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[Medium] How to Choose the Best Nearest Neighbors Algorithm

How to Choose the Best Nearest Neighbors Algorithm

All the code snippets for How to Choose the Best Nearest Neighbors Algorithm Medium post Link

conda create -n ann python=3.6 jupyterlab -y
conda activate ann
git clone
cd ann-benchmarks/
pip install -r requirements.txt
python --proc=8
pip install --upgrade pandas scipy
mkdir data
# Paste this code to the end of ann-benchmarks/ann-benchmarks/
def custom_dataset(out_fn, test_ratio, distance):
# Function to handle our custom dataset
import pandas as pd
# Read the Data Frame
# out_fn is of the form 'data/<dataset-name>.hdf5'
df = pd.read_pickle(out_fn.split('.')[0]+'.pkl')
# Convert single embedding column to numpy list of lists
X = pd.DataFrame(df['emb'].tolist()).to_numpy()
# Split Train and Test
X_train, X_test = train_test_split(X, test_size=test_ratio)
# Write HDF5 Output
write_output(X_train, X_test, out_fn, distance)
# Create a new dictionary element to call our new function
# 20% of rows used as Test Set
# Euclidean distance used as measure for finding neighbors
DATASETS['custom-euclidean'] = lambda out_fn: custom_dataset(out_fn, test_ratio=0.2, distance='euclidean')
python --dataset='custom-euclidean' --parallelism=14
sudo /opt/conda/envs/ann/bin/python --dataset=custom-euclidean --y-log
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