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Last active January 8, 2020 05:07
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Save stepheneb/4705258 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
AgentScript Climate model (Java applet).
<title>AgentScript Model</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/coffeescript">
class ClimateModel extends ABM.Model
u = ABM.util # static variable
setup: -> # called by Model ctor
@refreshPatches = true
@agents.setDefaultShape "arrow"
@agentBreeds "sunrays heat IR CO2 clouds"
# globals
@sunBrightness = 100
@albedo = 0.3
@temperature = 13
@agentSize = 0.75
@skyTop = (15) - 5
@earthTop = 8 + (-15)
@sunlightHeading = -1.1
@numClouds = 0
# allow access to this model from window.ClimateModel
window.ClimateModel = this
@spacePatches = (p for p in @patches when p.y == (15))
@skyTopPatches = (p for p in @patches when p.y < (15) && p.y > @skyTop)
@skyPatches = (p for p in @patches when p.y <= @skyTop && p.y > @earthTop)
@earthSurfacePatches = (p for p in @patches when p.y == @earthTop)
@earthPatches = (p for p in @patches when p.y < @earthTop)
p.color = [0, 0, 0] for p in @spacePatches
for p in @skyTopPatches
p.color = [196, 196, 196] if p.y == @skyTop + 1
p.color = [128, 128, 128] if p.y == @skyTop + 2
p.color = [64, 64, 64] if p.y == @skyTop + 3
p.color = [32, 32, 32] if p.y == @skyTop + 4
p.color = [100, 150, 255] for p in @skyPatches
p.color = [255, 200, 200] for p in @earthPatches
setAlbedo: (percent) ->
@albedo = percent
getAlbedo : ->
setSunBrightness: (val) ->
@sunBrightness = val
getSunBrightness : ->
getTemperature : ->
getCO2Count : ->
addCO2: ->
subtractCO2: ->
if @CO2().length > 0
updateAlbedoOfSurface: ->
p.color = [Math.floor(196 * @albedo), Math.floor(255 * @albedo), Math.floor(196 * @albedo)] for p in @earthSurfacePatches
reflectOffHorizontalPlane: (a) ->
heading = a.heading
newheading = heading
if heading > Math.PI
newheading = Math.PI - (heading - Math.PI)
if heading < Math.PI
newheading = Math.PI + (Math.PI - heading)
newheading = 0
a.heading = newheading
headingUp: (a) ->
heading = a.heading
heading > 0 && heading < Math.PI
transformToIR: (a) ->
a.breed = "IR"
a.heading = -@sunlightHeading
# a.heading = u.randomFloat2(2.6, 0.5)
# a.heading = u.randomCentered(Math.PI/4) + Math.PI/2
a.color = [200, 32, 200]
a.shape = "arrow"
transformToHeat: (a) ->
a.breed = "heat"
a.y = @earthTop-1
a.heading = u.randomFloat2(-0.5, -Math.PI+0.5)
a.shape = "circle"
randomLightness = u.randomInt2(32, 128)
a.color = [255, randomLightness, randomLightness]
# CO2
createCO2: (num) ->
while num > 0
@agents.create 1, (a) =>
a.breed = "CO2"
a.size = @agentSize
a.color = [0, 255, 0]
a.shape ="pentagon"
a.heading = u.randomCentered(Math.PI)
a.setXY u.randomCentered(22), u.randomFloat2(@earthTop+1, @skyTop)
runCO2: ->
for a in @CO2()
if a
a.heading = a.heading + u.randomCentered(Math.PI/9)
a.forward 0.1
if a.y <= (-14)
a.heading = u.randomFloat2(0.1, Math.PI-0.1)
if a.y <= @earthTop + 1
a.heading = u.randomFloat2(Math.PI/4, Math.PI*3/4)
if a.y >= @skyTop + 1
a.heading = u.randomFloat2(-Math.PI/4, -Math.PI*3/4)
# IR
runIR: ->
for a in @IR()
if a
a.forward 0.5
if @CO2().inRadius(a, 1).any()
a.heading = u.randomFloat2(-Math.PI/4, -Math.PI*3/4)
a.die() if a.heading == -@sunlightHeading && a.y > (14)
if a.y <= @earthTop
# Heat
runHeat: ->
for a in @heat()
if a
a.heading = a.rotate(u.randomCentered(0.3))
a.forward u.randomFloat2(0.05, 0.2)
if a.y <= (-15)
a.heading = u.randomFloat2(0.1, Math.PI-0.1)
if a.y >= @earthTop
if @returnToSky
a.heading = u.randomCentered(2)
returnToSky: ->
u.randomInt(100) < (temperature * 20) && u.randomInt(20) < 2
updateTemperature: ->
@temperature = 0.99 * @temperature + 0.01 * (-7 + 0.5 * @heat().length)
leaveToSpace: (a) ->
heading = a.heading % Math.PI
ypos = a.y
if heading < Math.PI && heading > 0
if ypos < (-15) || ypos >= (15)
# Clouds
addCloud: ->
subtractCloud: ->
if @clouds().length
cloudNum = @clouds().oneOf().cloudNum
for a in @clouds()
a.die() if a.cloudNum == cloudNum
setupClouds: (num) ->
for a in @clouds()
i = 0
while i < num
@makeCloud(i, num)
makeCloud: (cloudNum, total) ->
width = @skyTop - @earthTop
mid = (@skyTop + @earthTop)/2
y = mid + width * ((cloudNum/total) - 0.3) - 2
y = 6 if cloudNum == 0
x = 2 * u.randomFloat(24) + -24
cloudParts = 3 + u.randomInt(16)
while cloudParts--
@agents.create 1, (a) =>
a.breed = "clouds"
a.cloudNum = cloudNum
a.color = [255,255,255]
a.size = @agentSize + 0.5 + u.randomFloat(1)
a.shape = "circle"
