmgsfg315sd73yn_dnrf66c80000gn/T/tmpsAh_Jr.mozrunner
20:51:23 INFO - raptor-main Info: Merging profile: /Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/testing/profiles/raptor-android
20:51:23 INFO - raptor-main Warning: Failed to get android browser meta data through mozversion: LocalAppNotFoundError-Application not found at: /Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/testing/mozharness/build
20:51:23 INFO - raptor-main Warning: Could not find a browser name
20:51:23 INFO - raptor-main Warning: Could not find a browser version
20:51:23 INFO - raptor-control-server Info: raptor control server running on port 52300...
20:51:23 INFO - adb ADBDevice: {'_require_root': True, '_logger': <mozlog.structuredlog.StructuredLogger object at 0x10bcff650>, '_adb_version': '', '_adb_host': None, '_adb_port': None, '_timeout': 300, '_polling_interval': 0.1, '_adb_path': 'adb', '_verbose': True}
20:51:23 INFO - adb Using adb 1.0.41
20:51:23 INFO - adb ADBHost: {'_require_root': False, '_logger': <mozlog.structuredlog.StructuredLogger object at 0x10bcfff90>, '_adb_version': '', '_adb_host': None, '_adb_port': None, '_timeout': 300, '_polling_interval': 0.1, '_adb_path': 'adb', '_verbose': False}
20:51:23 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell getprop sys.boot_completed; echo adb_returncode=$?, timeout: 300, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: 1
20:51:23 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell getprop dev.bootcomplete; echo adb_returncode=$?, timeout: 300, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: 1
20:51:23 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell id; echo adb_returncode=$?, timeout: 300, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: uid=2000(shell) gid=2000(shell) groups=2000(shell),1004(input),1007(log),1011(adb),1015(sdcard_rw),1028(sdcard_r),3001(net_bt_admin),3002(net_bt),3003(inet),3006(net_bw_stats),3009(readproc),3011(uhid) context=u:r:shell:s0
20:51:23 INFO - adb command_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device root, timeout: 300, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: adbd cannot run as root in production builds
20:51:24 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell id; echo adb_returncode=$?, timeout: 300, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: uid=2000(shell) gid=2000(shell) groups=2000(shell),1004(input),1007(log),1011(adb),1015(sdcard_rw),1028(sdcard_r),3001(net_bt_admin),3002(net_bt),3003(inet),3006(net_bw_stats),3009(readproc),3011(uhid) context=u:r:shell:s0
20:51:24 INFO - adb adbd not restarted as root
20:51:24 INFO - adb su -c setenforce 0 exitcode 0, stdout: None
20:51:24 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell getprop; echo adb_returncode=$?, timeout: 300, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: 29
20:51:24 INFO - adb Check for su -c failed: args: adb wait-for-device shell su -c id, exitcode: 127, stdout: /system/bin/sh: su: inaccessible or not found
20:51:24 INFO - adb Check for su 0 failed: args: adb wait-for-device shell su 0 id, exitcode: 127, stdout: /system/bin/sh: su: inaccessible or not found
20:51:24 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell /system/bin/ls /system/bin/ls, timeout: 300, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: /system/bin/ls
20:51:24 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell /system/bin/ls -1A /sdcard, timeout: 300, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: Alarms
20:51:24 INFO - Android
20:51:24 INFO - DCIM
20:51:24 INFO - Download
20:51:24 INFO - Movies
20:51:24 INFO - Music
20:51:24 INFO - Notifications
20:51:24 INFO - Pictures
20:51:24 INFO - Podcasts
20:51:24 INFO - Ringtones
20:51:24 INFO - TWRP
20:51:24 INFO - geckodriver-profile
20:51:24 INFO - adb /system/bin/ls -1A supported
20:51:24 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell cp --help, timeout: 300, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: usage: cp [--preserve=motcxa] [-adlnrsvfipRHLP] SOURCE... DEST
20:51:24 INFO - Copy files from SOURCE to DEST. If more than one SOURCE, DEST must
20:51:24 INFO - be a directory.
