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Created May 14, 2013 20:51
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Save stephenturner/5579435 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
## Stephen Turner (
## Script uses the t command line client (
## to search twitter for keywords stored in the arr variable below.
## Must first install the t gem and authenticate with OAuth.
## Twitter enforces some API limits to how many tweets you can search for
## in one query, and how many queries you can execute in a given period.
## I'm not sure what these limitations are, but I've hit them a few times.
## To be safe, I would limit the number of queries to ~5, $n to ~200, and
## run no more than a couple times per day.
## declare an array variable containing all your search terms.
## prefix any hashtags with a \
declare -a arr=(bioinformatics metagenomics rna-seq \#rstats)
## How many results would you like for each query?
## cd into where the script is being executed from.
DIR="$(dirname "$(readlink $0)")"
cd $DIR
echo $DIR
echo $(pwd)
## now loop through the above array
for query in ${arr[@]}
## if your query contains a hashtag, remove the "#" from the filename
echo "Query:\t$query"
echo "File:\t$filename"
## create the file for storing tweets if it doesn't already exist.
if [ ! -f $filename ]
touch $filename
## use t ( to search the last $n tweets in the query,
## concatenating that output with the existing file, sort and uniq that, then
## write the results to a tmp file.
search_cmd="t search all -ldn $n '$query' | cat - $filename | sort | uniq | grep -v ^ID > $DIR/tmp"
echo "Search:\t$search_cmd"
eval $search_cmd
## rename the tmp file to the original filename
rename_cmd="mv $DIR/tmp $filename"
echo "Rename:\t$rename_cmd"
eval $rename_cmd
## push changes to github.
## errors running git push via cron necessitated authenticating over ssh instead of https
# git commit -a -m "Update search results: $(date)"
# git push origin master
## Run with a cronjob: 00 12 * * * cd /path/to/twitterchive/ && ./
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