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Last active May 21, 2019 13:53
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module Decode2 exposing (Images, Part, Status(..), flags, images, jsonFlags, jsonStatus, jsonImages, jsonName, jsonPart, jsonParts, jsonPartInvalid, name, part, status)
import Json.Decode as D
-- Inspired by Joël Quenneville's article:
type alias Flags =
{ parts : List Part
, images : Images
type alias Part =
{ name : String
, status : Status
type Status
= Queued
| Started
| Complete
type alias Images =
{ wetPinkTulipSmall : String
, fivePointedStar : String
jsonStatus =
""" { "status": "Started" } """
jsonName =
""" { "name": "widget" } """
jsonPart = """ { "name": "widget", "status": "Started" } """
jsonPartInvalid = """ { "name": "widget", "status": "Empty" } """
jsonParts = """ [ { "name": "flywheel", "status": "Queued" }, { "name": "widget", "status": "Started" } ] """
jsonImages = """ { "wetPinkTulipSmall": "wet-pink-tulip-small.7a719004.jpg", "fivePointedStar": "Five-pointed_star.e025873b.svg" } """
jsonFlags = """ { "parts": [ { "name": "flywheel", "status": "Queued" }, { "name": "widget", "status": "Started" } ], "images": { "wetPinkTulipSmall": "wet-pink-tulip-small.7a719004.jpg", "fivePointedStar": "Five-pointed_star.e025873b.svg" } } """
parseStatus : String -> Result String Status
parseStatus string =
case string of
"Queued" -> Ok Queued
"Started" -> Ok Started
"Complete" -> Ok Complete
_ -> Err ("Invalid status: " ++ string)
fromResult : Result String a -> D.Decoder a
fromResult result =
case result of
Ok a -> D.succeed a
Err errorMessage -> errorMessage
status : D.Decoder Status
status =
(D.field "status" D.string) |> D.andThen (fromResult << parseStatus)
name : D.Decoder String
name =
D.field "name" D.string
part : D.Decoder Part
part =
D.map2 Part
images : D.Decoder Images
images = D.map2 Images
(D.field "wetPinkTulipSmall" D.string)
(D.field "fivePointedStar" D.string)
flags : D.Decoder Flags
flags = D.map2 Flags
(D.field "parts" (D.list part))
(D.field "images" images )
-- import Json.Decode as D
-- import Decode2 exposing (..)
-- D.decodeString status jsonStatus
-- > Ok Started : Result D.Error Status
-- D.decodeString name jsonName
-- > Ok "widget" : Result D.Error String
-- D.decodeString part jsonPart
-- > Ok { name = "widget", status = Started }
-- > : Result D.Error Part
-- D.decodeString part jsonPartInvalid
-- > Err (Failure ("Invalid status: Empty") <internals>)
-- > : Result D.Error Part
-- D.decodeString (D.list part) jsonParts
-- > Ok [{ name = "flywheel", status = Queued },{ name = "widget", status = Started }]
-- > : Result D.Error (List Part)
-- D.decodeString images jsonImages
-- > Ok { fivePointedStar = "Five-pointed_star.e025873b.svg", wetPinkTulipSmall = "wet-pink-tulip-small.7a719004.jpg" }
-- > : Result D.Error Images
-- D.decodeString flags jsonFlags
-- Ok { images = { fivePointedStar = "Five-pointed_star.e025873b.svg", wetPinkTulipSmall = "wet-pink-tulip-small.7a719004.jpg" }, parts = [{ name = "flywheel", status = Queued },{ name = "widget", status = Started }] }
-- : Result D.Error Flags
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