20:51:24 INFO - -v Verbose
20:51:24 INFO - -s Symlink instead of copy
20:51:24 INFO - -r Synonym for -R
20:51:24 INFO - -n No clobber (don't overwrite DEST)
20:51:24 INFO - -l Hard link instead of copy
20:51:24 INFO - -d Don't dereference symlinks
20:51:24 INFO - -a Same as -dpr
20:51:24 INFO - -P Do not follow symlinks [default]
20:51:24 INFO - -L Follow all symlinks
20:51:24 INFO - -H Follow symlinks listed on command line
20:51:24 INFO - -R Recurse into subdirectories (DEST must be a directory)
20:51:24 INFO - -p Preserve timestamps, ownership, and mode
20:51:24 INFO - -i Interactive, prompt before overwriting existing DEST
20:51:24 INFO - -F Delete any existing destination file first (--remove-destination)
20:51:24 INFO - -f Delete destination files we can't write to
20:51:24 INFO - -D Create leading dirs under DEST (--parents)
20:51:24 INFO - --preserve takes either a comma separated list of attributes, or the first
20:51:24 INFO - letter(s) of:
20:51:24 INFO - mode - permissions (ignore umask for rwx, copy suid and sticky bit)
20:51:24 INFO - ownership - user and group
20:51:24 INFO - timestamps - file creation, modification, and access times.
20:51:24 INFO - context - security context
20:51:24 INFO - xattr - extended attributes
20:51:24 INFO - all - all of the above
20:51:24 INFO - adb Native cp support: True
20:51:24 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell chmod --help, timeout: 300, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: usage: chmod [-R] MODE FILE...
20:51:24 INFO - Change mode of listed file[s] (recursively with -R).
20:51:24 INFO - MODE can be (comma-separated) stanzas: [ugoa][+-=][rwxstXugo]
20:51:24 INFO - Stanzas are applied in order: For each category (u = user,
20:51:24 INFO - g = group, o = other, a = all three, if none specified default is a),
20:51:24 INFO - set (+), clear (-), or copy (=), r = read, w = write, x = execute.
20:51:24 INFO - s = u+s = suid, g+s = sgid, o+s = sticky. (+t is an alias for o+s).
20:51:24 INFO - suid/sgid: execute as the user/group who owns the file.
20:51:24 INFO - sticky: can't delete files you don't own out of this directory
20:51:24 INFO - X = x for directories or if any category already has x set.
20:51:24 INFO - Or MODE can be an octal value up to 7777 ug uuugggooo top +
20:51:24 INFO - bit 1 = o+x, bit 1<<8 = u+w, 1<<11 = g+1 sstrwxrwxrwx bottom
20:51:24 INFO - Examples:
20:51:24 INFO - chmod u+w file - allow owner of "file" to write to it.
20:51:24 INFO - chmod 744 file - user can read/write/execute, everyone else read only
20:51:24 INFO - adb Native chmod -R support: True
20:51:25 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell chown --help, timeout: 300, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: usage: chgrp/chown [-RHLP] [-fvh] group file...
20:51:25 INFO - Change group of one or more files.
20:51:25 INFO - -f Suppress most error messages
20:51:25 INFO - -h Change symlinks instead of what they point to
20:51:25 INFO - -R Recurse into subdirectories (implies -h)
20:51:25 INFO - -H With -R change target of symlink, follow command line symlinks
20:51:25 INFO - -L With -R change target of symlink, follow all symlinks
20:51:25 INFO - -P With -R change symlink, do not follow symlinks (default)
20:51:25 INFO - -v Verbose
20:51:25 INFO - adb Native chown -R support: True
20:51:25 INFO - adb shell_bool: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell logcat -P "", timeout: 300, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output:
20:51:25 INFO - adb Setting SELinux Permissive
20:51:25 INFO - adb Unable to set SELinux Permissive due to Can not run command setenforce Permissive as root!.
20:51:25 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell pidof --help, timeout: 300, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: usage: pidof [-s] [-o omitpid[,omitpid...]] [NAME]...
20:51:25 INFO - Print the PIDs of all processes with the given names.
