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Created March 21, 2017 11:12
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A WP-CLI command to import a CSV of venues

Import Venues WP CLI command

Installation / Usage

  • Install WP-CLI
  • Install and activate this plug-in (as any other WordPress plugin)
  • In the command line run wp eo venue import --help for details on how to run the script

Running the script

Always run --dry-run first to check how the venues will be created:

wp eo venue import /path/to/my/venues.csv --dry-run

The script assumes that the columns of the CSV are, in order:

  • name
  • description
  • city
  • state
  • country
  • latitude
  • longtitude

By default it assumes a comma delimiter is used. You can change this with the --delimiter:

# Importing file that uses the semicolon delimiter
wp eo venue import /path/to/my/venues.csv --delimiter=semicolon --dry-run

# Importing file that uses the tab delimiter
wp eo venue import /path/to/my/venues.csv --delimiter=tab --dry-run

If the first row is a header row, and should not be imported, use the --skip-first-row flag:

# First row is ignored:
wp eo venue import /path/to/my/venues.csv --skip-first-row
Plugin Name: Import Venues WP CLI command
Plugin URI:
Description: Adds `wp eo venue import <path-to-file>` command.
Author: Stephen Harris
Version: 0.1
// Exit if accessed directly
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ){
if ( ! defined( 'WP_CLI' ) ){
class EO_Venue_CLI_Command extends \WP_CLI_Command {
* The venue properties in the order they appear in the CSV file:
protected $column_map = array(
* Import venues from a CSV file.
* [<file>]
* : Import venues from thie CSV file
* [--dry-run]
* : Parse the CSV file but do not create any venues
* [--skip-first-row]
* : Do not use the first row to import venues
* [--delimiter=<value>]
* : One of , ';' or tab
* wp eo venue import ~/venues.csv --skip-first-row --dry-run
* wp eo venue import ~/venues.csv --delimiter=; --dry-run
* wp eo venue import ~/venues.csv --delimiter=tab
public function import( $args, $assoc_args ) {
//TODO tab/semicolon delimiter!
$assoc_args = array_merge( array(
'delimiter' => ',',
'dry-run' => 0,
'skip-first-row' => false,
), $assoc_args );
if ( strtolower( $assoc_args['delimiter'] ) === 'tab' ) {
$assoc_args['delimiter'] = "\t";
if ( strtolower( $assoc_args['delimiter'] ) === 'semicolon' ) {
$assoc_args['delimiter'] = ";";
if ( strtolower( $assoc_args['delimiter'] ) === 'comma' ) {
$assoc_args['delimiter'] = ",";
if ( ! in_array( $assoc_args['delimiter'], array( "\t", ",", ";" ) ) ) {
WP_CLI::error( "Unexpected delimeter. Expected --delimiter=';', --delimiter=, or --delimiter=tab " );
$file = array_shift( $args );
if ( ! is_readable( $file ) ) {
WP_CLI::error( "Can't read '$file' file." );
$row = 0;
$errors = 0;
$imported = 0;
if ( ( $handle = fopen( $file, 'r' ) ) !== FALSE ){
while ( ( $line = fgetcsv( $handle, 1000, $assoc_args['delimiter'] ) ) !== FALSE ){
if ( $assoc_args['skip-first-row'] ) {
$assoc_args['skip-first-row'] = false;
if( array_filter( $line, 'trim' ) ) {
WP_CLI::log( "Importing venue from row $row..." );
$keys = array_slice($this->column_map, 0, count($line));
$venue = array_combine( $keys, $line );
if ( $assoc_args['dry-run'] ) {
$args = array(
'format' => 'table',
'fields' => $keys
$formatter = new \WP_CLI\Formatter( $args );
$formatter->display_item( $venue );
} else {
$return = eo_insert_venue( $venue['name'], $venue );
if ( is_wp_error( $return ) ) {
WP_CLI::warning( $return );
} else {
WP_CLI::success( sprintf( "Venue \"%s\" created - %d", $venue['name'], $return['term_id'] ) );
} else {
WP_CLI::warning( "Skipping row $row, as it is empty." );
fclose( $handle );
if ( $imported == 0 || $errors > 0 ) {
WP_CLI::warning( "Imported $imported venues. $errors venues not imported." );
} elseif ( $assoc_args['dry-run'] ) {
WP_CLI::success( "Dry run. Found {$imported} venues." );
} else {
WP_CLI::success( "Imported $imported venues." );
WP_CLI::add_command( 'eo venue', 'EO_Venue_CLI_Command' );
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