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Last active April 6, 2024 01:37
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Additive or multiplicative time series?
if(!require("ggseas")) install.packages("ggseas")
if(!require("forecast")) install.packages("forecast")
if(!require("data.table")) install.packages("data.table")
if(!require("knitr")) install.packages("knitr")
# Get data
nzdata<-nzdata[!((Account=="Capital account"&
(Account=="Financial account"&
Category=="Foreign inv. in NZ; Financial derivative liabilities")|
(Category=="Secondary income balance")),]
sample_ts<-nzdata[Account == "Current account" & Category=="Services; Exports total",
.(TimePeriod, Value)]
# Add trend
sample_ts[,trend := zoo::rollmean(Value, 8, fill=NA, align = "right")]
# De-trend data
sample_ts[,`:=`( detrended_a = Value - trend, detrended_m = Value / trend )]
# Make seasonals
sample_ts[,`:=`(seasonal_a = mean(detrended_a, na.rm = TRUE),
seasonal_m = mean(detrended_m, na.rm = TRUE)),
by=.(quarter(TimePeriod)) ]
# Make residuals
sample_ts[,`:=`( residual_a = detrended_a - seasonal_a,
residual_m = detrended_m / seasonal_m )]
# Visuals
ggsdc(sample_ts, aes(x = TimePeriod, y = Value), method = "decompose",
frequency = 4, s.window = 8, type = "additive")+ geom_line()+
ggtitle("Additive")+ theme_minimal()
ggsdc(sample_ts, aes(x=TimePeriod, y=Value), method = "decompose",
frequency=4, s.window=8, type = "multiplicative")+ geom_line()+
ggtitle("Multiplicative")+ theme_minimal()
# Auto-correlated factor
ssacf<- function(x) sum(acf(x, na.action = na.omit)$acf^2)
compare_ssacf<-function(add,mult) ifelse(ssacf(add)< ssacf(mult),
"Additive", "Multiplicative")
knitr::kable(sample_ts[,.(compare_ssacf(residual_a, residual_m ))])
# Combined function
ssacf<- function(x) sum(acf(x, na.action = na.omit, plot = FALSE)$acf^2)
compare_ssacf<-function(add,mult) ifelse(ssacf(add)< ssacf(mult),
"Additive", "Multiplicative")
additive_or_multiplicative <- function(dt){
m[,trend := zoo::rollmean(Value, 8, fill="extend", align = "right")]
m[,`:=`( detrended_a = Value - trend, detrended_m = Value / trend )]
m[Value==0,detrended_m:= 0]
m[,`:=`(seasonal_a = mean(detrended_a, na.rm = TRUE),
seasonal_m = mean(detrended_m, na.rm = TRUE)),
by=.(quarter(TimePeriod)) ]
m[is.infinite(seasonal_m),seasonal_m:= 1]
m[,`:=`( residual_a = detrended_a - seasonal_a,
residual_m = detrended_m / seasonal_m)]
compare_ssacf(m$residual_a, m$residual_m )
# Applying it to all time series in table
.(Account, Category)]
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In # Visuals part, frequency has been set to 4, but in additive_or_multiplicative function, rollmean used a frequency of 8.

As nzdata are a set of quarter data, a frequency of 4 seems more adequate.

Can you explain the differences in frequency ? Thanks a lot.

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@TuAnhPho My guess would be that you need at least 2 years of data to get the cycle of the data, and confirm that the seasonality is 4 per year.

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Thanks for this information

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