20:51:25 INFO - -s Single shot, only return one pid
20:51:25 INFO - -o Omit PID(s)
20:51:25 INFO - adb Native pidof support: True
20:51:25 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell getprop, timeout: 300, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: nosdcard
20:51:25 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell getprop ro.product.cpu.abi, timeout: 300, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: arm64-v8a
20:51:25 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell getprop dalvik.vm.stack-trace-dir, timeout: 300, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output:
20:51:25 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell getprop dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file, timeout: 300, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output:
20:51:25 INFO - adb ADBDevice: {'_re_internal_storage': None, '_have_flaky_pidof': False, '_mkdir_p': None, '_polling_interval': 0.1, '_have_cp': True, '_ls': '/system/bin/ls -1A', '_require_root': True, '_chown_R': True, '_adb_version': u'1.0.41', '_adb_host': None, '_have_android_su': False, '_have_su': False, 'version': 29, '_device_ready_retry_attempts': 3, '_selinux': None, '_adb_path': 'adb', '_device_ready_retry_wait': 20, '_initial_test_root': '', '_logger': <mozlog.structuredlog.StructuredLogger object at 0x10bcff650>, '_test_root': None, '_have_root_shell': False, '_device_serial': 'HT7AT1A00251', '_verbose': True, '_have_pidof': True, 'stack_trace_dir': '/data/anr', '_adb_port': None, '_timeout': 300, '_chmod_R': True}
20:51:25 INFO - raptor-main Info: tuning android device performance
20:51:25 INFO - raptor-main Info: set device to stay awake on usb
20:51:26 INFO - adb shell_bool: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell svc power stayon usb, timeout: None, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output:
20:51:26 INFO - adb command_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device logcat -c, timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output:
20:51:27 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell log logcat cleared, timeout: None, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output:
20:51:27 INFO - raptor-main Info: android device performance tuning complete
20:51:27 INFO - raptor-main Info: creating remote root folder for raptor: /sdcard/raptor
20:51:27 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell sync, timeout: None, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output:
20:51:27 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell sync, timeout: None, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output:
20:51:27 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell mkdir /sdcard/raptor, timeout: None, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output:
20:51:27 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell sync, timeout: None, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output:
20:51:27 INFO - adb shell_bool: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell test -d /sdcard/raptor, timeout: None, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output:
20:51:27 INFO - adb chmod: path=/sdcard/raptor, recursive=True, mask=777, root=True
20:51:27 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell set, timeout: None, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: ANDROID_ASSETS=/system/app
20:51:27 INFO - ANDROID_DATA=/data
20:51:27 INFO - ANDROID_ROOT=/system
20:51:27 INFO - ANDROID_SOCKET_adbd=18
20:51:27 INFO - ANDROID_STORAGE=/storage
20:51:27 INFO - ANDROID_TZDATA_ROOT=/apex/
20:51:27 INFO - ASEC_MOUNTPOINT=/mnt/asec
20:51:27 INFO - BASHPID=8769
20:51:27 INFO - BOOTCLASSPATH=/apex/
20:51:27 INFO - COLUMNS
20:51:27 INFO - DOWNLOAD_CACHE=/data/cache
20:51:27 INFO - EPOCHREALTIME=1576011089.009882
20:51:27 INFO - EXTERNAL_STORAGE=/sdcard
20:51:27 INFO - HOME=/
20:51:27 INFO - HOSTNAME=walleye
20:51:27 INFO - IFS=$' \t\n'
20:51:27 INFO - KSHEGID=2000
20:51:27 INFO - KSHGID=2000
20:51:27 INFO - KSHUID=2000
20:51:27 INFO - KSH_VERSION='@(#)MIRBSD KSH R57 2019/03/01 Android'
20:51:27 INFO - LINES
20:51:27 INFO - LOGNAME=shell
20:51:27 INFO - OPTIND=1
20:51:27 INFO - PATH=/sbin:/system/sbin:/product/bin:/apex/
20:51:27 INFO - PATHSEP=:
20:51:27 INFO - PGRP=8769
20:51:27 INFO - PIPESTATUS=0
20:51:27 INFO - PPID=1041
20:51:27 INFO - PS1='$ '
20:51:27 INFO - PS2='> '
20:51:27 INFO - PS3='#? '
20:51:27 INFO - PS4='+ '
20:51:27 INFO - PWD=/
20:51:27 INFO - RANDOM=20281
20:51:27 INFO - SECONDS=0
20:51:27 INFO - SHELL=/system/bin/sh
