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Created December 5, 2017 02:32
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* gather unordered takes an Array of promise's running them in parallel returning a single promise of their result and cancel function.
* If a error is encountered the first error will be returned, remaining unordered thunks will not be executed.
* @inputThunks Array[() => Promise[A]] an array of promises not yet started, thunks () => Promise
* @parallism number of promises to run at once
* @returns Object {
* promise: Promise[Array[A]]
* cancel: Function() to cancel
* }
export default function gatherUnordered(inputThunks, parallelism) {
let running = true;
const size = inputThunks.length;
const allCompleted = [];
let _resolve, _reject;
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
_resolve = resolve;
_reject = reject;
function go() {
if (!running) {
} else if (allCompleted.length === size) {
} else {
const thunk = inputThunks.shift();
return thunk && thunk().then(result => {
return go();
}).catch(e => _reject(e));
for (let i = 0; i < parallelism; i++) {
const self = {
promise: promise,
cancel: () => {
running = false;
catch: (fn) => {
return self;
return self;
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