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Last active October 13, 2015 05:57
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Domain Setup

Domain Setup

This short list of steps will guide you through setting up your domain to launch your site as fast as possible.

  1. Log into your domain provider's website
  2. Goto the DNS editor for the domain you want to setup.
  3. For an existing main A record, set the Time to Live (TTL) to the lowest value available.
  4. Save your changes.
  5. Change the main A record's IP to
  6. Change TLL back to the original value.
  7. Save your changes.
  8. Shoot off a quick email notification to your account rep and Stephen Way letting them know of this change.


While you are waiting for the change to take effect you can track the progress of it with ViewDNS's Propagation Checker. Just type in your domain and it will tell you if the change has taken effect across the globe. Once all reigions are green it is safe to assume your site has successfully launched.

DNS Optimization

Not all DNS providers have the fastest service, but the good news is that there is a free DNS provider that has the 2nd best speed of all common providers. CloudFlare makes it easy to transfer your DNS to their service and optimize it to your liking. I personally have seen domains lookup at least 5 secconds faster per page visited. If you want your site to load up as fast as possible I recommend CloudFlare. Shoot me an email if you would like me to manage this change for you.

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Next I would like to expand on provider specific instructions like GoDaddy and Network Solutions, etc…

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