20:51:27 INFO - SYSTEMSERVERCLASSPATH=/system/framework/services.jar:/system/framework/ethernet-service.jar:/system/framework/wifi-service.jar:/system/framework/
20:51:27 INFO - TERM=xterm-256color
20:51:27 INFO - TMOUT=0
20:51:27 INFO - TMPDIR=/data/local/tmp
20:51:27 INFO - USER=shell
20:51:27 INFO - USER_ID=2000
20:51:27 INFO - adb Ignoring attempt to chmod external storage
20:51:27 INFO - raptor-main Info: clearing org.mozilla.geckoview_example app data
20:51:28 INFO - raptor-main Info: setting debug-app flag for org.mozilla.geckoview_example
20:51:28 INFO - raptor-main Info: test amazon is running in warm mode; browser will NOT be restarted between page cycles
20:51:28 INFO - raptor-main Info: starting test: amazon
20:51:28 INFO - raptor-main Info: starting raptor test: amazon
20:51:28 INFO - raptor-main Info: test settings: {'expected_browser_cycles': 1, 'alert_threshold': '2.0', 'playback_pageset_manifest': 'mitm4-pixel2-fennec-amazon.manifest', 'browser_cycles': '15', 'here': '/Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/testing/raptor/raptor/tests/tp6/mobile', 'expected': 'pass', 'measure': ['fnbpaint', 'fcp', 'dcf', 'loadtime'], 'path': '/Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/testing/raptor/raptor/tests/tp6/mobile/amazon', 'manifest_relpath': 'tests/tp6/mobile/browsertime-tp6m.ini', 'cold': False, 'unit': 'ms', 'name': 'amazon', 'alert_on': ['fcp', 'loadtime'], 'use_live_sites': 'false', 'playback_recordings': '', 'page_cycles': '25', 'apps': 'geckoview, fenix, refbrow', 'test_url': '', 'manifest': '/Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/testing/raptor/raptor/tests/tp6/mobile/browsertime-tp6m.ini', 'ancestor_manifest': 'raptor.ini', 'page_timeout': '60000', 'playback': 'mitmproxy', 'browser_cycle': 1, 'lower_is_better': True, 'type': 'pageload', 'relpath': 'tests/tp6/mobile/amazon'}
20:51:28 INFO - raptor-main Info: raptor config: {'subtest_alert_on': ['fcp', 'loadtime'], 'gecko_profile_entries': None, 'e10s': True, 'app': 'geckoview', 'symbols_path': None, 'power_test': False, 'run_local': True, 'host': '', 'intent': 'android.intent.action.MAIN', 'platform': 'mac', 'enable_fission': False, 'memory_test': False, 'extra_prefs': {}, 'obj_path': '/Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/obj-x86_64-apple-darwin19.2.0', 'binary': 'org.mozilla.geckoview_example', 'local_profile_dir': '/var/folders/tn/jmgsfg315sd73yn_dnrf66c80000gn/T/tmpsAh_Jr.mozrunner', 'gecko_profile_interval': None, 'enable_control_server_wait': False, 'cpu_test': False, 'is_release_build': False, 'enable_webrender': False, 'activity': 'org.mozilla.geckoview_example.GeckoViewActivity', 'processor': 'x86_64', 'gecko_profile': False}
20:51:28 INFO - raptor-gen-test-config Info: writing test settings into background js, so webext can get it
20:51:28 INFO - raptor-gen-test-config Info: finished writing test config to /Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/testing/raptor/webext/raptor/auto_gen_test_config.js
20:51:28 INFO - raptor-main Info: installing webext /Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/testing/raptor/raptor/../webext/raptor
20:51:28 INFO - raptor-main Info: making the raptor control server port available to device
20:51:28 INFO - adb command_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device reverse tcp:52300 tcp:52300, timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: 52300
20:51:28 INFO - raptor-main Info: making the raptor playback server port available to device
20:51:28 INFO - adb command_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device reverse tcp:8080 tcp:8080, timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: 8080
20:51:28 INFO - raptor-main Info: test uses playback tool: mitmproxy
20:51:28 INFO - raptor-mitmproxy Info: mitmproxy was not provided with a 'playback_binary_manifest' Using default playback_binary_manifest
20:51:28 INFO - raptor-mitmproxy Info: mozproxy_dir used for mitmproxy downloads and exe files: /Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/obj-x86_64-apple-darwin19.2.0/testing/mozproxy
20:51:28 INFO - raptor-mitmproxy Info: mitmproxy binary already exists. Skipping download
20:51:28 INFO - raptor-mitmproxy Info: downloading mitmproxy pageset
20:51:28 INFO - raptor-mitmproxy Info: INFO - unzipping ""
20:51:28 INFO - raptor-mitmproxy Info: mitmdump path: /Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/obj-x86_64-apple-darwin19.2.0/testing/mozproxy/mitmdump-4.0.4/mitmdump
20:51:28 INFO - raptor-mitmproxy Info: browser path: org.mozilla.geckoview_example
