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Created April 16, 2010 06:46
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Save stephenmcd/368104 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Format different entry types from Google Buzz
* ghetto life stream script for
* The main function of this script is to use the feed provided by Google Buzz
* to create a life stream of entries from various sources with specific
* handling for each different type of source. Sources are either directly
* integrated into Google Buzz such as Twitter and Flickr, or are subscribed to
* via Google Reader which when shared are then sent to Google Buzz. So far the
* following sources are handled:
* - Google Buzz
* - Google Reader
* - Twitter
* - Flickr
* - Github Gist
* - Slashdot (via Google Reader)
* - Reddit (via Google Reader)
* Other features included are a stand-alone RSS feed (for your blog) and a
* file-based caching mechanism for each external resource, namely the Google
* Buzz and blog feeds.
* Example usage:
* <? foreach (get_buzz_entries() as $entry) { ?>
* <div>
* <a href="<?= $entry["profile"] ?>"><img
* src="/img/icons/<?= $entry["source"] ?>.png"
* alt="<?= $entry["source"] ?>" /></a>
* <p>
* <?= $entry["body"] ?>
* <? if ($entry["link"]) { ?>
* <a class="more" href="<?= $entry["link"] ?>">read more</a>
* <? } ?>
* - <?= $entry["time"] ?>
* </p>
* </div>
* <? } ?>
$SETTINGS = array(
// Number of seconds to cache feeds for.
"cache_timeout" => 60 * 5,
// Relative path to store cached feeds.
"cache_path" => "db/feeds/",
// Blog RSS URL.
"blog_feed" => "",
// Constant string in buzz entries shared via Google Reader from Reddit.
"reddit_title" => "- what's new online! -",
// Constant string in buzz entries shared via Google Reader from Slashdot.
"slashdot_title" => " - Slashdot - ",
// First and last name found in buzz entries.
"buzz_fullname" => "Stephen McDonald",
// Usernames for each integrated buzz entry source.
"buzz_username" => "",
"twitter_username" => "stephen_mcd",
"git_username" => "stephen-mcd",
"reddit_username" => "stevemcd",
"flickr_username" => "stephen_mcd",
function get_cached_feed($url) {
* Takes a feed URL and caches the results in a file.
global $SETTINGS;
$xml = "";
$cache_file = $SETTINGS["cache_path"] .
preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s]/", "", $url);
if (file_exists($cache_file) && $_GET["flush"] != "1") {
$cache_age = time() - filemtime($cache_file);
if ($cache_age < $SETTINGS["cache_timeout"]) {
$xml = file_get_contents($cache_file);
echo "<!-- $url cached from $cache_age seconds ago -->";
if (!$xml) {
$xml = @file_get_contents($url);
if ($xml) {
echo "<!-- $url retrieved -->";
$xml = str_replace("media:", "media", $xml);
$f = fopen($cache_file, "w");
fwrite($f, $xml);
} else if (file_exists($cache_file)) {
$xml = file_get_contents($cache_file);
return simplexml_load_string($xml);
function time_since($time) {
* Takes a time string and returns the largest unit of time difference since
* eg: 3 hours ago or 4 weeks ago
$periods = array(
array(60 * 60 * 24 * 365, "year"),
array(60 * 60 * 24 * 30, "month"),
array(60 * 60 * 24 * 7, "week"),
array(60 * 60 * 24, "day"),
array(60 * 60, "hour"),
array(60, "minute"),
foreach ($periods as $period) {
$since = floor((time() - strtotime($time)) / $period[0]);
if ($since != 0) {
return "$since $period[1]" . ($since == 1 ? "" : "s") . " ago";
return "now";
function partitioned($start, $end, $text) {
* Return the first portion of $text surrounded by $start and $end
return array_shift(explode($end,
substr($text, strpos($text, $start) + strlen($start))));
function format_twitter($text) {
* Takes the text for a tweet and adds HTML anchors where appropriate.
global $SETTINGS;
// URLs
$text = " ".preg_replace( "/(([[:alnum:]]+:\/\/)|www\.)([^[:space:]]*)" .
"([[:alnum:]#?\/&=])/i", "<a href=\"\\1\\3\\4\" target=\"_blank\">" .
"\\1\\3\\4</a>", $text);
// Twitter usernames
$text = preg_replace("/ +@([a-z0-9_]*) ?/i", " <a href=\"http://" .
"\\1\" target=\"_blank\">@\\1</a> ", $text);
// Twitter hashtags
$text = preg_replace("/ +#([a-z0-9_]*) ?/i", " <a href=\"http://" .
