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Created July 30, 2019 07:21
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Smart-contract for auth.or
pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
contract ContentShare {
struct FileMap {
uint timestamp;
address owner;
string contentName;
string ownerName;
uint priceBuy;
uint priceRent;
uint rentDays;
string image;
string[][] comments;
uint totalBought;
uint totalRented;
uint totalPositive;
uint totalNegative;
uint earnings;
struct Customer {
uint balance;
string[][] booksBought;
string[][] booksRent;
string[] uploadHash;
mapping (string => rentAgreement) rentDetails;
struct rentAgreement {
uint boughtOn;
uint validFor;
struct totalBought {
uint total;
uint totalBought;
uint totalRented;
uint totalEarnings;
struct totalScore {
uint score;
event FileLogStatus(uint timestamp, address owner, string ipfsHash);
event BookPurchase(uint customerBalance, uint ownerBalance);
event TokenPurchase(uint customerBalance, address tokenBuyer);
string[] public hashValues;
string[] public authors;
string[] public bookNames;
string[] public prices;
string[][] public bookDetails;
mapping (string => totalScore) total;
mapping (string => FileMap) allFiles;
mapping (address => Customer) customerDetails;
mapping (address => totalBought) bookStats;
function uploadContent(string memory ipfsHash, string memory contentName,
string memory ownerName, uint price, uint rentPrice, uint rentDays, string memory image) public {
Customer storage customer = customerDetails[msg.sender];
if(allFiles[ipfsHash].timestamp == 0)
allFiles[ipfsHash].timestamp = block.timestamp;
allFiles[ipfsHash].owner = msg.sender;
allFiles[ipfsHash].contentName = contentName;
allFiles[ipfsHash].ownerName = ownerName;
allFiles[ipfsHash].priceBuy = price;
allFiles[ipfsHash].priceRent = rentPrice;
allFiles[ipfsHash].rentDays = rentDays;
allFiles[ipfsHash].image = image;
bookDetails.push([ownerName, contentName, uint2str(price), ipfsHash, image, uint2str(rentPrice), uint2str(rentDays)]);
emit FileLogStatus(block.timestamp, msg.sender, ipfsHash);
emit FileLogStatus(block.timestamp, msg.sender, ipfsHash);
function searchName(string memory fileHash) public view returns (string memory contentName) {
return (allFiles[fileHash].contentName);
function getUploads(address custAddress) public view returns (uint total, uint earnings, uint totalBought, uint totalRented) {
return(bookStats[custAddress].total, bookStats[custAddress].totalEarnings, bookStats[custAddress].totalBought,
function purchase(string memory fileHash) public {
address owner = allFiles[fileHash].owner;
uint unitPrice = allFiles[fileHash].priceBuy;
uint custBalance;
uint ownerBalance;
Customer storage author = customerDetails[owner];
Customer storage customer = customerDetails[msg.sender];
require(customer.balance >= unitPrice, "Low Wallet Balance");
custBalance = customer.balance - unitPrice;
ownerBalance = author.balance + unitPrice;
author.balance = ownerBalance;
customer.balance = custBalance;
bookStats[owner].total = bookStats[owner].total + 1;
bookStats[owner].totalEarnings = bookStats[owner].totalEarnings + unitPrice;
bookStats[owner].totalBought = bookStats[owner].totalBought + 1;
allFiles[fileHash].earnings = allFiles[fileHash].earnings + unitPrice;
allFiles[fileHash].totalBought = allFiles[fileHash].totalBought + 1;
customer.booksBought.push([fileHash, allFiles[fileHash].contentName, allFiles[fileHash].image]) -1;
emit BookPurchase(customer.balance, author.balance);
function rentTransaction(string memory fileHash) public {
uint currentTime = block.timestamp;
address owner = allFiles[fileHash].owner;
uint rentDays = allFiles[fileHash].rentDays;
uint finalTime = currentTime + rentDays * 1 days;
uint rentPrice = allFiles[fileHash].priceRent;
uint custBalance;
uint ownerBalance;
Customer storage author = customerDetails[owner];
Customer storage customer = customerDetails[msg.sender];
require(customer.balance >= rentPrice, "Low Wallet Balance");
custBalance = customer.balance - rentPrice;
ownerBalance = author.balance + rentPrice;
author.balance = ownerBalance;
customer.balance = custBalance;
customer.booksRent.push([fileHash, allFiles[fileHash].contentName, allFiles[fileHash].image]) -1;