20:51:28 INFO - raptor-mitmproxy Info: Starting mitmproxy playback using env path: :/Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/obj-x86_64-apple-darwin19.2.0/testing/raptor-venv/bin:/Users/sdonner/.cargo/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Users/sdonner/geckodriver:/Applications/VMware
20:51:28 INFO - raptor-mitmproxy Info: Starting mitmproxy playback using command: /Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/obj-x86_64-apple-darwin19.2.0/testing/mozproxy/mitmdump-4.0.4/mitmdump -v --set upstream_cert=false --set websocket=false --set server_replay_files=/Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/obj-x86_64-apple-darwin19.2.0/testing/mozproxy/ --scripts /Users/sdonner/mozilla-source/mozilla-unified/testing/mozbase/mozproxy/mozproxy/backends/mitm/scripts/
20:51:29 INFO - raptor-mitmproxy Info: Mitmproxy playback successfully started as pid 2009
20:51:29 INFO - raptor-main Info: Playback recording information not available
20:51:29 INFO - raptor-main Info: setting profile prefs to turn on the android app proxy
20:51:29 INFO - raptor-main Info: clearing org.mozilla.geckoview_example app data
20:51:29 INFO - raptor-main Info: setting debug-app flag for org.mozilla.geckoview_example
20:51:30 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell pm list package org.mozilla.geckoview_example, timeout: None, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: package:org.mozilla.geckoview_example
20:51:30 INFO - raptor-main Info: copying profile to device: /sdcard/raptor/profile
20:51:30 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell sync, timeout: None, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output:
20:51:30 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell sync, timeout: None, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output:
20:51:30 INFO - adb shell_bool: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell test -d /sdcard/raptor/profile, timeout: None, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 1, output:
20:51:30 INFO - adb command_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device push /var/folders/tn/jmgsfg315sd73yn_dnrf66c80000gn/T/tmppF7P6j/profile /sdcard/raptor/profile, timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: /var/folders/tn/jmgsfg315sd73yn_dnrf66c80000gn/T/tmppF7P6j/profile/: 8 files pushed. 0.7 MB/s (48119 bytes in 0.067s)
20:51:30 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell sync, timeout: None, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output:
20:51:30 INFO - adb chmod: path=/sdcard/raptor/profile, recursive=True, mask=777, root=True
20:51:30 INFO - adb Ignoring attempt to chmod external storage
20:51:31 CRITICAL - raptor-main Warning: Unexpected error: ADBProcessError - args: adb wait-for-device shell cat sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp, exitcode: 1, stdout: cat: sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp: Permission denied
20:51:31 INFO - raptor-main Info: creating android app config.yml
20:51:31 INFO - raptor-utils Info: writing {'args': ['--profile', '/sdcard/raptor/profile', 'use_multiprocess', True], 'env': {'MOZ_WEBRENDER': 0, 'R_LOG_LEVEL': 6, 'LOG_VERBOSE': 1}} to /var/folders/tn/jmgsfg315sd73yn_dnrf66c80000gn/T/tmp8JiI72/org.mozilla.geckoview_example-geckoview-config.yaml
20:51:31 INFO - raptor-main Info: copying /var/folders/tn/jmgsfg315sd73yn_dnrf66c80000gn/T/tmp8JiI72/org.mozilla.geckoview_example-geckoview-config.yaml to device: /data/local/tmp/org.mozilla.geckoview_example-geckoview-config.yaml
20:51:31 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell sync, timeout: None, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output:
20:51:31 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell rm -r /data/local/tmp/org.mozilla.geckoview_example-geckoview-config.yaml, timeout: None, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output:
20:51:31 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell sync, timeout: None, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output:
20:51:31 INFO - adb shell_bool: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell test -e /data/local/tmp/org.mozilla.geckoview_example-geckoview-config.yaml, timeout: None, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 1, output:
20:51:31 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell sync, timeout: None, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output:
