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Last active April 23, 2019 08:27
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// Implements a convenient ListModel that contains sorted items.
// properties:
// sortKey: specifies one or more key to sort on with an optional "-" prefix to set descending order
// compareFunc: allows you to replace the default compare function with your own
// methods:
// insertSorted(obj) - uses binary search insertion sort, duplicates aren't allowed, last in wins.
// sort() - leverages from Array.prototype.sort() to rapidly sort all items to a new compareFunc
// load() - load from another model
import QtQuick 2.9
ListModel {
id: sortedListModel
property string sortKey: "value"
property var options: getOptions(sortKey)
property var compareFunc: null
onCompareFuncChanged: sort()
onSortKeyChanged: sort()
onOptionsChanged: sort()
function naturalPad(str) { return ("0000000" + str).substr(-8); }
function natural(str) { return str.replace(/\d+/g, naturalPad); }
function stringCompareNatural(str1, str2) { return natural(str1).localeCompare(natural(str2)); }
function stringCompare(str1, str2) { return stringCompareNatural(str1, str2); }
function compareValues(val1, val2) {
if (val1 === undefined && val2 === undefined) return 0;
if (typeof(val1) === typeof(val2)) {
switch (typeof(val1)) {
case "string": return stringCompare(val1, val2);
case "number": return val1 - val2;
return compareValues(val1.toString(), val2.toString());
function defaultCompareFunc(obj1, obj2) {
for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
var option = options[i];
var cmp = compareValues(obj1[option.key], obj2[option.key]) * option.ascending;
if (cmp !== 0) return cmp;
return 0;
function internalCompareFunc(obj1, obj2) {
return compareFunc !== null ? compareFunc(obj1, obj2) : defaultCompareFunc(obj1, obj2);
function sort() { listModelSort(sortedListModel, internalCompareFunc); }
function insertSorted(item, options) { listModelInsertSorted(sortedListModel, internalCompareFunc, item, options); }
function getOption(optionDef) {
var m = optionDef.match(/^-(.*)$/);
return m ? { ascending: -1, key: m[1] } : { ascending: 1, key: optionDef };
function getOptions(sortKey) { return sortKey.split(/[ ,]/).map(getOption); }
function load(model) {
if (model === null) return;
function listModelSort(listModel, compareFunc) {
var indexes = new Array(listModel.count);
for (var i = 0; i < listModel.count; i++) indexes[i] = i;
indexes.sort(function (indexA, indexB) { return compareFunc(get(indexA), get(indexB)) } );
var sorted = 0;
while (sorted < indexes.length && sorted === indexes[sorted]) sorted++;
if (sorted === indexes.length) return;
for (i = sorted; i < indexes.length; i++) {
var idx = indexes[i];
listModel.move(idx, listModel.count - 1, 1);
listModel.insert(idx, { } );
listModel.remove(sorted, indexes.length - sorted);
function listModelIndexOf(listModel, startIndex, endIndex, item, compareFunc) {
if (startIndex > endIndex) return startIndex;
var startItem = listModel.get(startIndex);
var startCmp = compareFunc(item, startItem);
if (startCmp <= 0) return startIndex;
if (endIndex <= startIndex) return startIndex + 1;
var endItem = listModel.get(endIndex);
var endCmp = compareFunc(item, endItem);
if (endCmp === 0) return endIndex;
if (endCmp > 0) return endIndex + 1;
while (endIndex > startIndex + 1) {
var midIndex = (startIndex + endIndex) >> 1;
var midItem = listModel.get(midIndex);
var midCmp = compareFunc(item, midItem);
if (midCmp === 0) return midIndex;
if (midCmp > 0)
endIndex = midIndex;
startIndex = midIndex;
return endIndex;
function listModelInsertSorted(listModel, compareFunc, item, options) {
if (Array.isArray(item)) {
listModelInsertSortedArray(listModel, compareFunc, item, options);
try {
if (item instanceof ListModel) {
listModelInsertedSortedListModel(item, options);
} catch (err) {
if (listModel.count === 0) {
var index = listModelIndexOf(listModel, 0, listModel.count - 1, item, compareFunc);
if (index >= listModel.count) {
var cmp = compareFunc(item, listModel.get(index));
if (cmp === 0) {
if (options && options.unique) {
listModel.set(index, item);
listModel.insert(index, item);
function listModelInsertSortedArray(listModel, compareFunc, arr, options) {
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
listModelInsertSorted(listModel, compareFunc, arr[i], options);
function listModelInsertSortedListModel(listModel, compareFunc, model, options) {
for (var i = 0; i < model.count; i++)
listModelInsertSorted(listModel, compareFunc, model.get(i), options);
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Thanks for this, very helpful!

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