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Created July 17, 2018 20:32
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An up-powered lambda fn for running axe-core
const chromium = require('chrome-aws-lambda');
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
const axeCore = require('axe-core');
const { createServer } = require('http');
const { parse: parseURL } = require('url');
const { PORT = 3000 } = process.env;
const analyze = async url => {
let browser;
let results;
try {
// Setup Puppeteer
browser = await puppeteer.launch({
args: chromium.args,
headless: chromium.headless,
executablePath: await chromium.executablePath
// Get new page
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto(url);
// Inject and run axe-core
const handle = await page.evaluateHandle(`
// Inject axe source code
// Run axe
// Get the results from ``.
results = await handle.jsonValue();
// Destroy the handle & return axe results.
await handle.dispose();
} catch (err) {
// Ensure we close the puppeteer connection when possible
if (browser) {
await browser.close();
// Re-throw
throw err;
await browser.close();
return results;
const server = createServer((req, res) => {
// Ensure ?url= was provided
const { query = {} } = parseURL(req.url, true);
const { url } = query;
if (!url) {
res.writeHead(400, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' });
res.end('URL required');
// Analyze the URL
.then(results => {
res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' });
res.end(JSON.stringify(results, null, 2));
.catch(err => {
console.error('Runtime error', { error: err.message, stack: err.stack });
res.writeHead(500, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' });
res.end(err.message || 'Unknown error');
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