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Created January 4, 2015 23:11
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Monad Transformer advice outline
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Random
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Seq as Seq
import Control.Monad.Par
import Control.DeepSeq
data ProblemParams = ProblemParams {
get_alpha :: !Double
, get_beta :: !Double
} deriving (Show)
data Answer = Answer {
ans_val :: Double
, ans_descr :: String
} deriving (Show)
type App a = RandT (ReaderT ProblemParams Par a)
type Point = [Double]
-- The main functionality of the code is to,
-- for a given ProblemParams, solve a problem.
-- Some of that problem consists of the evaluation
-- of pure functions (e.g. sim_f1, sim_f2)
-- One part of this problem requires Monte Carlo simulation
-- and hence the need for the average of sim_f3 for a
-- sampled set of points.
-- These are representative of the types of functions I have
-- and the general layout of my code
sim_outer :: ProblemParams -> [Point] -> Answer
sim_outer pp xis = ans
y1 = sim_f1 pp
y2 = sim_f2 pp
-- y3 requires Monte Carlo Simulation, which is somewhat
-- slow and so I am using the Par monad to parallelize.
y3 = mean $ runPar $ parMap (sim_f3 pp) xis
ysum = y1 + y2 + y3
ans = Answer ysum (sim_descr pp)
sim_f1 :: ProblemParams -> Double
sim_f1 pp = 2.0 * (get_alpha pp)
sim_f2 :: ProblemParams -> Double
sim_f2 pp = 1.0 + (get_beta pp)
sim_f3 :: ProblemParams -> Point -> Double
sim_f3 pp point = ((get_alpha pp) + (get_beta pp)) * (sum point)
sim_descr :: ProblemParams -> String
sim_descr pp = "alpha = " ++ (show (get_alpha pp)) ++ ", beta = " ++ (show (get_beta pp))
pp0 = ProblemParams 1.0 2.0
-- what is the best way to put all of this together, such that
-- 1. Utilize ReaderT to pass ProblemParams to sim_* functions
-- 2. Use runApp rather than runRandT, e.g. I want to see how RandT is used in a transformer context
-- 3. What else can I do, stylistically, to make this nicer?
-- runApp :: App a -> a
-- runApp app = runRandT $ runReaderT $ runPar app
-- simulation :: ProblemParams -> App a
-- simulation = do
-- points <- sample_points -- RandT here?
-- res <- sim_outer pp sample_points -- Reader to pass in pp to all sim_* functions
-- descr <- sim_descr pp
-- return $ Answer res descr
-- What should main look like?
-- main = do
-- res <- runApp (simulation pp0)
-- print res
-- the plan is to have this be a "server" which receives ProblemParams objects over
-- JSON, runs the simulation, packges up Answer in a JSON, and sends the results back.
main = do
gen <- newStdGen
(pts, g') <- runRandT (sample_points pp0 1000) gen
let res = sim_outer pp0 pts
print res
-- helpers
-- | Get n points uniformly distributed between 0 and 1
unifn :: (RandomGen g, Monad m) => Int -> RandT g m [Double]
unifn n = sequence (replicate n unif)
-- | Get a point uniformly distributed between 0 and 1
unif :: (RandomGen g, Monad m) => RandT g m Double
unif = getRandomR (0,1)
mean :: [Double] -> Double
mean = go 0 0
go s l [] = s / fromIntegral l
go s l (x:xs) = s `seq` l `seq`
go (s+x) (l+1) xs
chunk :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
chunk _ [] = []
chunk n xs = as : chunk n bs where (as,bs) = splitAt n xs
sample_points :: (RandomGen g, Monad m) =>
-> Int -- ^ Number of points to sample
-> RandT g m [Point]
sample_points pp n = do
let width = 10
let npts = n * width
samples <- unifn npts
return $ chunk n samples
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