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Created March 13, 2013 21:50
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object foo {
var comparisons = 0 //> comparisons : Int = 0
class Foo {
override def equals(other: Any) = { comparisons += 1; super.equals(other) }
class Bar extends Foo
class Baz extends Foo
val s1: Set[Foo] = Seq.fill(10)(new Bar).toSet //> s1 : Set[foo.Foo] = Set(foo$$anonfun$main$1$Bar$1@1529d183, foo$$anonfun$ma
//| in$1$Bar$1@7d1f0c98, foo$$anonfun$main$1$Bar$1@1740f55, foo$$anonfun$main$1$
//| Bar$1@c8a3c71, foo$$anonfun$main$1$Bar$1@6a9a9631, foo$$anonfun$main$1$Bar$1
//| @2009d3af, foo$$anonfun$main$1$Bar$1@47862525, foo$$anonfun$main$1$Bar$1@548
//| ccbe7, foo$$anonfun$main$1$Bar$1@37f0c4d2, foo$$anonfun$main$1$Bar$1@4afaa1a
//| 4)
println(comparisons) //> 20
comparisons = 0
s1 contains (new Baz) //> res0: Boolean = false
println(comparisons) //> 0
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