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Created August 21, 2023 10:15
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pgbench examples

Insert data


\set id random(1, 100000 * :scale)
\set uuid gen_random_uuid()

insert into my_table (id, uuid)
(:id, :uuid);
pgbench -h localhost -p 6006 -U $user -d $database -f insert.sql -t 5000 -c 10

Two selects


\set id random(1, 100000 * :scale)
select * from my_table where id = :id


\set id_a random(1, 100000 * :scale)
\set id_b random(1, 100000 * :scale)
\set id_c random(1, 100000 * :scale)
select * from my_table where other_field in (:id_a, :id_b, :id_c) 
pgbench -h localhost -p 6006 -U $user -d $database -t 5000 -c 10 -f query-1.sql@1 -f query-2.sql@1

Select using random values from an array

\set offset_1 random(1, 99)
\set offset_2 random(1, 99)
\set offset_3 random(1, 99)

with all_ids as (
 select unnest(array[
   ]) as id
selected_ids as (
  (select id from all_ids limit 1 offset :offset_1)
  union all
  (select id from all_ids limit 1 offset :offset_2)
  union all
  (select id from all_ids limit 1 offset :offset_3)
select * from my_table where id in (select id from selected_ids);
pgbench -h localhost -p 6006 -U $user -d $database --random-seed=0 -t 10 -c 3 -j 3 -f query.sql
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