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$urlUploadImages = '../uploads/img/';
$nameImage = $_POST['nameImage'];
$data = base64_decode($_POST['strBase64']);
$img = imagecreatefromstring($data);
$width = imagesx($img);
$height = imagesy($img);
$image = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
imagealphablending($image, true);
$alpha_image = imagecolorallocatealpha($image, 0, 0, 0, 127);
imagefill($image, 0, 0, $alpha_image);
imagecopyresampled($image, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $width, $height);
imagealphablending($image, false);
imagesavealpha($image, true);
header('Content-type: image/png');
imagepng($image, $urlUploadImage.$nameImage, 0);
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