"\\1\" target=\"_blank\">#\\1</a> ", $text);
$username_text = $SETTINGS["twitter_username"] . ": ";
if (strpos($text, $username_text) === 1) {
$text = substr_replace($text, "", 0, strlen($username_text) + 1);
return $text;
function format_git($text) {
* Add link to gist if gist update.
global $SETTINGS;
foreach (array("updated", "created") as $gist_type) {
$gist_text = $SETTINGS["git_username"] . " $gist_type gist: ";
if (strpos($text, $gist_text) === 0) {
$gist_id = partitioned($gist_text, " ", $text);
$gist_text .= $gist_id;
return str_replace($gist_text, "<a href=\"" .
$gist_id . "\">$gist_text</a>", $text);
return $text;
function format_reddit($text) {
* Pull title from summary.
global $SETTINGS;
return substr($text, 0, strpos($text, $SETTINGS["reddit_title"]));
function format_flickr($items) {
* Extract the images.
$text = "";
$count = 0;
foreach ($items as $item) {
$img = str_replace("_b.jpg", "_s_d.jpg", $item->mediaplayer["url"]);
if (strpos($img, "_s_d.jpg") !== false) {
$count += 1;
$url = $item["url"];
$text .= '<a href="' . $url . '"><img src="' . $img . '" /></a>';
if ($count > 2) {
$text .= '<br clear="both" />';
return $text;
function format_slashdot($text) {
* Remove "username writes" and "Slashdot" title.
global $SETTINGS;
$writes_text = " writes \"";
$writes_pos = strpos($text, $writes_text);
if ($writes_pos !== false) {
$text = substr($text, 0, strpos($text, $SETTINGS["slashdot_title"])) .
": " . substr($text, $writes_pos + strlen($writes_text) - 1);
} else {
$text = str_replace($SETTINGS["slashdot_title"], ": ", $text);
return str_replace("Read more of this story at Slashdot.", "", $text);
function format_body($text) {
* Apply some minor formatting to try and achieve xhtml compliance.
return str_replace(" &", " &amp;",
str_replace(" target=\"_blank\"", "", $text));
function get_buzz_source($entry) {
* Returns the type of Buzz entry, eg: ``twitter`` or ``flickr``.
global $SETTINGS;
$buzz_text = "Buzz by " . $SETTINGS["buzz_fullname"] . " from ";
$title = str_replace($buzz_text, "", $entry->title);
switch ($title) {
case "Twitter":
case "Flickr":
return strtolower($title);
case "Google Reader":
if (strpos($entry->summary, $SETTINGS["slashdot_title"]) !== false) {
return "slashdot";
} else if (strpos($entry->summary,
$SETTINGS["reddit_title"]) !== false) {
return "reddit";
return "google-reader";
case $SETTINGS["git_username"] . "&amp;#39;s Activity":
case $SETTINGS["git_username"] . "&#39;s Activity":
return "git";
return "google-buzz";
function get_buzz_entries() {
* Returns the array of Buzz entries, determining the type of entry based on
* the title and setting the various properties such as icon and profile URL.
global $SETTINGS;
$entries = array();
$xml = get_cached_feed("" .
$SETTINGS["buzz_username"] . "/public/posted");
foreach ($xml->entry as $entry) {
$source = get_buzz_source($entry);
switch ($source) {
case "twitter":
$profile = "" .
$body = format_twitter($entry->summary);
$link = "";
case "flickr":
$profile = "" .
$SETTINGS["flickr_username"] . "/";
$body = format_flickr($entry->mediacontent);
$link = "";
case "slashdot":
$profile = "";
$body = format_slashdot($entry->summary);
$link = partitioned("href=\"", "\"", $entry->content);
case "reddit":
$profile = "" .
$body = format_reddit($entry->summary);
$link = partitioned("href=\"", "\"", $entry->content);
case "git":
$profile = "" . $SETTINGS["git_username"];
$body = format_git($entry->summary);
$link = "";
case "google-reader":
$profile = "" .
$body = $entry->summary;
$link = $entry->link[0]->attributes()->href;
case "google-buzz":
$profile = "" .
$body = $entry->summary;
$link = "";
$entries[] = array("profile" => $profile, "source" => $source,
"body" => format_body($body), "link" => $link,
"time" => time_since($entry->updated));
return $entries;
function get_blog_entries() {
* Returns the array of blog entries using the first paragraph of text.
global $SETTINGS;
$entries = array();
$xml = get_cached_feed($SETTINGS["blog_feed"]);
foreach ($xml->channel[0]->item as $item) {
$entries[] = array("link" => $item->link, "title" => $item->title,
"body" => partitioned("<p>", "</p>", $item->description), "time" =>
return $entries;
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