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Created May 24, 2013 16:26
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A few hours of flicking through Scala tutorials, and this is my first non-copy-pasted Scala code outside of the interpreter. This is why I should just stick to Java... (Incidentally, I almost feel like I should apologise for the horrible implementation of Prim's. The focus was Scala learning, not decent code writing.)
class Node(id : Int) {
var edges = List[Edge]()
def addEdge(other : Node, weight : Int) = {
val edge = new Edge(this, other, weight)
edges = edge :: edges
override def toString() = id.toString
class Edge(val from : Node, val to : Node, val weight : Int) extends Ordered[Edge] {
// Inverse ordering; should really be external.
def compare(that : Edge) = that.weight compare weight
override def toString() = from + " <--> " + to + " (" + weight + ")"
object Main {
def main(args : Array[String]) {
val n1 = new Node(1)
val n2 = new Node(2)
val n3 = new Node(3)
val n4 = new Node(4)
val n5 = new Node(5)
val n6 = new Node(6)
n1.addEdge(n2, 6)
n1.addEdge(n3, 1)
n1.addEdge(n4, 5)
n2.addEdge(n1, 6)
n2.addEdge(n3, 5)
n2.addEdge(n5, 3)
n3.addEdge(n1, 1)
n3.addEdge(n2, 5)
n3.addEdge(n4, 5)
n3.addEdge(n5, 6)
n3.addEdge(n6, 4)
n4.addEdge(n1, 5)
n4.addEdge(n3, 5)
n4.addEdge(n6, 2)
n5.addEdge(n2, 3)
n5.addEdge(n3, 6)
n5.addEdge(n6, 6)
n6.addEdge(n3, 4)
n6.addEdge(n4, 2)
n6.addEdge(n5, 6)
val graph = List(n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6)
generateMST(graph).sortWith(_ < _).foreach(println)
// Prim's algorithm:
// * Choose a random node.
// * Place edges from that node in priority queue.
// * While queue not empty:
// * pop highest weighted edge
// * if end-point in already-included set, continue
// * else:
// * add edge to edge-set
// * add node to node-set
// * add edges from new node to queue
def generateMST(graph : List[Node]) : List[Edge] = {
import scala.util.Random
val startNode = graph(Random.nextInt(graph.length))
var mst_nodes = List(startNode)
var mst_edges = List[Edge]()
val pq = new scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue[Edge]
startNode.edges.foreach(e => pq.enqueue(e))
while (!pq.isEmpty) {
val edge = pq.dequeue
if (!(mst_nodes contains {
mst_nodes = :: mst_nodes
mst_edges = edge :: mst_edges => pq.enqueue(e))
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