a.heading = 0
a.setXY x + u.randomFloat(5) - 4, y + (u.randomFloat(u.randomFloat(3)))
runClouds: ->
for a in @clouds()
if a
a.forward 0.3 * (0.1 + (3 + a.cloudNum) / 10)
# Sunshine
runSunshine: ->
for a in @sunrays()
if a
a.forward 0.5
reflectSunshineFromClouds: ->
for a in @sunrays()
if a
if @clouds().inRadius(a, 1).any()
heading = u.randomFloat2(Math.PI/4, Math.PI*3/4)
if @headingUp a
heading = -heading
a.heading = heading
encounterEarth: ->
for a in @sunrays()
if a.y <= @earthTop
if @albedo * 100 > u.randomInt(100)
createSunshine: ->
if 0.1 * @sunBrightness > u.randomInt(50)
@agents.create 1, (a) =>
a.breed = "sunrays"
a.size = @agentSize
a.color = [255,255,0]
a.heading = @sunlightHeading
a.setXY -24 + u.randomFloat(10), 15
# Main Model Loop
step: ->
# divName, patchSize, minX, maxX, minY, maxY, isTorus = false, topLeft=[10,10]
# NL Defaults: 13, -16, 16, -16, 16
APP=new ClimateModel "layers", 12, -24, 24, -15, 15, true #use torus
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float: right;
text-align: left;
width: 2em; }
#controls span.slider-units {
font-size: 90%;
font-style: italic; }
#chart {
display: inline-block;
position: relative;
width: 320px;
height: 250px;
margin: 0.1em 1em 1em 0em;
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<body onload="ABM.model.start(); setupControls();">
<div id="content">
<div id="model">
<canvas id="canvas" >Your browser does not support HTML5 Canvas.</canvas>
<div id="layers"></div>
<div id="controls">
<div id='chart'></div>
<button id="add-co2-button">Add CO2</button>
<button id="subtract-co2-button">Subtract CO2</button>
<span id="co2-output" class="output digits3"></span>
<li class="output">
Temperature: <span id="temperature-output"></span>
<label for="albedo-slider">Albedo:</label>
<span class="slider-units">0 <input id="albedo-slider" type="range" min="0" max="1" step="0.01"/> 1</span>
<label for="sun-brightness-slider">Sun Brightness:</label>
<span class="slider-units">0 <input id="sun-brightness-slider" type="range" min="0" max="200" step="1"/> 200</span>
<button id="add-clouds-button">Add Cloud</button>
<button id="subtract-clouds-button">Subtract Cloud</button>
<span id="co2-output" class="output digits3"></span>
<div id="playback-controls">
<button id="reset-button">Reset</button>
<button id="play-button">Play</button>
<button id="step-button">Step</button>
<button id="stop-button">Stop</button>
Model Ticks: <span id="tick-counter"></span>
var addCO2Button = document.getElementById("add-co2-button"),
subtractCO2Button = document.getElementById("subtract-co2-button"),
albedoSlider = document.getElementById("albedo-slider"),
sunBrightnessSlider = document.getElementById("sun-brightness-slider"),
co2Output = document.getElementById("co2-output"),
temperatureOutput = document.getElementById("temperature-output"),
addCloudsButton = document.getElementById("add-clouds-button"),
subtractCloudsButton = document.getElementById("subtract-clouds-button"),
resetButton = document.getElementById("reset-button"),
playButton = document.getElementById("play-button"),
stopButton = document.getElementById("stop-button"),
stepButton = document.getElementById("step-button"),
tickCounter = document.getElementById("tick-counter"),
temperatureFormatter = d3.format("3.1f"),
countFormatter = d3.format("3f"),
ticks = 0,
function setupControls() {
albedoSlider.value = ClimateModel.getAlbedo();
sunBrightnessSlider.value = ClimateModel.getSunBrightness();
addCO2Button.onclick = function() {
subtractCO2Button.onclick = function() {
addCloudsButton.onclick = function() {
subtractCloudsButton.onclick = function() {
albedoSlider.onchange = function() {
sunBrightnessSlider.onchange = function() {
resetButton.onclick = function() {
playButton.onclick = function() {
stopButton.onclick = function() {
stepButton.onclick = function() {
function updateTickCounter() {
ticks = ClimateModel.ticks;
tickCounter.textContent = ticks;
graphOptions = {
title: "Temperature vs Time (model ticks)",
xlabel: "Time (ticks)",
ylabel: "Temperature",
xmax: 2000,
xmin: 0,
ymax: 40,
ymin: -10,
xTicCount: 4,
xFormatter: "3.3r",
sample: 1
graph = Lab.grapher.realTimeGraph('#chart', graphOptions);
d3.timer(function(elapsed) {
if (ClimateModel) {
var temperature = ClimateModel.getTemperature(),
co2Count = ClimateModel.getCO2Count();
temperatureOutput.textContent = temperatureFormatter(temperature);
co2Output.textContent = countFormatter(co2Count);
if (!ClimateModel.animStop) {
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