20:51:31 INFO - adb command_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device push /var/folders/tn/jmgsfg315sd73yn_dnrf66c80000gn/T/tmp8JiI72/org.mozilla.geckoview_example-geckoview-config.yaml /data/local/tmp/org.mozilla.geckoview_example-geckoview-config.yaml, timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: /var/folders/tn/jmgsfg315sd73yn_dnrf66c80000gn/T/tmp8JiI72/org.mozilla.geckoview_example-geckoview-config.yaml: 1 file pushed. 0.0 MB/s (127 bytes in 0.007s)
20:51:31 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell sync, timeout: None, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output:
20:51:31 INFO - raptor-main Info: starting geckoview
20:51:32 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell am force-stop org.mozilla.geckoview_example, timeout: None, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output:
20:51:32 INFO - adb Granting important runtime permissions to org.mozilla.geckoview_example
20:51:32 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell pm grant org.mozilla.geckoview_example android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, timeout: None, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output:
20:51:32 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell pm grant org.mozilla.geckoview_example android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, timeout: None, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output:
20:51:32 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell pm grant org.mozilla.geckoview_example android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION, timeout: None, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output:
20:51:32 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell pm grant org.mozilla.geckoview_example android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, timeout: None, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output:
20:51:32 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell pm grant org.mozilla.geckoview_example android.permission.CAMERA, timeout: None, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output:
20:51:32 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell pm grant org.mozilla.geckoview_example android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO, timeout: None, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output:
20:51:33 INFO - adb Unable to grant runtime permissions to org.mozilla.geckoview_example due to args: adb wait-for-device shell pm grant org.mozilla.geckoview_example android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE, exitcode: 255, stdout: Security exception: Permission android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE requested by org.mozilla.geckoview_example is not a changeable permission type
20:51:33 INFO - java.lang.SecurityException: Permission android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE requested by org.mozilla.geckoview_example is not a changeable permission type
20:51:33 INFO - at
20:51:33 INFO - at
20:51:33 INFO - at$900(
20:51:33 INFO - at$PermissionManagerServiceInternalImpl.grantRuntimePermission(
20:51:33 INFO - at
20:51:33 INFO - at
20:51:33 INFO - at
20:51:33 INFO - at android.os.ShellCommand.exec(
20:51:33 INFO - at
20:51:33 INFO - at android.os.Binder.shellCommand(
20:51:33 INFO - at android.os.Binder.onTransact(
20:51:33 INFO - at$Stub.onTransact(
20:51:33 INFO - at
20:51:33 INFO - at android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal(
20:51:33 INFO - at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
20:51:33 INFO - adb launch_application: am start -W -n org.mozilla.geckoview_example/org.mozilla.geckoview_example.GeckoViewActivity -a android.intent.action.MAIN -d about:blank
20:51:33 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell am start -W -n org.mozilla.geckoview_example/org.mozilla.geckoview_example.GeckoViewActivity -a android.intent.action.MAIN -d about:blank, timeout: None, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN dat=about:blank cmp=org.mozilla.geckoview_example/.GeckoViewActivity }
20:51:33 INFO - Status: ok
20:51:33 INFO - LaunchState: COLD
20:51:33 INFO - Activity: org.mozilla.geckoview_example/.GeckoViewActivity
20:51:33 INFO - TotalTime: 519
20:51:33 INFO - WaitTime: 521
20:51:33 INFO - Complete
20:51:34 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s HT7AT1A00251 wait-for-device shell pidof org.mozilla.geckoview_example, timeout: None, root: False, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: 8886
20:51:35 INFO - raptor-control-server Info: received webext_status: raptor runner.js is loaded!
20:51:35 INFO - raptor-control-server Info: received request for unknown file: /json/amazon.json
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