customer.rentDetails[fileHash] = rentAgreement(currentTime, finalTime);
allFiles[fileHash].totalRented = allFiles[fileHash].totalRented + 1;
allFiles[fileHash].earnings = allFiles[fileHash].earnings + rentPrice;
bookStats[owner].total = bookStats[owner].total + 1;
bookStats[owner].totalRented = bookStats[owner].totalRented + 1;
bookStats[owner].totalEarnings = bookStats[owner].totalEarnings + rentPrice;
function getRentUpdate(string memory fileHash) public view returns (bool) {
Customer storage customer = customerDetails[msg.sender];
if(now == customer.rentDetails[fileHash].validFor) {
return false;
else {
return true;
function buyTokens(uint tokens) public {
customerDetails[msg.sender].balance += tokens;
function getCustomer(address custAddress) public view returns (uint customerBalance, string[][] memory boughtBooks, string[][] memory rentBooks) {
return (customerDetails[custAddress].balance, customerDetails[custAddress].booksBought, customerDetails[custAddress].booksRent);
function getBooks(string memory bookName) public view returns (string memory) {
for(uint i=0; i<=hashValues.length; i++) {
string memory name = allFiles[hashValues[i]].contentName;
if(compareStrings(name, bookName)){
return (hashValues[i]);
function getAllBooks() public view returns (string[][] memory) {
function allowComment(string memory ipfsHash) public view returns (bool) {
Customer memory customer = customerDetails[msg.sender];
for(uint i =0; i< customer.booksBought.length; i++) {
if(compareStrings(ipfsHash, customer.booksBought[i][0])) {
return true;
function addComment(string memory comment, string memory ipfsHash, uint sentiment, bool negative) public {
FileMap storage files = allFiles[ipfsHash];
string memory value = negative ? "true" : "false";
negative ? total[ipfsHash].score = total[ipfsHash].score - sentiment :
total[ipfsHash].score = total[ipfsHash].score + sentiment;
negative ? allFiles[ipfsHash].totalNegative = allFiles[ipfsHash].totalNegative +1 :
allFiles[ipfsHash].totalPositive = allFiles[ipfsHash].totalPositive +1;
files.comments.push([comment, uint2str(sentiment), value]);
function getComments(string memory ipfsHash) public view returns (string[][] memory comment) {
function getTotalComments(string memory ipfsHash) public view returns (uint) {
function getTotalScore() public view returns (uint[] memory) {
uint[] memory totalScoreArray = new uint[](hashValues.length);
for(uint i=0; i< hashValues.length; i++) {
totalScoreArray[i] = total[hashValues[i]].score;
return totalScoreArray;
function getBookTotal(string memory ipfsHash) public view returns (uint totalBoughtBooks) {
Customer storage customer = customerDetails[msg.sender];
for(uint i=0; i<= customer.uploadHash.length; i++) {
if(compareStrings(customer.uploadHash[i],ipfsHash)) {
return totalBoughtBooks;
function getBooksInsight(address custAddress) public view returns(string[][] memory) {
Customer storage customer = customerDetails[custAddress];
string[][] memory books = new string[][](customer.uploadHash.length);
for(uint i=0; i< customer.uploadHash.length; i++) {
books[i] = new string[](9);
books[i][0] = allFiles[customer.uploadHash[i]].contentName;
books[i][1] = allFiles[customer.uploadHash[i]].image;
books[i][2] = uint2str(allFiles[customer.uploadHash[i]].totalBought);
books[i][3] = uint2str(allFiles[customer.uploadHash[i]].totalRented);
books[i][4] = uint2str(allFiles[customer.uploadHash[i]].earnings);
books[i][5] = uint2str(allFiles[customer.uploadHash[i]].totalNegative);
books[i][6] = uint2str(allFiles[customer.uploadHash[i]].totalPositive);
books[i][7] = uint2str(total[customer.uploadHash[i]].score);
books[i][8] = customer.uploadHash[i];
return books;
function uint2str(uint _i) public view returns (string memory _uintAsString) {
if (_i == 0) {
return "0";
uint j = _i;
uint len;
while (j != 0) {
j /= 10;
bytes memory bstr = new bytes(len);
uint k = len - 1;
while (_i != 0) {
bstr[k--] = byte(uint8(48 + _i % 10));
_i /= 10;
return string(bstr);
function compareStrings (string memory a, string memory b) public view returns (bool) {
return (keccak256(abi.encodePacked((a))) == keccak256(abi.encodePacked((b))) );
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